This American Life


Each week we choose a theme. Then anything can happen. This American Life is true stories that unfold like little movies for radio. Personal stories with funny moments, big feelings, and surprising plot twists. Newsy stories that try to capture what it’s like to be alive right now. It’s the most popular weekly podcast in the world, and winner of the first ever Pulitzer Prize for a radio show or podcast. Hosted by Ira Glass and produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago.

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Recent Reviews
  • Barge Guy
    I just finished the four part (?) series chronicling the trials of a Palestinian family and what their life has been reduced to; endless migration, anguished decisions and a former life that is destroyed right before them. Unbelievable because not once do they point out the fact that it is the IOF (Israeli Occupational Forces)that is responsible for the misery and suffering of this family. Unbelievable because they can get that close to these people and their hardships without mentioning the genocidal government causing all this death and destruction. Simultaneously ignoring the fact that the target audience has funded the murder of women and children with their tax dollars. 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱 Unbelievable because they apparently think the conflict started October 7, 2023. They completely ignore the 75 years of displacement, assignations & racism the Zionist state of Israel has imposed on the very people they are interviewing. They somehow have convinced themselves that if they display the heartbreak enough it alleviates them of the responsibility to point out the cause of the atrocities. Unbelievable!
  • NorCal Opinions
    Another 1 star review
    What can I say that pretty much every 2024 review hasn’t already said?
  • AmyOddio
    Do you realize?
    835 Children of Dave - Boen Wang This episode by Boen Wang drew me back into TAL after years of being away. What a great listen! I love the sound and music editing; it’s perfect.
  • Thisbeanisnottaken
    Only Certain American Lives
    I used to love TAL. Increasingly, the “American life” it stories is very, very narrow - one worldview allowed and if you don’t hold it, we’ll portray you in a bad light. Sad. Episode 835 is the one that prompted me to finally write a review. (Boen Wang’s emotional and thought problems were not caused by what he describes. He would have had them regardless of his experiences, it seemed evident by how he shared them.) I can hope for true diversity of American life in future episodes. But I’m not holding my breath.
  • Jen from State Farm
    Very liberal in political leaning
    I used to be a huge fan for many years, until they started in with a lot of political opinion pieces or their new anti-Christian views. Those episodes get deleted w/out a listen. When it talks about personal stories, slices of life, those are the stories that I love, and they do them so well.
  • Larsen Crew
    Stands the test of time as my fave podcast!
    I have been listening to podcasts for years and one of the first ones I followed was TAL. It is by far a favorite and staple in my weekly routine. Recently, I had a nine hour drive to the beach and I listened to TAL the entire way- I laughed and was completely engaged in listening which made the driving go by quickly and I was in a great mood and learned SO much along the way. The themes, music, and of course Ira’s voice (and the other hosts voices) are truly part of the draw! Thank you all for the hard work you put into this show and your dedication to your craft- it is truly a pleasure to listen!!
  • Fabian_LA
    Love the show. But it sounds like Ira is eating and talking at the same time. A little annoying.
  • Yellowtales
    Unbelievably captivating stories
    I remember some time about 20 years ago, before smartphones, scanning the car radio because I was tired of the same music on repeat. I stopped on the Public Media station because there was a girl telling her story that instantly caught my attention and drew me in. Unfortunately I arrived at my destination and had get out of the car but I sat in the parking lot as long as I could mesmerized by the story and hoping for a commercial break where someone would tell me what I was listening to. I was never a fan of any radio program but this was just different. I eventually found out the program was called “This American Life” and I’ve been a devoted fan ever since. The stories run the gambit if emotions and it is VERY rare I encounter an episode that I don’t enjoy. Thank you Ira and crew for the hard work and crafting such amazing stories.
  • bxtsjavzhxuxbzfsksosv
    Love the show
    Love the fact that it talks about politics and funny dumb stuff, crime, and rats By far is the best show I’ve listened to.
  • Ricky R Richard
    Has potential
    This show has had some great episodes. However it isn’t really a snapshot of American life anymore as frequently the host or correspondents are not even from the US. Either change the name of the show or hire people who are actually from the country the show is supposed to represent.
  • JovialJune
    That American Life
    Hello, I was wondering what happened to That American Life? It can’t have been a fever dream I had because I loved that show. Are the episodes archived in the TAL vault, I would love to listen again. TYSM!
