Worlds Beyond Number


Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, and Lou Wilson hang out together and use games to make up stories. It's pretty good.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jenneryy
    Love actual plays and this cast is incredible!
    I couldn’t miss the chance to hear this cast play together and I love every minute of it. Their talent is undeniable and it’s so good! Can’t wait to be along for the ride for years to come!
  • BrittanyBee1360
    How do they do it?
    Time and time again I am in awe of the improvised comedy and story telling these folks and their friends pull off. What a lovely treat for us to come and visit their fun narratives and enjoy the love they clearly have for one another.
  • AinaSul
    Ah who who
    I listen to a lot of actual plays and this is hands-down the best.
  • Joshua P Smith
    I hate this show…
    For making me have to wait so long for new episodes!!! It’s the best story I’ve experienced in a long time and I am hooked!!! Well done WWW
  • colin awesome
    Best you can get
    I just love these guys, they’re all wonderful people who I’d love to sit and have coffee with and I’d trust them to watch my cat. 10/10, ahoo hoo crackle crackle
  • NerdyBatman
    One of the best TTRPG stories being told. Incredible cast chemistry, love for the world and the story telling lead this to be an incredible journey. Start with the children's adventure on Patreon which leads into this and just gives you a full life view of each of these special characters. Brennan helps spin magic along with the cast and Taylor's production and sound design elevates this to a top tier experience. Just listen already.
  • Lalishasaurus
    Ulterior Motive
    I’m self aware enough to admit my crush on Aabria brought me here but the love of the story is why I stayed.
  • Gossip Pomeranian
    An epic new fantasy novel for your ears
    I haven’t loved a story this much in a long time. The world and characters are so vibrant and lush, I frequently think about it in the days between episodes. It reminds me so much of my favorite fantasy novels—The Sorceress and the Cygnet, Riddle Master of Hed, A Wizard of Earthsea, & Sabriel. With the roleplay so rich, it feels more like a novel than an actual play podcast, but then the game mechanics are used to level up the storytelling in the best ways. I hope this story continues for a long time to come. Thank you Brennan, Aabria, Erika, Lou, and of course, Taylor. Each of your gifts are astounding, and so many of our inner (and outer) worlds are better for it.
  • Ktpie86
    Mind Blowing
    This is one of the best stories that I have EVER HEARD. My mind has been blown several times throughout the season and I eagerly look forward to every episode drop!
  • Kamraetay
    Essential part of every morning ❤️
    These voices telling this story are as crucial to every day of my life as a cup of coffee and breakfast. I have no idea how I’d be getting through one of the worst years of my life without the peace and sense of wonder I get from each episode. Thank you for putting color back in my world I love y’all so much.
  • Rabbit8990
    An amazing and authentic story
    I have loved dnd for a long time and the story told by these four summons forth the full breath of human emotion while creating a universe that is so easy to slip into that its almost as though we were all born there. The method of story telling has us riding the rollercoaster right along side ursalon amey and sky never quite knowing what will happen next in what is the most captivating story telling in my memmory.
  • B_O-B
    Phenomenal Storytelling
    I love everything this bunch does but this is such a loveable and engaging story with the talent and phenomenal world building you would expect from these ppl. I recommend it to everyone looking for a new podcast bc it’s so easy to start and get hooked into.
  • jj7e628238
    10/10 Storytelling
    Episode 15 made me cry
  • Tonytorrico
    Maybe the best collaborative storytelling I’ve ever seen. The story is so incredible and immersive that it will drag you out of reality and put you right in the moment. Please never stop the show. It’s perfect.
  • The Trautmans
    I want to love it but I can’t
    I waited a long time to review this to see if I would get used to it as I love Aabria, Lou, and Brennan and I love the story that the four of these folks are telling. That being said I find the podcast incredibly difficult to listen to as I just think it is over sound mixed with too much happening and too many unnecessary and unnecessarily loud sound effects thrown in at random. It repeatedly takes me out of the story and it routinely takes me far longer to listen to episodes because of it. In some episodes I've even given up and read the transcripts to get the plot to go on to future episodes.
  • Momo Gogo
    Can we talk about the sound design tho?
    Not enough that Brennan is one of the most inventive and compelling DMs and storytellers. Not enough that the players, Aabria, Erika, and Lou, are so adept at reacting as and understanding the strengths and flaws of their characters that they can collectively develop powerful growth arcs and hammer these huge emotional beats. Not enough that the world is so vivid, nope, it’s not enough. They ALSO had to come thru with incredibly immersive sound design? How do y’all go SO hard???
  • Elegant Epic
    Easily the best actual play
    Worlds beyond number is easily my favorite actual play podcast. Its role play heavy, amazingly produced, masterful DMing from Brennan, well crafted characters and pc development from Abria, Lou, and Erika. I’ve laughed out loud, ugly cried, and have thrown my arms up in celebration. 11/10.
