The Next Level

News #70Politics #26

Sarah Longwell, Tim Miller, and Jonathan V. Last bring their signature political insight and banter to the masses in The Next Level podcast. Tune in to hear them discuss the news of the week, break down campaigns and elections, and wade into pop culture feuds.

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Recent Reviews
  • A UK fan
    America is witnessing and living through its rise.
  • Gerry Ro
    Just came to say that Sarah’s brutal and necessary takedown of Sonny ultimately made listing to his asinine take on the Alito/Thomas controversy worth it. Bro you’re filling in for Tim Miller not Benny Johnson.
  • mbdtv
    Oops, it’s the 6/12/24 show
    Sorry, made a mistake on the show date!
  • b1texqj
    A weekly must for me…
    Love the dynamic that Sarah, JVL, and Tim bring to Wednesdays. I’d argue for Will Saletan to cover any future fill-in spots.
  • fateoptional
    Great when S. Bunch isn’t there.
    Just keep him off the show. Better w/only 2. His opinions on the Supreme Court were disqualifying for punditry.
  • Kay in VA
    Please do not subject your listeners to Sunny Bunch. His repeated statement that he “doesn’t care” about Supreme Court misconduct (specifically the Alito flags) on today’s podcast is white male privilege at its finest. Lucky him.
  • Chanutte
    Sonny Bunch on the Supreme Court - Uhhh
    Wow, is Sonny Bunch that ignorant of the power of the Supreme Court? How can he not see how awful Alito’s and Thomas’ behavior are to our democracy. He says he just doesn’t care, it doesn’t bother him. Man, I hope I don’t have to listen to him ever again.
  • Zyrkowski
    The crew is awesome. Sarah’s laughter, JVL’s observations, Tim’s takedowns.
  • Tarzjani
    More positive than negative
    Love the pod, here is my comment, since people listen and learn from you guys. When you say something positive about Joe Biden and turn around say something negative you put doubt in their mind. Either stay positive or don’t say anything. That’s why there so many doubters. Thanks
  • The proletariat87
    Thank you!
    As a person running for county board as a Democrat and someone whose been obsessed politics since I was 9, I really appreciate you guys. Even though I’m a civil libertarian and an economic market socialist, I find you guys mind expanding. Our democratic republic will survive if we band together to destroy the Republicans electorally!
  • Nitschke87
    Smart and Fun!
    Love the show. It’s funny how Sarah is still wringing her hands over “bloodbathgate” on the same show that discusses Biden’s supposed attempt to assassinate TFG during search at Mar-a-Lago.
  • mklfa
    Trump taken out of context:
    Solution: ads with Trump in his own words. Flood the airways . Ie. He’s proud to have reversed roe,
  • snrkgrl
    Need better audio quality!
    I discovered this podcast via Tim’s interview on Pod Save America. I really enjoy it but the audio quality is terrible! It sounds like they’re speaking into their iPhone mics. Please please invest in better recording equipment! This is a great show but not sure I can keep listening with this current level of sound quality.
  • Hungry DataHound
    Sarah’s Laugh
    Has anyone ever told Sarah her laugh is infectious? Enjoy the pod’
  • tmccaffr
    The best! 💙💙💙 funny, insightful, honest, and hopeful.
  • javs123123
    I laughed….I cried!! Excellent …Excellent!!! Come out to San Diego…Why don’t you come Here for a show??!! Doesn’t Everyone want to come to San Diego?? It’s beautiful…sunny & 74 degrees. You guys are doing a Great Job! Thank God for you All. Let’s just hope we make it out of this mess…and the Country survives the “Orange Psychopath”.
  • Chrissy_Cat12
    The voice?!
    JVL?!? The “sickness” bass voice is so shocking! God I love this show lol
  • NotTucker
    JVL is Batman!
    The JVL sore throat episode is classic. He sounded like Batman or a WWE wrestler.
  • kimiloo
    What a Wonderful World
    Need JVL to sing What a Wonderful World with that beautiful voice! With Sarah and Tim giggling in the background. Love you all. You calm this centrist’s nerves on the daily. 💕💕💕
  • kaylabean19
    one of my go to podcasts
    One of my favorite political podcasts to listen to because it’s not just doom and gloom- they are actually funny too. I just listen to the 1860s are back episode and the part about Sarah fan girling- so funny. I was laughing so hard i almost woke up my sleeping kids. we’ve all had horrible awkward moments so thanks for sharing. 😂
  • DerpyHooves22
    Medicinal Podcast: I see a guy
    can I just say Sarah's story about being unable to speak coherently around Sec. Pete Buttigieg, was so genuinely funny I had to chime in to say it uplifted my jaded heart 🖤 I recommend
  • Thisisnothere
    Josh Barro
    I guess I would have given this podcast a 4 star until JOSH BARRO was mentioned as a ‘touchstone.” I can’t imagine anything more reductive or stupid than mentioning him. Get over your teenage crushes for christ’s sake1
  • AnaInPhilly
    Great podcast but Tim constantly interrupts Sarah and it’s infuriating
    Tim interrupts and starts rambling, wasting time and sending the conversation onto some tangent. Sarah has very insightful commentary and I want to hear it! Love it when she starts ‘Her is the thing….’.
  • Missouri independent
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I missed Sarah today, but what a treat to have Will Saletan sitting in! I miss Mondays with Will on Charlie’s daily podcast - Tim, you should bring him back!
  • portlandmusiclove
    Clear, grounded, funny, energizing
