Fareed Zakaria GPS

by CNN

Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and global policies through in-depth, one-on-one interviews and fascinating roundtable discussions.

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  • Critime
    Musk biographer interview
    I typically wait with baited breath for the next episode of Fareed’s podcast. But the softball interview with Walter Isaccson was so incredibly boring and predictable that I didn’t bother to listen to the end of it. I get why the interview with Mark Miley was a snore — the guy is a legend who is retiring. But Musk is another Trump-style man child and his biographer is an enabler. The interview convinced me that I have no interest in reading the book — so at least thanks for that.
  • Jeff from boulder
    The distinction between subconscious and the unconscious and Mr. Cameron
    Hi Fareed, Perhaps another question you are asking is, what is my interest in JC or Billy Joel or dreams? As you are clearly an “ extroverted thinking” Person. This would be your “dominant function” , so it stands to reason that you would be attracted to folks that represent ( or present) something slightly different. In this case artists. Jung once observed, “ The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. they can never be solved but only outgrown”. Those of us in the Jungian community, whether Analyst or Analysands understand this axiom. The unconscious, as Jung observed is, “ really unconscious “. All the “ thinking “ in the world will not entirely solve our problems or dilemmas. But we ( postmodern folks) continue to throw all our resources at more “ thinking”, degrees credentials and mental/ computer processing . But JC, BJ stand out precisely because they combine ego consciousness with the unconscious ( S)elf. What Edward F. Edinger called the “ Ego/Self axis “. Hard to explain but we see or hear it in JC movies or BJ music. Their combining of “ extroverted thinking” with “ introverted intuition “ or “ feeling”. Fareed, you are a formidable mind. And i like your curiosity regarding the “ heart” or “ the unconscious “. i think you would find depth psychology ( check out Jerry R. Wright’s writings) much to your liking. The “subconscious” is an early term Freud used. And Freud can be credited with with its wide use in Western Culture. But Freud felt that dreams were largely rubbish or residue from our waking life. He had a very reductive view of dreams and fantasies. These dreams and fantasies were largely filled with meaningless, hidden childhood wishes and desires. But being the highly “ extrovert thinker” that Freud was he largely ruled out-the possibility of a sacred, imaginative or healing element. Have fun Fareed, with your “ Art”, whatever that is. Take care Fareed. Three Essential Principles of Depth Psychology I. It's not about what it’s about. II. What you see is a compensation for what you don't see. III. All is metaphor. James Hollis can you only leave one comment?
    You lost this listener with the absurdity (to me) of the Ronna argument.
    Fareed was the last CNNer I listened too.
  • ABN0455
    REALLY ??
    Where do I start ?? What a Joke !!
  • Jcrider2608
    No longer relevant
    Fareed used to be a source of clarity. Used to be someone asking questions that mattered. Used to be in a format that was relevant. That’s all changed. This podcast is now a waste of time. Fareed is now subservient to both a interview format that placates to weak questions, sound bytes and over ingratiates its guests. Why? Is this CNN? I used to rely on Fareed for insights and clarity of what was happening in the world but he’s clearly lost a step or is focused elsewhere.
  • Christine Gunselman
    Love this
    Great podcast - Love the guests and the reporting, and frankly, I like his take on things. Very centric.
  • Bleecker44
    How far this show has fallen
    GPS used to attempt to have an intellectual debate in the world marketplace of ideas It has now become Hamas’s best friend with a parade of one sided views and Fareed’s unceasing personal attacks on the people of Israel.
  • liaomur
    False information on migration, no consideration of drug trafficking, not a single word on that.
  • gordoe72
    Guest host
    Brianna boring!!!
  • Anne00Ri
    Biased piece in Canada- India row
    Biased and absolutely one sided story on Canada- India row. You seem to have negative opinion of Indian government and you have already decided that all of Canada’s accusations are right. Do you have any evidence or even a lead to show that Indian government was involved in the killing of Nijjar? You don’t because Canadian government has not shown any evidence. Is it your prejudice against global south or is it specifically targeted towards India? Furthermore you completely ignored the fact that Canada is a safe haven for Sikh separatists and the threats issued by Khalistanis to Indian diplomats in Canada, U.K. and the US.
  • gray paw
    Great interviews 5+
    No one else provides worldwide interviews of world leaders. The program is a must for anyone that cares about worldwide happenings.
