The Gary Null Show


Gary takes on the real issues that the mainstream media is afraid to tackle. Tune in to find out the latest about health news, healing, politics, and the economy.

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Recent Reviews
  • justice29999
    Great nutritionist, not so great person
    He's very knowledgeable about nutrition, but, as a millionaire, not so much about ordinary working class people. From his ivory tower, he decides that people are poor due to their poor choices, poor kids shouldn't have the right to attend college but should be plumbers instead--let them eat cake!--and women should stay in that kitchen (to bake that cake). He's just all about himself and his money.
  • The Real Grandma Honey
    The Beat!
    I listen to Gary Null for years and years. He’s brilliant. Nutrition and health is his mission in life.
  • liamwillwilhelm
    Gary is inspirational
    Gary shares valuable scientifically researched health information on nutrition, exercise, supplements, natural medicine, stress and mental health. The “health and nutrition” segment of his show is an essential part my support system that inspires me to continue to live a healthy lifestyle. His expertise in health and natural living is unparalleled and invaluable. I love that he challenges me to be vibrantly healthy and helps me understand how I can take control of my life to live happily within my own values.
  • Envor Hoxca
    Good Quality information.
    I have been following Gary since the 1970s he real does his homework.
  • LindaMiz
    Listened Gary Null back in the day…
    Found him on a podcast several years ago… Love the Health info. Although it’s important to hear about the vaccine hazard- I would love to hear hope on what one can do if we had to take the vaccine (took one round of the Pfizer vaccine for work and social events; no boosters). I’m fit and healthy and extremely young for my age … did the vaccine leave my system? A little hope would be good. Hearing all the negative is quite daunting. Please Gary, speak to the hope, tell us ( who took the vaccine against our better judgement), we are going to be okay… For the record, I’ve never taken a flu shot and I rarely ever /never get a cold or flu .,.
  • LatinoWoodsideTraveller
    As best as life can get
    Gary and his information is THE BEST GIFT that I’ve had for 18 years, he’s helped me with my health and that of my people Enormous thanks always 💝✨🙏🏻
  • Berzerk Comedian
    One of the best shows available. Gary is always interesting and informed and has a ton to say. His shows changed my life. Got me healthy. But also taught me about the power structure in America and got me to employ critical thinking in new ways. I have spent a ton of time corroborating many points made on his show and find that gary basically never gets it wrong.
  • Adam60zz
    Good health advice but...
    I’ve listened to Gary Null for decades and took a lot of his advice on health. The issue is his conspiracy theories, from 9/11 “truth” to jfk to embracing Tucker Carlson. Originally he didn’t discuss politics, while calling himself progressive, but too much of his stance now is the same as the far right. It’s sad because what he says on health is important; but whether it’s Israel or Ukraine he’s takes his listeners down many insane rabbitholes.
  • stewshirl
    Cancer info
    Hi Gary Noll I need to reach you asap Shirley Hunter RN Need your help asap Tried all contact tel disconnected or vm full Channa 26 yo stage 4 Breast ca given days to live in ct 203 832 2899 I told her about your programs can you help her 631 813 3375
  • Tiki Tak
    Honest & Empowering
    Honest with info that is life saving! Super interesting too! Stay empowered with Gary Null!
  • Fame_O
    An amazing human being
    Gary Null is one of my favorite people to listen to on podcast. He brings much comfort and information, during this time when I, and many others, are facing the vaccine mandate. For the past 8 years, I have found a renewed gratitude and appreciation for life. Listening to Gary Null is a valuable part of that life’s journey. I really appreciate his voice, wisdom, and kindness.
  • lovefinder111
    Hands down amazing
    Someone said check Wikipedia LOL. If that doesn’t say enough—- Dr. Null is a genius and I love how he shares knowledge with us all. We are living during very changing times. I appreciate you Dr. Null. Your sharing of knowledge is not in vein. Thank you.
  • Wyssio
    A Real Gem of Information
    My farther turn me own to Gary Null in the mid 80’s and I e been a fan every since. The wealth of knowledge he shares is invaluable.
  • truthb4profit
    Listener for over 15 years.