  • C. Quillz
    DnD podcasts are art now?
    Truly a remarkable thing. Perhaps the most successful piece of collaborative story-telling ever made. Stunning work from all involved. Every episode exaggerates my superlatives. The quality of the editing and sound design isn’t just a high-quality production thing. It elevates this to the level of the very best of radio drama and above every other podcast in its field. To marry this level of care to an ostensibly improvised story has never been done before. This is a special new achievement in the cosmos of creative expression.
  • BreeManteau
    New Favorite
    I listen to several narrative podcasts and while they all have their own charms, this one has risen to the top for me. The level of care they take with storytelling and character development makes me feel completely immersed. The sound design is so good, I have to listen to this with my noise canceling headphones. I also joined their Patreon, and I highly recommend it - the “Children’s Story” might be a long form character creation session, but the way they establish and delve into the PCs and NPCs (namely Grandma Wren) motivations and personalities makes the main campaign hit so much harder. Their “Fireside Chats” behind each episode are also a pleasure. 7 out of 7!
  • Thorq
    Just lost my wife’s mother two weeks back, I can’t even with how good and how real this show is. Keep it going forever.
  • mosscoveredandkind
    The Show That Keeps Me Going
    The creation of this world, and the experience to ride along has been absolutely amazing. I really am thankful that they chose to share this with us! The fox is my guy!!!!
  • LuChiChi4433
    The gods and goddesses of story telling.
    Exceptional! These four tell such a riveting story packed with emotion and adventure. Mixed with the amazing sound effects of Taylor, it is perfect to listen to at work( if you’re a massage therapist like me and have a job that doesn’t require intense focus). Well done!
  • Archmage2007
    A narrative worth the world
    I found it when searching for a dnd podcast to listen to as I was wanting to take a break from CR and I immediately fell in love with the world and story of this show, the characters. 100/10, will rant about on command
  • whataboregrr
    It's going
  • nodontdothatplease
    Legitimately my favorite DnD podcast
    Who gave them the right to make this and not advertise it harder
  • Mugenthainfinite
    Love this show with my whole heart
    One of the greatest dnd podcasts ever made
  • Madeyeshadi
    Such a talented bunch
    Great story and world building. Gorgeous sound design.
  • Pandabudd
    The god dang dream team
    I mean cmon, what more do you need. One of the GOAT dms and GOAT team of players. Perfect middle ground between NADDPOD and Critical Roll Also Taylor and fortunate horse really come through on sound design and production. Bravo
  • Cloud Rangerr
    This is my favorite story (almost) ever
    Wowowow, simply the best. Better than all the rest.
  • Cazuuuu42
    This is a gem.
    I could listen to this group tell collaborative stories forever. This is the thing I hold my breath to listen to every other week.
  • charlie harlie
    The Best Ever
    I don’t normally write reviews but I have to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you to the whole team who creates this show. These stories bring me so much joy and the characters are wonderful companions.
  • Kyser_Echoes95
    This is godd*mn incredible!
    I became a fan of this group very late (only discovered dimension 20 about a month ago,) and my best friend and forever DM (Love you Zen) introduced me to this podcast. My god. I absolutely love this. I haven’t laughed and cried at a podcast before and it’s a breath of fresh air amidst other storytelling podcasts I’ve listened to. Thank you Erika, Aabria, Lou, Brennan and Taylor for giving us something that is truly wonderful and I cannot wait to see what else this group produces.
  • s.scott_12
    Word are not Enough
    To quote Lou himself “we are out here making lv 10 moves with lv 2 characters” this magical quartet (and Taylor) are redefining a genre I love through passion, patience, and purpose. If you love stories, do yourself the favor and dive into this magical world with these magical creators.
  • funny funny me
    A Breathtaking Masterpiece
    The storytelling by Brennan, Aabria, Erika, Lou and Taylor is truly unbelievable and quite literally, breathtaking. As a fan of their work for years, it is a privilege to get to listen to them in this masterpiece. What a triumph!
  • _DawnDance_
    Best of TTRPGs, and Best of Actual Plays
    What happens when you have one of the best GMs in the world and a cast of stunningly smart expert players? You get one of the most compelling works of fiction ever made. They bring together a dream team of voice acting, collaborative storytelling and world building that will make you laugh and cry.
  • Tw1ddl3
    Brennan in his element
    I absolutely love listening to Brennan get to worldbuild. Really, really worldbuild. The enthusiasm this GM has for his world, his players, fables and folktales- it is truly inspiring. The cast is phenomenal- I was already a huge fan of all of them, and they all truly shine here. They are masters of this art of storytelling. Seriously my favorite podcast ever.
