The Confronting Christianity Podcast with Rebecca McLaughlin


Hard questions, faithfully explored. Hosted by Rebecca McLaughlin.

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  • Elaine2145
    Love this Show!!
    Rebecca is so kind, intelligent, and insightful. I learn so much from every episode and the information she shares really encourages me! This is the podcast I look forward to most! Thanks for your ministry.
  • JoBeasley
    Thought Provoking
    I don’t really listen to podcasts but I really enjoy this one. The topics feel relevant, the guests are highly qualified to speak into the questions and the flow is thought provoking and enlightening. This podcast helps me think about topics I know little about in a sensitive and loving way.
  • R.Rashad
    Love this Podcast!!!!
    Such timely and relevant conversations/topics as they relate to the Gospel and Jesus Christ!
  • michellewbee
    A refreshing perspective
    I so appreciate Rebecca and her guest’s perspective on topics that are Biblical and relevant to our culture today (because the Bible and Christianity is relevant to all peoples, places, and times). Every episode is delightfully engaging and informative.
  • MPDC1980
    An enlightening podcast
    Wonderful, accessible conversations about Christianity and faith. I’m grateful to have discovered this podcast!
  • Parent/grad student
    Fantastic podcast!!!
  • MB Low
    Thoughtful and Crucial Truths, Articulated in Grace
    I am incredibly thankful to have voices like Rebecca’s speaking into the myriad of issues in our cultural moment. While the brokenness of our world is no different than the deprived environment in which the Bible was written, there are nuances to every issue that require wisdom and discernment. This podcast is crucial for the Christian who is sincerely concerned with exegeting our culture and then being equipped to speak truth in loving ways to our friends and family who are far from Christ. It’s also extremely hopeful and deeply encouraging. Thank you, Rebecca, for your heart and dedication to following Jesus. Thanks for coming across the pond to us!
  • Field357
    Thank you!
    Just discovering your podcast and books. So very thankful for your insights and the conversations you are having. I want you to know, dear sister, you are in my prayers. And we love Doctor Who as well. : )
  • Clasher Master B
    I really enjoyed your latest with Molly’s story. We spent some time at Summit when we lived in Durham and they are good folks. The Triangle is blessed with some very good gospel communities. Keep up the great work!
  • Zoe Ixthyz
    I am learning many new and insightful facts about scripture coupled with practical applications!
    I am learning many new and insightful facts about scripture coupled with practical applicationsI would enjoy hearing a discussion on Sarai intentionally being put into vulnerable situations by her husband Abraham.
  • Elfstone19
    Love it!
    Really love the discussions. For a future topic, I’d love to hear thoughts on Evolution/Creation and what are orthodox Christian beliefs. There seem to be a lot of hybrid beliefs out there now and I’d love to hear those explained and discussed.
  • sullinsgirl72
    Mark Shepard
    It was so interesting and helpful to listen to Mark’s story.
  • sarah rudolf123
    Hopeful future topic!
    Love this podcast - full of truth, wisdom, and fantastic arguments. My main question is about Numbers but then I added other thoughts and got carried away. Hopeful that these could be addressed! In Numbers 5:11-31, it discusses the practice of women drinking the bitter water if their husband is suspicious of her adultery. I have looked all over the internet and haven't found a good answer other than "we don't completely know, it wasn't meant to be harmful to women, and it made sense at the time". Why was there no equivalent test for males? Even if the woman was found to be unfaithful, the adulterous man could get away unscathed? I can understand why bitter water was used but don't understand why there is nothing that is asked of the men or any type of "infertility punishment" for them. And of course, men definitely aren't allowed to be brought there if their wives are suspicious, it is only within the man's power. I understand that the Jesus was so incredibly FOR women. I know that most of the early church was female. However, I don’t understand how the God of the New Testament seems so different than the God of the OT when it comes to the treatment of women. Same topic-ish that could be addressed is why God calls such terrible men righteous. Noah sees Gods faithfulness then turns into a drunk. Lot offers his daughter up to be gang raped. David cries out in Psalms about sin that he completely created - asking God why sorrow won’t leave him when he was the one who cheated, murdered, and then continued to take more wives - eventually opening the door for Tamar to be raped. Solomon and David were not stoned for adultery. Abraham allows Sarah to be possibly raped on two separate occasions because he is fearful of his own death. Then God asks women to submit. Of course, submit to godly men that are dying to themselves. Righteous men. But if these are the righteous men, how is any man truly righteous enough to submit to. Christ is my Lord and Savior and I am incredibly grateful for Him and know my sin is the same as others. I know this response is full of pride and bitterness. I so desperately want to understand.