    Pretty much a lifeline. All legitimate science. All peer reviewed. Gary is Positive. He’s Empowering. We all know mainstream media is bought and paid for, very few journalists still maintain their integrity and Gary is one of them. His testimonies from patients, his data, the results, all speak for themselves. He’s transparent in his findings, he is open about everything and wants it witnessed for all the world to see, and yet they refuse to see it...they just want to claim its all a placebo!? Well we don’t need to be sick and dying to know our lives are improved by this man. We look younger. We feel younger. Healthy aging is possible. Thank you Gary! - Love, Leslie Age:36
  • KHayes1984
    Gary Null has saved my moms life
    My mom was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in 1992 and it at the time killed you over a period of time. My mom was in good health but came across it. She was 300lbs and growing from the steroids and her health was bad. She looked up natural ways to cure her self and Gary Null knew the way, she took a risk and threw out all synthetic drugs and went his way. She came home with all these herbs , minerals and vitamins, along with vegetable and a juicer. She bathe with garlic under her arm pits and neck everyday and turned her health around. She went to her pulmonologist and his mouth dropped and she survived. Gary Null had been in my life since i was a child and now i’m 37 with 3 kids and vegan with herbs stocked in my closet. When the covid epidemic happened I didn’t run and get food, and toilet tissue. I went to the vitamin shoppe and got Herb liquids , minerals vitamin c powder and a host of other stuff. My bill was 200 dollars, thanks to Gary Null he prepare me.
  • Electionite
    I listen to Gary Null for ten years and the things he said/says are brilliant!
  • NYC boy x x x
    Great show
    I love the show and have been listening for 5 years. When I repost your show on Facebook people always Wikipedia your name and reply to my post that you are a quack. I can’t wait till you win that lawsuits against Wiki so your name is cleared. Good luck!
  • Jamjam 2008
    Gary is the real deal
    I had the pleasure of training for a marathon with Gary In 2008. He is the real deal. Completely genuine and caring. He is generous and his authenticity can it be denied. Go Gary! Keep it UP!!
  • Garlic55555
    Gary Null is Full of Valuable Knowledge
    I have listened to Gary since the mid-90’s. I have acquired a lot of health knowledge from his daily shows. His vitamins and food supplements are of high quality and extremely beneficial. Thank, Gary.
  • l. Clawdius
    Dr Gary Null
    Dr Null is not a quack! He is a brilliant scientist who had written dozens of books on health , nutrition and life styles. Everything he says and does is documented. You may disagree with some of his protocols but how dare you say he is a quack! Have u ever bothered to read any of his books or reseach? Probably not!! You are probably a close minded person who refuses to listen to any other modalities. Dr Null has helped hundreds of people return to good health over forty years . You are an ignorant person and I feel sorry for your kind of close mindedi individual
  • Sune3000
    Null is a quack
    Mr. Null is a promoter of conspiracy theories and a well known anti-vaxxer. He lacks any real scientific credentials. Check out Wikipedia if you want to know more about Mr. Null.
  • YashPraha
    Valuable Information
    You won’t hear this information anywhere else. Gary Null is a national treasure. I’ve been listening for over twenty years.
  • 3rd time Listener
    Glad to find Gary again!
    Gary is simply brilliant. I grew up listening to him on WBAI and remember the first book I purchased “Good Food, Good Mood”. His health acumen has remained right on target. I left NYC over 25 years ago and missed all his valuable info. I am THRILLED to have access to him again via podcast and
  • cfdy2017
    It’s great
    I often wish Gary could be my second dad because he is such a free-thinker in a world of followers. I love hearing his health advice and have learned so much listening to this podcast. Thank you Mr. Null!
  • Lucyloo33
    I love listening/learning from his health and nutrition studies as well as hearing his political take as I like to hear information that isn’t t always presented by MSM
  • Autumn6318
    Dr. Gary Null’s shows
    Listening to Dr. Gary Null enlightens and entertains my thoughts and personality. I learn a lot not just from the rich honest information he provides, but Improving my English and understanding of variety of things. Thanks Gary Null ! May God bless you 👍🏼👏
  • Crazygal33
    A treasure of information
    Gary Null always has thought-provoking and interesting information. His heath and healing news can save your life!