  • BV88
    The best
    I am a hard core true crime listener but this podcast hits me in the feels and makes me smile. I can re-listen to all the episodes without getting tired of it. I love it so much.
  • lily-creosote
    Well done!
    Yousef’s story is everything to help this American and her life understand the world at large. Thank you so much for your diligence in opening my world.
  • SlothSlays
    Thank you for the update on Yousef!
    For the past few weeks, I have been wondering what has happened to him and his family with everything going on in Gaza and the attacks in Rafah. That was where we were left last time which was awhile ago. This is the realest testament of what is going on.. I am so glad they have survived.. thank you for making this more real for us on the other side of the world.
  • LoveDelilah
    How did Yousef raise the money??
    Pretty telling why you’re not pushing him to share this particular story. Also, “seemed like Hamas had accepted the cease fire resolution” but then there was no cease fire…. But of course you don’t say “because Hamas lied and changed the conditions”. Flour is $200 a bag when it is coming in for free from aid organizations…. Why? Your insistence on completely ignoring the horrible environment Hamas has created in Gaza is astounding. Also, yousef was able to travel outside of Gaza for his job, so was Bushra featured in this episode from the West Bank. She said her family in Gaza had nice homes and lives but were supposed to believe it’s an “open air prison”. And sorry but Yousef’s whole “born a refugee, returned to refugee” ring a hollow. The “refugee” arrangements for unwra are so cushy. He had a nice apartment and a good job.
  • Fiorella 👻
    Thank you for this show
    My mental capacity for global awareness flourishes with every listen. I am grateful for this show’s voice!
  • please talk better
    very frustrating
    I look forward to this show every week so it's extremely frustrating when American life repeatedly double dips and uses other podcast I've already heard. What is the point of paying for the New York Times audio app so I can get this a "day early" when really I'm not getting it a day early I'm just being fed the same podcast I already heard. Also disappointed by the frequent war stories that take place in other countries; I look forward to the podcast as an escape all week. Hearing war stories is not an escape. While it is interesting and important, it is stressful. And I don't see why it qualifies as a topic that pertains to a show called This American Life. I wish it were another podcast altogether, since it embodies a very different mood and thereby mental space.
  • Zakaria_Iran
    October 7
    I wonder what Yosef think about Hamas? The truth is Palestinians overwhelmingly support October 7. One poll shows %72 said October 7 was a correct move. If you hide criminals and celebrate rapping women then there should be consequences.
  • Troyky
    So over half the new stories are about places outside America like the UK or Gaza. It’s time to change the name to be honest.
  • Jewsfortheright
    Never listening again
    This used to be a decent show. Now it is so dripping with political leftist bias, that it’s become a blatant propagandist mouthpiece for the DNC. The piece by so called “journalist” Dana Ballout was so outwardly anti-semitic that it’s troubling that she’s allowed in the US. The Trump derangement runs deep in Ira Glass to allow this drivel. He’s so driven by his self-hatred of his Jewish religion; he should be embarrassed. Buh-bye.
  • F&Kay
    No discussion about the hostage’s family and their plight. Really disappointed with this show!
  • NBA heavy user
    The Death of This American Life
    This used to be one of my favorites, great human stories, an interesting theme, sometimes funny, sometimes moving. Now it turned to cliche of the worst kind of political show.. Siding with Al-Kaida terrorists??? Feeling sorry for a terrorist trying to blow up innocent people? Siding with Hamas terrorists and biased stories about Gaza? Should you change your title to This Americans Death? It’s such a shame taking a great show and making it yet another biased, manipulative, divisive and political with themes that everyone can get in 500 other political shows.
  • Brett42891
    Great most of the time, sometimes too Newsy
    I listen to this show to hear about average people and funny , common or interesting situations. I can relate to a lot of it. What I don’t like is when the show almost becomes another news podcast. I can go to a million other places for Gaza stories or Trump stuff. So that part I don’t like. But when it sticks to what it normally does , there is no better podcast.
  • Chaichai18
    Loved when this show was about AMERICAN LIFE
    Not really interested in the sagas of other nationalities- have other podcasts for that. How about sticking to This AMERICAN life?!