  • JustMyHO
    Just Christians giving typical Christian advice.
  • LB4Bama
    Must listen!
    I couldn’t say that a podcast has brought me to tears until now! The episode with Dr. Esau McCauley was not only informative but worshipful. The podcast as a whole is always worth my time, but that episode was beautiful. Thank you!!
  • mlr35
    so helpful & challenging
    I look forward to this podcast every week. I learn so much and really am grateful for the way y’all dive into current cultural issues and help me think about/understand them in light of a Biblical worldview and Christian belief. I feel much better equipped to enter into these conversations in my daily life after hearing y’all discuss the topic.
  • Mandy Post
    Firming my faith and convictions
    I’ve listened to this podcast from day one since Kyle promoted it on the Knowing Faith podcast. It has been such an encouragement on so many levels from current cultural topics to struggles even believers face sometimes (like doubt). I, like Kyle, am a born and bred Texan but have lived outside the US for many years serving the Lord in Europe so I appreciate Rebecca’s insight and observations on culture as well. This podcast has also been one I’ve recommended to the younger people in my life, different topics for different ones of them. It’s a great supplement to the questions or concerns I’ve heard from them so I am very grateful to pass it along. Thank you for producing this podcast, for the amazing guest interviews, and for the banter that makes me laugh along the way. It has truly bolstered up my faith!
  • 442tom
    Possible Future Topic.
    Hi guys: really appreciate the thoughtful way you confront and respond to issues! As a possible future topic, I’d also appreciate you addressing the topic of the historicity (or not) of Adam. I don’t find much written on the topic. It seems that our response as Christians is to say “we must assume he was an historical person because he’s so critical to Christian doctrine”. That may be all that can be confidently said, but I would love to hear your commentary. Thank you for your faithfulness! Tom Williams Lawrenceville GA
  • Pie-lattes
    Kyle and Rebecca are my internet BFFs for discussing a variety of Christianity topics
    I definitely enjoy listening to Kyle and Rebecca and they make me ask hard questions of my faith in the best ways.
  • ecmayky
    Asking ALL of the questions we think in our heads
    I love this podcast. I’ve been listening to Knowing Faith podcast since the beginning and this is an excellent addition to the Training the Church lineup. I discover Rebecca a couple of years ago on the TCG website and I found her talk so insightful and refreshing. It’s obvious that Kyle and Rebecca are very different people just listening to their dialogue BUT they both have a deep love for our Lord that shines through and unifies the conversation. They came out of the gate with back to back hard hitting, relevant questions treated with honesty and humility. I am here for it and you should be too!
  • T Bone Malone
    Rebecca isn’t very warm towards Kyle
    Unsubscribed because Rebecca has a passive aggressive undertone that gets unleashed on Kyle regularly. The topics are so interesting and Rebecca has had a unique experience in her faith journey, so I’m very interested in hearing the conversation but I won’t stick around to hear Kyle take any more verbal jabs. I wish I could continue listening.
  • GeorgieMH
    Important & complex topics approached w/ truth & grace
    Love & appreciate that so many topics are touched on with thoughtfulness, compassion and deep theological roots. This podcast welcomes the non-Christian & sharpens the Christ-follower.
  • Just thought you should know
    Great podcast
    This is a great podcast that discusses many issues in a fresh way. I’d love to hear their thoughts on divorce and remarriage.
  • possumguts
    Deeply humbled and thankful.