  • Gsantos620
    The best info! IF, you want the truth!
    Everyone should listen to the Progressive Radio Network! Gary Null is the best he holds back on nothing. He gives so much info on many topics.
  • Blissgirlnj
    Gary is the best!
    He brings us valuable health information and well thought out, well researched insight into a variety of national and world issues. It’s refreshing to listen to someone so honest. Thanks Gary.
  • Genghiskhano99
    Only the truth
    If you want the truth from somebody who practices what he preaches listen to Gary’s show.
  • June1712!
    One of the best show
    Gary thank you so much one of the best show change my life.
  • Gitpic
    The Gary Null Show
    Gary is a true original, speaks the truth and changed my life for the better!
  • Mo2danique
    Truth without fear
    He is a marvelous individual concerned for others health and the well being of our planet. I teach my children these issues as well! Thank you Gary Null!
  • vitolibido
    Underground media
    Gay Null is a genius
    Organic food for thought!
    The best. Stay golden Gary! 🙏🙏
  • handyman sam
    podcasts don’t down load
    The show is excellent but I have to manually drag the podcasts from my Mac to my iPhone. When I try to download just using my phone the download starts, gets almost done the I get an error message.
  • Ladyb2343
    Give credit where credit is due!
    On the 10/09/15 show, the least Gary Null could do is acknowledge the comments about milk from a doctor were word-for-word comments from Dr. Michael Klaper's interview in the Cowspiracy movie, now showing on Netflix.
  • 173tablecloth
    Gary Null will improve your life
    Thanks G Money for all the useful knowledge! I go listen to your podcast everynight for the past 2.5 years. its part of my daily ritual.
  • seimo28
    Best show on radio
    Gary covers everything on this show from health to the environment to politics. And the best part is he gives you research and studies to prove his points. You have to listen to this show it will change your life for the better.
  • BluezcluezPics
    Highly Recommended
    Great podcast. Definitely worth the listen. Highly recommended!
  • John Siko
    Fix your podcast
    I love the show, but I'm sick of the bugs when it comes to downloading content! The show is GREAT, but the one star is for horrible podcast fundamentals. Good luck to anyone who consistently downloads content.
  • Claro de Luna
    Great Show
    This show is the best hi talks about everything is amazing all we can learn from Gary Null. God Bless you and thanks for share all your knowledge.
  • RonnieDobosh
    Ron Dobosh
    Gary's pod cast has helped me learn important health tips . If one listens on a daily or weekly basis they can get great benifits for staying healthy , and achieving more energy . It is important to be aware of bad foods in all forms.
  • Maaarrrgggiiieee
    Always interesting!
    Have been listening to him for over 20 years,since my early 20's. Very fact based, not afraid to take on big pharma or anyone for that matter. His documentaries are awesome too!
  • @usie
    Quit simply the most important show on any form of media today. Thank you Gary!
  • Dearnbsn
    Man of truth
    Gary is a man about truth no matter who/what the subject is about! Keep up the great work Gary- we'll continue to listen & support you!
  • David Jean-Marie
    Gary Null, a gift to the world
    Gary's show is one of a kind. In the 20 years that I've been listening to him, I've seen him proven right over and over. From the vaccination issue to his coverage of 911 first responders health crisis or predicting the real estate collapse years before it happened. Gary is a Renaissance Man, his thorough knowledge of multiple disciplines gives him "prophetic" insights. Gary accomplishes more in a 2 hr window than the average man does in full 24 hr day. His energy is unmatched, his knowledge is encyclopedic and his character incorruptible. His show and his life have impacted my life in more ways that I could describe in this review.
  • Race lite
    Great shoo fantastic info :-)
  • Detour Dave
    One downside
    Just one thing rubs me wrong about Gary and it is that animal testing doesn't seem to bother him. Otherwise he shares many valid and interesting views.
  • lord jahseek
    Gary is the man. He has inspired me to be heather and I agree with a lot of his political opinions. This is a very informative podcast for anyone interested in health and humanity. Thank you Gary!
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