  • Che Block
    Trump was president for 4 years What did he do to fix immigration?! Nothing!!!!!! Trump butt kisser
  • Its just RJ
    Move GPS to another channel
    I will not support CNN after the latest Town Hall fiasco.
  • Fan of TBD Podcasts
    Love Fareed hate CNN
    I’m definitely deleting CNN from my pod list because of your bad decision to give Trump airtime. Even if your ratings are low, you stooped even lower with this move.
  • Mutter852
    Covid and the USA
    Recommend an in depth review of long Covid research, resources, results,commitment. Thank you.
  • Dr ABMD
    Interview with Benjamin Netanyahu
    It is a great disappointment the lack of journalism, not asking the tough questions pertaining the severe crisis in Israel. It was more a forum for Netanyahu promote his agenda and inaccurate reality What a disappointment from one of I thought best journalist
  • midwestBlue
    dave mccormick and the rest of the gop are afraid of their kids getting enlightened. in his case speaking about at universities that there isn’t enough conservative views and he candidly noted there were arguments at home about that with his college bound son. ha. these republicans are just afraid that the scales will be lifted from their conservative christian indoctrinated children.
  • Tony Quintanilla
    Chevron CEO Mike Wirth interview
    Great interview. I wish Fareed had asked the obvious follow up questions. If Wirth thinks that we will still need fossil fuels in 30 years, and if he thinks regulation or taxation to control emissions is not the way to go, how will decarbonization be accomplished by 2050? And if we don’t decarbonize is that okay? And what do our kids think about this approach?
  • Rjny
    Fareed - best of journalism
    Fareed Zakaria and GPS are the best on offer for high quality international journalism in the US right now. Forget the rest - follow Fareed and watch GPS to understand what’s actually going on in the world with fair and accurate reporting.
  • Blue dot Heidi
    Thoughtful commentary on our world today
    Great podcast. GPS provides an opportunity to see what’s happening worldwide and how decisions in one part of the world affect others.
  • Saraann03
    Great podcast, but your translations are not done well
    I’m referring especially to the last two episodes of GPS. When interviewing Olena and Volodomyr Zelinsky, playing the original audio quietly in the background while the interpreter speaks, is very distracting and difficult for those of us with hearing and auditory processing issues. I could not follow those interviews at all. Overall, I love Fahreed and the podcast.
  • AnsaJoseph
    My favorite show
    My favorite show on CNN. Very informative. Gives true global evaluations. Excellent guidance to leaders. Worth spiky time. Quite often many shows are not telling the real truth.
  • Meg22200
    My fav news show/podcast
    I love his show! I started watching it with my dad and then when I went to college I started listening to it while working out or running errands. The interviews are well done and the information goes into things better than any other news show I have watched or listened to (and I’ve listened to a lot)! LOVE this!! More people NEED to listen to his show!!
  • nnnnnsne
    Prepare before interviewing 3/13/22
    You tell us who is right or wrong. Don’t let your guest. Do your investigation before you interviews. And comeback with facts. Be prepared for any excuses or lies
  • peterchresan
    Intelligent, insightful, and comprehensive global reporting.
  • Fairness is Gold
    BewareI! Farid is an advocate to infiltrate more Muslims into USA
    Farid is a Muslim sympathizer who advocates bringing more Muslims into America instead of settling them in Arabia. He gave free ride to Imran Khan of Pakistan to do his infomercial on the interview instead of asking him tough questions for his failures in Pakistan and growth of terrorism emanating from Pakistan and making it the epicenter of the world! It is a biased program and you are better off watching Chris Wallace or Meet the Press from NBC.
  • ..........ffkgmrionhgiluhfdiuhsiuhgviluhfr
    One could get a more truthful interpretation of world events from the taliban than this garbage.
  • nicknamesaystaken
    The only TV show in US looking at global issues
    It is a sad commentary on US TV that this is one of the only one to look at what are the trends and big picture things to be aware of.
  • JoshFMBama
    Lost His Credibility as Objective
    More on this. Breyer had to correct you - Breyer that is - that the Court did not sell out to politics in Bush v Gore. Fareed- I always watched and subscribed bc you were a balls and strikes commentator. Not only is your coverage becoming less balanced but the tone is too. Opening to Kushner by stating he was “outsmarted” without the chance to answer your question is what I’d expect from Fox or the rest of CNN. Please sharpen your saw.
  • 1234568745122
    Stop it!
    You seem to have the war criminal tony blair on almost every other week....how in good conscience can you ask him for his 'take' on the middle east, week after week, when he and Bush got us into the mess? enough already.