    One of my favorite podcasts, and at this point, the one I listen to most regularly., Sarah, Tim, and JVL each bring a lot of honesty, clear understanding, and nuance to this complex political time we’re navigating. I appreciate how they are deeply committed to pro-democracy coalition including action points we can learn from. When they see things differently, they are really respectful and concede points, and even sharpen them together. There’s an authenticity and humor that feels really helpful even in heavy topics.
  • tammany hall
    Concerns my really long post.
    I forgot to sign my name and thought I should since I posted a very critical comment. and I forgot to give you 5 stars,so I’m doing that now. Daily listener,Richard F
  • MaciH10
    One of my favorite shows
    A fun show and great way to explore what’s going on in politics from the pov of normal people
  • atgraves15
    My new favorite pod!
    I came to know Tim Miller when I went to the Pod Save America live show in NOLA. I totally feel we are kindred spirits and feel seen when Tim goes on a rant (😂)Is it sad that that brings me joy? Great show! Love all three of you! I have gone back to the first episode and am listening on my daily drives to work in NOLA. Keep up the good work!
  • Love Michael NY
    Don’t be insecure JVL.
    Love you. Not to sound creepy but I have a a gay crush on Sarah and Tim. I’d like to hug them
  • biblio-addict
    Love You Guys! (Especially JVL)
    "The People are the problem." In my opinion, this is the most profound, and concise, quote describing our nation's trajectory into authoritarianism (thank you, JVL).
  • bearshark215
    Best Political Podcast
    I love this podcast! JVL, Sarah and Tim are great!
  • robwill518
    The Best
    You three are the best! I love your podcast every week, and I’m becoming particularly fond of the Secret Podcast. JVL and Sarah have great chemistry and keep me laughing when I’m not sharing JVLs ire over those focus group people.
  • Jimmy Timmer
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I am not on the right but I appreciate adults discussing issues like adults. Tim and Sarah do it with good humor and wit that I enjoy. JVL’s sour attitude knocks it down a star.
  • T2869
    Thanks for keeping us sane!
    I love you three!! Thanks for the great conversation, analysis & humor in these crazy times!!
  • Marcoagastelum
    Awesome Pod
    One of the best political podcasts! Love all 3 of the hosts.
  • Dockie20
    One of my favorites
    I look forward to this podcast every week. The group have a great chemistry, and are always informative. JVL makes me laugh out loud every episode, especially with his accents. I’d love to hear him sometime with my other favorites at Pod Save America. Love you guys!
  • MeiosisMan
    JVL is “anti-cone”
    JVLs background rant about ice cream cones in the most recent episode made me laugh harder than I have in a long time. Thanks guys! “Cones are barbaric”.
  • Mothra99
    Insightful and funny.
    Appreciate the dark and the light.
  • goodvsevil
    I dont think people are focused on Biden's faults
    (Which basically boils down to he's 80 and he stutters) and have forgotten the horror show that was The Former Guy; but the profit driven legacy media seems to think they can make more money that way. News SHOULD BE kind of boring- just repeating facts. But LM needs to make it, milk it, as a soap opera.
  • SWojo4
    Educational and entertaining, which is the best way to learn! I look forward to it every week!
  • Let's Make Change
    Unsure now
    I submitted a review critical of JVL’s inability to criticize Tucker Carlson’s actions because of their friendship. I received notification informing me it was submitted, but doesn’t seem to appear among the new reviews lavishing JVL with praise. I think I’ll switch to just listening to Tim on The Bulwark.
  • Crimey2
    The triumvirate
    A must listen every week! The smartest political podcast going around.
  • ResistFortWorth
    Love Tim
    I listen to every podcast he’s on…feel very in sync w his opinions about most topics. Also love the focus group reviews.
  • JNPack
    Sarah’s Always Right
    Great show - a must listen every week!
  • vcgfxggch
    Great Podcast
    You guys make it easy even enjoyable to listen to difficult and worrisome issues . I feel uplifted afterwards and look forward to more! Keep it going
  • gybuse
    The best!
    You 3 are the best team covering politics. Each of you has a different angle and you cover it all! Best pod. Also JVL voice has tones made for radio/pods. B NC
  • Bobo A Gogo
    Excellent information and commentary with the signal clearly set out from the noise.
  • Bulwark+ subscriber
    JVL made me write this
    This is the best show ever. JVL is the best. Anyone who feels differently should have their (professional) life ruined. Did I miss anything?
  • kyfanincinci
    Love every episode!
    3 smart, witty, fun hosts with great analysis of all the craziness in politics. I don’t miss an episode. All the hosts are great but JVL is my favorite because I agree with his opinions on Trump supporters 😉
  • AintWhatIUsedToBe
    I love “The Next Level”
    I’m about 40 years older than these guys, l left the Republican Party about 10 years before they did, I’m not real interested in celebrities, I do know all the musical tunes Tim has never heard of, and I admit that I also went to some pretty high-end private schools (back when women went to women’s schools). This show is so much fun - spontaneous, hilarious, serious and thoughtful. This band of semi-conservative serious people - not cliche-ridden Reaganites - has looked deep into what they find important, seen things they didn’t used to see, and yet remain true to themselves. It’s the only anti-Trump show that leaves me happy.
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