    I want to say how grateful I am for Rebecca McLaughlin. I have read nearly all of her books. As a mom of five and pastor’s wife I have desperately needed her guidance in thinking biblically about pervasive cultural issues, massively current, yet as ancient as the Garden of Eden. I have grown up walking with the Lord so His precepts are not new to me. However, I need to be taught to think. I want to think in a way that is regularly measured against the straight edge of scripture and buoyed by the love of God in the person and work of Christ. The episode with Sam Allberry is my favorite. His voice and message along with Rebecca’s gives me courage that I can love the Lord my God and also love my neighbor as myself. Thank you so very much for this podcast effort.
  • RHorton12345
    Thought Provoking
    I love getting to listen to this podcast. It’s straight to the point and helps answer tougher questions
  • SarahMuzio
    Question Submission
    In Rebecca’s book The Secular Creed in the Gay Rights Movement is the New Civil Rights Movement chapter (Chapter 3, pg. 48): "It's important to note that someone could oppose gay marriage for believers while not thinking it should be against the law....I believe that Chrisitan ethics are most attractive when they are undertaken freely." Can you take an episode to expound on that particularly to answer the question do you think as believers we should legislate morality?
  • EricJLewin
    Wrong Title
    The show should be titled Confirming Christianity. At no point do they engage meaningfully with both sides of the issues they cover. If you’re looking for an honest and open discussion of the topics that people struggle with when it comes to Christianity, this is not the show for you. If you’re happily attending an SBC/TGC church and need a confirmation bias fueled dopamine hit, you’ve come to the right place.
  • Okiesoccerplayer
    Hello y’all! Super big fan of the podcast. An episode about doubt and assurance would be pretty cool!
  • jeach1
    Great podcast! Would love to hear you guys go through an episode on reasons why to believe the resurrection actually happened.
  • Mbear54!
    Is God anti- Gay?
    Thank you for being willing to discuss this in an open, kind, respectful way, leadus to God’s word and His care for all! Every episode has been helpful, but this episode has been especially enlightening and encouraging!
  • Shar802
    Rebecca I have read every book you have written.. We need your book on friendship… Please
  • Moola maiden
    100% recommend!!
    This is such a refreshing podcast that encourages and challenges me to think. The hosts are compassionate and loving and approach difficult topics with grace and truth. Highly recommend. Question- how can one navigate family and faith when your spouse is scientifically minded and not saved? Raising kids in that environment is hard and lonely at times. However, I see it as an opportunity to let them see different points of view and think.
  • KW Florida
    Thoughtful and insightful
    Thoughtful and caring hosts discuss Christianity and challenges to it. Kyle Worley also co-hosts Knowing Faith podcast, one of my favorites. Please consider addressing my questions: Does God love everyone? Does everyone have an opportunity to choose God? I mean really and truly because if God first chooses us because we are unable to choose him then no, everyone does not have an opportunity or the ability to follow God. I don’t understand this. Thank you.
  • EllyKeuthan
    Earnest and Kind and Fun
    Those words describe the tone of this show, which is refreshing to find when asking difficult questions about God, life, and the world. Grateful for this.
  • Jonjon82
    Good start, beginning to falter
    The episodes on thinking about what we should be asking and are we correct about to Christ were fantastic. The episode with Lisa Fields just showed that Jude 3 project is using a textually critical perspective, but attempting to use the world’s method to explain the divine loses the plot. The premise that we have to apologize for the Gospel, churches, Bible, Christ for the sake of peoples pet hang-ups is ludicrous. We all have our pet thing. You can’t argue someone into the kingdom. I understand being loving, compassionate, and empathic to the individual, that’s just Christ. Ultimately the Holy Spirit, not just apologetics, changes hearts. Which was said in the last two minutes but I think should be more of a focus.
  • Caedmon Mathews
    Absolutely Amazing!
    In read the book “10 Questions Every Teenager Should ask (and Answer) About Christianity. It was one of the best books I have ever read. This podcast was nothing short of the same!