  • Inginious
    Years of review
    Used to be great show, but now you have some pessimistic people expelling negativity in their reporting. Everything is depressing when they report. Then you have others that READ their reporting; he said, she said, etc... no background noise, no production value, just someone reading an experience 🥱 …update 2 (2 years after first review): I’m done with this show, SJW nonsense! This “garden warriors” episode protest was the final coffin 🤮🤮🤮 …update 3 (3 years after first review): Yup, still horrible. Left leaning and garbage reporting that propagates debunked myths… wow, thought it had changed, but just keeps getting worse …update 4 (6/2024): Full blown TDS
  • Seraphina14
    Episode 833 Act 2 - Terrifying & Hilarious
    Werner Herzog as the poetic voice of an AI bot directed to write poetry is first, a massive laugh & then shocking. … I’ve listened to This American Life since it started; it still moves and surprises me each week.
  • szdowd
    Wish it wasn’t so one sided politically
    Sometimes is just nice to not have to listen to political chatter, especially such one sided chatter. TAL offers such insightful and interesting narratives from unbiased points ov view (usually) UNTIL it discusses politics. Such a shame.
  • ChrisPowers
    This Show Fell Off
    The politically driven motives have become overwhelming, making it hard to continue listening. The agenda against the GOP, particularly Trump, is increasingly obvious. I've enjoyed this show for many years, but I can no longer listen to it. It's not that I believe politics shouldn't be discussed, but the extreme one-sidedness is frustrating. I don't align with any political party, as I believe they're all flawed, but this show clearly goes out of its way to shape opinions. It's disappointing.
  • Nelli B0099
    Love! Love! Love!
    I’ve been listening to this show for decades and it’s still the podcast I’m most excited about when a new episode drops.
  • Annabella D2
    Please leave politics out of your podcasts
    I really enjoy this American life. I am a lot ng time listener but lately you have been bringing in politics to the content. I am not interested in politics and political content. Please stick to what you do o so amazingly well and leave the politics out of your otherwise awesome content. I will stop listening if you continue to focus on politics.
  • Jenniferdd
    I’ve listened to and loved TAL for what feels like my lifetime ….. I listen to ESCAPE the political nightmare that has become our country, on BOTH sides, not just one. Unfortunately, all it has become is unbiased (isn’t that the first rule of journalism?) reporting on topics that shouldn’t have a place here. If this is what you want to “report” on, Ira, more power to you. Please take all the hate, distain & negativity you don’t even try to hide, and do it somewhere else. The more hate you put out in the world, the more it breeds - you are no different than Trump.
  • Momoffourliz
    Favorite podcast! Always relevant and interesting.
    I love Ira’s storytelling and humor. I send most episodes to friends. We talk about the topics for hours.
  • NotU2?!?!
    When the premise of the show is …
    I enjoy it when the stories are clean and clear of bias. But shows like “retribution” are premised on propaganda/Spin and are dripping with projection! No mention of the lawfare being perpetrated against Trump and supporters. Prefer journalism to this editorial under the guise of truth.
  • NYinvestor22
    I loved this show for so many years, sad to see it cave.
  • HM805
    Manipulative and Pushing an Agenda
    The attack on the capitol?! Come on. Trump’s revenge? There is history to show that he does nothing (his threads during his campaign to put Hillary in jail), completely biased coverage on the war between Gaza and Israel… there’s a lot of great content and I used to love this show, but you’ve turned into a propaganda pushing manipulation machine.
  • M. Caringer
    The only thing Democrats hate more then racial harmony is Justice and accountability. Time to reap the whirlwind
  • SrEditorLK
    Can you spell b-i-a-s-e-d?
    A show that title’s itself ‘This American Life’ but chooses to talk about ‘Their American Life.’ It’s really sad because they could talk about ALL American’s & not just those they agree with. I choose Paul Harvey reruns over Ira every day of the week.
  • Queen TLM
    This American Life is an American treasure
    So many years in Ira Glass continues to be an example of the best of audio story telling. Thought provoking stories delivered with the superb production quality.