  • GoodeEgg
    Outstanding Storytelling
    So engaging and relaxing (usually LoL). Can listen to each episode over and over. Love it.
  • noahcothern
    Pure Magic
    If you are like me and Dimension 20 changed your life and made you and your whole family (who never played a game of D&D) obsessed with all things D&D, then this is perfection. Four of the best storytellers with delightful inclusion of Taylor on mic, makes this the must hear podcast of our time. The fact that it is not a scripted, revised, and well refined audiobook is unbelievable!
  • iloveeventsnowletsgo
    The Best Out There
    These folks have made an excellent show! From the most hardcore D&D minmaxer, to the lover of great fiction, to the one person who doesn’t know what a wizard is, you will enjoy the mysterious and magical tale the four hosts have begun to weave. Beautiful sound and editing from Taylor Moore wraps it all up in a beautiful bow. I can’t recommend this show enough.
  • gildedpilgrim
    the bar
    brennan, aabria, erika, and lou really take dnd shows to the next level in worlds beyond number. its a bit more serious of a show than your typical dimension 20 fare, though not without its funny moments and characters. often the game mechanics fade into the background and allow the story and characters to take really the spotlight- including some excellent prose by brennan. theyre really setting the bar with this one. this cast is the best there is.
  • fdyjjvceer
    Love this podcast
    So funny and magical and I just love every part of it
  • FiscalDave
    Brennan and the gang don’t miss
    TL:DR this podcast will shock you with deep feelings and complex worldbuilding, give it a few episodes to get the story rolling and you’ll get hooked. I’ve become familiar with Brennan Lee Mulligan’s unparalleled improv abilities regarding worldbuilding and game mastering and Lou Wilson’s hilarious full committal to comedic bits through Fantasy High and was excited to see a podcast from them, as it is more accessible that videos sometimes. Erika and Aabria were also familiar names and faces although I hadn’t seen full games with them. It took me two or three episodes to get excited about the story and to come to appreciate the characters for and despite their often abrasive personalities (*cough* Suvi) but now that I’ve caught the vision and have made my way through the whole first arc, I’m dumbfounded by the thought put into this story and by the weight of the characters’ decisions. In a way I haven’t with other actual play adventures, I felt deeply the emotions communicated by the characters and the dynamics in which they find themselves. I’m excited for continuation of the stories of Ame, Eursalon, and Suvi and will certainly stay caught up with the show in a way that I haven’t with youtube actual plays.
  • SaraInSavannah
    The gold standard of storytelling
    I have watched these four creatives on multiple shows and platforms over the years and I can honestly say that this is perfection. Their talent is truly beyond comprehension—I am never ceased to be a amazed at how each character, each moment grips me and elicits every emotion a human can go through. This is peak creativity and storytelling and collaborative effort. I don’t think anyone else does it better.
  • WardWesley
    Classic Storytelling at its Best
    While the format is RPG game setting, this is as much, if not more, a podcast of 4 world class storytellers who come to tell an engaging, engrossing, griping Bildungsroman story of three young friends discovering who they are to themselves, to each other, and to the greater world. Season 1 establishes for us that these three protagonists as they enter the doorway from child to adult-like, and stand under the threshold and possible precipice where great freedom of choice comes with it great hardship, cost, and possibly sacrifice. I cannot wait for Season 2. On top of the storytelling and in situ role playing that shows off all four actors’ impressive improvisation talents, the sound design is immersive and contributes to make you feel inside the story. The only thing to fault of this podcast is that there are not more episodes to listen to.
  • actwells
    basically obsessed.
    I want desperately to write a review as beautiful and compelling as the material I am praising, but I think it would downplay how truly hype I am about this podcast. And what a waste that would be. THIS PODCAST IS IT! The voice acting slaps. The sound mixing is masterful. The world of the story is captivating! It’s my new favorite podcast. You’ve outdone yourselves and should be so proud of what you’ve created!
  • Swimmyswimswim
    I’ve seen each of these performers on Dimension 20 and loved their stuff, and their chemistry and storytelling skills really shines here too. The care and compassion that has gone into the world and it’s characters is truly stunning, and I’m so excited to tune into more adventure arcs for the Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One, along with the smaller side campaigns, and any future stories.
  • Jennamarie37
    Magic, Wonder, Depth, Care
    The storytelling this team creates together in this multi-layered and textured world is so full of heart, fun, and wisdom that I find myself delighted and inspired every. single. episode. Thank you for the lift you’ve given my soul! What a gift to experience!
  • Turttle775
    Pure joy
    Absolutely worth the listen
    Like pumping a fantasy theme park into your ears, coasters, snacks, and all!
  • Old_Segark
    Absolutely captivating!
    It’s like reading LoTR for the first time.
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