  • aricope
    An Intellectual and Grace-filled Resource
    This podcast has already got me hooked. Rebecca and Kyle are fun and inquisitive and sensitive and full of grace and consideration as they approach some hard topics that all Christians need guidance on to help better show Christ to the world and our neighbors. Can’t wait for more!
  • Joyful in Jesus
    This is a great discussion of vital topics in our day, however Rebecca is brilliant and articulate and Kyle is often childish and random, seemingly working hard to understand at her level.
  • Donald Sico
    Great Start
    I listened to the first episode and can’t wIt for the two of you to get down to the nitty gritty, or even the fitting and dabbling. Here’s my question: Why did there stop being prophets? Surely God is still speaking (inspiring?) since the 1st Century. Why is there no “Book of Rebecca” or “Book of CS” or “Book of Tish or Max or …” All truly inspired writers in my view. So I guess my question is who exactly decided that the Bible should stop?
  • allisonweeks
    Hard Questions, Humble Attitudes
    Thank you so much for starting this podcast. The church so needs to address these legitimate questions that unbelievers and prodigals struggle with in a way that is faithful to God’s Word yet humble and compassionate. CC is an excellent book. I recommend it to anyone as well as the teen version for young adults. Kyle is a great host and discussion leader. I have been enjoying his talks with Jen and JT on Knowing Faith for years. I look forward to being enriched, challenged and equipped by this new podcast. Thank you!
  • Lizziefaith
    A Topic Rarely Covered
    I am so very excited about this new podcast! I love both of you and am grateful that you are willing to take your time to cover tough topics! Speaking of… why does no one ever talk about divorce? It’s mentioned in the Old Testament and New, and the internet is full of polarized views on it. It would be so great for there to be a theologically sound place that this is covered, as it has affected so many lives within the church! Again, so looking forward to all of the topics you guys cover!
  • jostho3
    Excited about this podcast & a question!!
    Rebecca! Excited to get to “know” you more (as well as any of us podcast listeners can know their hosts) like I’ve gotten to “know” Kyle (big fan of knowing faith! It definitely gets credit for giving me the big push into getting excited about theology and especially how it leads to worship!) My question is, how are Christians to obey James to love and visit the orphans and widows, and more broadly, how are we as Christian’s to love and serve the poor? When helping hurts has been helpful with this question, but curious what your take is! Hopefully I’m not missing the scope of this podcast with this question!! (And no worries if you don’t get to it because of it!)
  • Malandrillo
    Yay!…and a question
    Just finished Confronting Christianity and starting Jesus through the eyes of women!! I had heard vaguely of your work and a friend had recommended confr.christ about a year ago but it sad untouched in my office. During a season when I was losing hope in the evangelical church, I decided to start listening to tgc’s debates and that’s when i heard you for the first time. The debate on woke culture. I was sold. My question as i am literally stting with your book in my hands is: even though i am myself complementarian, how would you debate your position on women as preachers and elders? Was surprised your book didn’t address it. PS- my mission is to bring a similar voice to yours to the Hispanic population!!!!!!! Any guidance would be so appreciated!!!
  • MJSantaFe
    Hot dog !
    If it’s as good as the book Confronting Christianity—-it will be great! Hurry up and start!
  • Sgoodbar
    I can’t wait
    I couldn’t be more excited about this podcast! I would love to hear what you guys say about the times in Scripture when someone prays and God seems to “change His mind”.
  • sluggersam1
    Eager listener
    Full disclosure: at this point I haven’t listened but I love the Knowing Faith pod that Kyle is on and the stuff Rebecca writes is gold. Can’t wait!
  • leducommun
    So so looking forward to this!
    So so excited for this. My question: Would love to hear you chat about the local church. My friend and I are reading through Acts and what we are seeing there — the daily interactions of believers—is so different from our local church experience. What do we do with that? Is our local church still a church if they aren’t doing everything prescribed in Scripture? Is it better to stay home and not be a part of a western religious Sunday morning activity? Is it okay to ignore/overlook? Do we gather in our homes instead? What is cultural and what is biblical, and how do we navigate local church life in these contexts? Would love input! Thanks 🤗
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