  • MkeY234Z62
    Propaganda on the manufactured Apple Top 100
    6-2-24 update: more propaganda. Take note of this episode #831 called Lists. It is a not so subtle threat from our increasingly authoritarian Ruling Class (funders of NPR). “Act Two: Reporter Masha Gessen talks to Russians living in America and elsewhere, about lists they’ve been put on by the Russian government in the last few years. Masha is also on one of these lists. Each list has its own complex rules and potential consequences, for the people on the lists and for their family members who live in Russia. (28 minutes)” I’d like to remind NPR that this is America. I am an American and I sure as heck won’t be intimidated by Ira Glass or NPR, haha. —-Prior review: This show was never on the top 100 list. Now there are episodes in the top 20. Ever notice it’s always in the same ranking spot now? This show has been mediocre for decades. Now it’s in the top 20! What’s changed? Well, there’s an election coming up and the feds, the media, Soros and the NPR lefty donor class are gearing up again. Instead of the usual quirky shows about someone’s high school years, we get propaganda about illegal immigrants “newcomers” and Gaza delivered in familiar characteristic halting dictation. Prepare a ration of dried bugs and enjoy all state sponsored media has to offer! They think it’s working.
  • bazie247
    Used to be a fan
    I used to be a fan, Mr. Glass. Until you profiled Gazans and abandoned the Jewish people - your people. Shame on you. After the biggest massacre on the Jews since the Holocaust. Every nation turns their backs on the Jews, and they certainly won’t care if a Jew was anti-Israel. You might want to reconsider who your people are.
  • Carla IS
    Other Guy Episode
    If a great podcast stirs emotion, this is the greatest. Had to go somewhere to say that the runner Joshua who hid his progress in the Chipotle contest is a total cheater. The banality of evil
  • joLillian TZ
    I appreciate the attention to gaza
    I want to know more about what is going on with the family in Gaza that was interviewed.
  • Podcastluvr2.0
    Mixed Bag
    4 stars because of the plethora of incredible stories, but most from years past. Like many, I have loved this podcast for years but now I struggle to enjoy it. It’s frustrating that many “new” episodes are actually reruns and so many are focused on Trump and the election. While that is valuable it’s not why I listen to TAL. There’s plenty of reporting on that. I like TAL when it’s not just a standard news report. It’s personal, it’s narrative and it takes a novel perspective on a mundane situation. I’m seeing less and less of that in newer episodes.
  • Islasmimi
    It’s not me, it’s you.
    All good reviews are from many years ago and there is a reason for this, it was a once great listen but that is no longer true. It is now Serial or something whiney, dreary and weary. Once upon a time it was well told, thoughtful stories, the kind driveway moments are made of. I miss that This American Life.
  • alda82
    Very enjoyable
    I love this podcast - great stories. I wish Ira would enunciate more, usually when first introducing a segment. But generally it’s a very enjoyable podcast.
  • niknamtaken
    Bogus “reporting”
    Everything is either a rerun of a years old episode or a reposting of an episode from another series like Serial.
  • Bunny Cub
    Stop pushing Serial
    If I wanted to listen to Serial I would. I don’t.
  • Gen'ly Cranky
    Every episode is a repeat
    Okay I love TAL but I haven’t listened for a long time because, I thought due to Covid, every episode was a repeat. Well, a year later, every episode is STILL a repeat. If y’all are in the middle of some desperate crisis, I understand, but please just put a note in the title of the episode: (REPEAT) like they used to in TV Guide. But if you’re never going to produce a new episode again, just announce it so I won’t waste my time listening to the introduction to a half-dozen episodes before deciding none are new material. Change your title to “This American Life Classics”.
  • SPTangelica
    Two Ledgers
    Poor Majid!!!! Such deplorable treatment! As an avowed terrorist he should have been treated to the same hospitality given to reporters by his brethren. Behead him on camera. Fortunately he was housed by the USA. And he lives happily ever after in Beliz making podcasts and looking for sympathy. Lucky terrorist!
  • DavidAKW
    Holding up the terrorist as a hero.
    This piece of human garbage that was the focus of your last episode was going to kill innocent people with the suicide vest. he was friends with KSM. He handed over money that ultimately led to the death of scores of people. To NPR that’s a hero. If it had been a white Christian, who had done comparable acts of evil, NPR would expect apologies from all Christians and would not stop with how bad white men and Christianity is. I truly hope NPR loses all funding. you should be ashamed of yourselves. Those who represented this episode are absolute traitors.
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