  • oakdalefarm
    Trusted advisor with simply distilled news
    My husband and I look forward to Listening to Fareed's podcast every week for a summary of the world's Major events without Political bias. The guests Fareed is able to attract are the top world experts on each topic. The podcasts are comprehensive without emotion.
  • Frown123
    No one watches CNN because you cannot trust what they say doesn’t have some ulterior motive.
  • cpang__
    Fareed Zakaria is a journalist of superb range and depth, and his commentary on global affairs is balanced and erudite. I was impressed by his writing when he was the editor of Foreign Affairs and followed him ever since!
  • cyberbiker
    Top Notch
    Zakaria is a highly educated person of reason and balance. His son the program his head and shoulders above all the others.
  • FloridaLilly
    Pure garbage tip: Plastic surgery
  • The D-vR's
    Always insightful
    I thoroughly enjoy your show. You have your own great insights and know how to draw them out of others. Truly sorry for the loss of your mother. You painted a beautiful portrait. May her memory be a blessing.
  • Sandy McP
    Love the show and intellectual conversation yet constant interruptio Fared I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother. I enjoyed hearing about her life. What a strong accomplished passionate woman.
  • babar3738
    Bill Gates is Not Omniscient
    I am disappointed hearing you give credibility to a billionaire who appears to be pulling answers out of his nethermost orifice. How can you give weight to opinions that appear to have no foundation other than concurrence with your point of view and a ton of money.
  • Chocolate_mint
    Husband and I have followed Fareed for over 20 years now. We used to have a print subscription to Newsweek and his section was always our favorite. The man knows his stuff and always offers an in-depth perspective. It’s too bad his voice and other voices of REASON have been marginalized in the conspiracy-driven, sensationalistic journalism of the current political climate. Keep speaking the truth, Fareed! P.S. Condolences on your friend, the journalist Mr Khashoggi. A stark reminder of the risks you take when speaking truth to power.
  • Denny 2016
    Great Global News Show
    I love the show. Fareed brings his great perspectives and also numerous experts as guests to share their opinions. I enjoy he shares unbiased views of politics; it is not too right or left. Topics vary on a weekly basis from politics, public policy, foreign policy, guns, technology and more.
  • Viking X
    A sound of reason
    Thank you for your well thought out and informative podcast. I find most podcasts opinionated and one sided. You have an ability to be unbiased in your assessment of the world.
  • Ambiz5
    Biden’s Security Advisor, is the reason why we need the Youth. They are creative, imaginative, and forward thinking. Very good interview and smart responses by the New Advisor elect. Thank you for this interview and show.
  • txfeyryrrtyry Vca 4469.
    We2sd as YU e
  • cafebarba
    Brilliant Commentary on 2020 Election!
    Besides assembling the best possible guests to comment on the negative consequences of the delay in Presidential Transition, Fareed proposed an important solution to avoid future election controversy.
  • UAhalya
    Mind speaking
    I’m waiting for it whole week!!!! Thank you 🙏🏻
  • Nickname333333333
    Horrible Interviewer
    This podcast is interesting covers important world topics in a novel way. However Fareed is a horrible interviewer often being a slave to the to time constraint format of the show so that he often cuts off the guest in mid sentence and simply ends the interview. It is horribly awkward and the guest is often left baffled after being simply cut off midsentence in the interview. This awkwardness is me even more profound because Fareed interrupts and speaks over the guest which causes the interview to run long. In particular the interview with Bob Woodward, and the next guest was painful to listen to when Fareed literally cut off both guests and ended the interviews to stick to the podcast format. For the love of God, someone teach the guy how to effectively interview a guest and learn some tricks like a segue.
  • Freddie bag of donuts
    Most work in big tech
    Getting tired of the Indians coming to America insisting we have a caste system as they are millionaires.
  • Mat 0679369
    Interesting interviews from perspective of establishment
    Enjoy the show. You will get interviews of the establishment on why things are the way they are. Opinions don’t deviate much from that perspective. For other perspectives, try those outside the mainstream media (Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan, Rising etc.)
  • Umbuna
    No new episodes
    Have not received an episode As of AUG 24
  • martinw66
    Excellent weekly news overview
    Quiet commentary from a centrist perspective on the issues that largely divide us. Highly recommended. But please someone tell me why my feed periodically repopulated with dozens of past, already listened to, episodes. Really annoying.
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