The Briefing with Albert Mohler


For more resources, including articles, The Briefing, Thinking in Public, and archived editions of his nationally-syndicated radio show, The Albert Mohler Program, be sure to visit

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Recent Reviews
  • Pablo Panda
    Don’t take him seriously
    Mohler postures himself as an expert on Christian morality but he is eager to abandon Christian principles to push his Republican values.
  • VanlyVansome
    Fun to think along with
    Even if you are not a Christian, if you want clear, organized, and thematic, yet unscripted, daily commentary on the most important news of our time - analyzed logically and illuminated by history, theology, and philosophy with a story time feel, you've come to the right place.
  • Deception begins with Ellen
    I just have to say..
    I have to say that I agree with a lot of the assessments made on this show, however, when it comes to comparing political candidates moral lifestyles, it must be said that we have no idea who is moral or immoral based on the outer man or accusations not proven true. I believe this show has not been fair when discussing accusations against political figures. Accusations are not truth and neither is a pious front. Please make sure that this is said. Thank you! God bless!
  • K. Snarey
    Thinking biblically
    This podcast has helped me enormously in thinking through issues from the proper biblical lens.
  • Sgtosd
    Listen daily!
  • CKStoked
    My favorite daily podcast
    The Briefing never disappoints with providing in depth Christian analysis of current events. Dr Mohler is always so well prepared, kind, intelligent and roots all of his views in Scripture.
  • Split02
    Great show I really enjoy listening to it!
  • Janice Fahy
    Mohler coming out for criminal punishment
    Of women who elect to terminate a pregnancy left this Christian slack-jawed. The cruelty of that fat drag queen really has consumed the Evangelical movement.
  • Carrie Starling
    I have a question
    Hi my name is Rilynn. What is Calvinism and do you believe it? also, can you break down the different beliefs like Catholic, Mormonism, etc. also, what are the main ideas of the GOP and Democratic Party. I’m 12 years old and I am home schooled and I go to Classical Conversations in Rocky Mount NC
  • CollegeStudentListener
    Amazing Source of Ethical and Biblical Wisdom
    This podcast heavily relies on Christian principles and applies it to modern ethical issues. This is a podcast every evangelical should listen to! Great stuff!
  • TN Bluegrass Fan
    Wonderful podcast!
    My favorite podcast! Thank you for your wonderful insights. So helpful as I seek to follow the Lord each day.
  • ReishaC
    For everyone.
    We listen to the program on the way to school every morning with my middle school kids and now my high schooler listens on his own. Thank you for the Christian world view.
  • durhamjc
    This show is a breath of fresh air!
    I was looking for a show that covers important political news, from a Christian worldview, but doesn’t stoop to name calling. Other conservative shows cause me to get angry, and forget to see all people as made in God’s image.
  • praise the holy king
    Great podcast to start your day!
    If you like a good and positive start to your day listen to this podcast. It is interesting information and always reflects off the Bible. When I started listening to this I was impressed how intriguing it was. I think that you can really get locked in with the Bible and cool information. It is great for all accessions (especially when your bored) and always consider this podcast.
  • LibrarianClaire
    Best news podcast
    So thankful for Albert Mohler’s daily analysis of news from a Christian worldview. Excellent, intellectual, historical, biblical … I have learned so much from The Briefing.
  • DSM dad
    Only way to start my day
    Love hearing the daily news and how the Bible says that we should look at these world issues. Totally go into withdrawal when they take their much deserved time off. God bless and keep up the good work!
  • Thendjfidkd
    It was chill kinda confusing though
  • mrccgn
    So helpful
    I’m incredibly thankful for Dr. Mohler and his daily analysis. This podcast has dramatically influenced me.
  • Master Smudge
    Excellent Analysis
    Dr. Mohler provides daily analysis of the news from a decidedly conservative Christian perspective. He is always well-reasoned and has done his homework for each Briefing. This isn’t just a stream of his thoughts… It is clear he spends time to research each topic and bring deep insight. Very enjoyable.
  • Mjwsr66)
    Daily Listener
    Thanks for showing me how to think critically as a Christian.
  • BC816
    Biblical Wisdom & Historical Analysis
    What a great combination of historical analysis and biblical wisdom! Dr. Mohler’s insights into the issues of the day, historical developments, and the worldview implications are such a blessing to understanding the long-term ramifications of daily occurrences in our world. Where else could you find incisive and interesting discussions of the Emmys, the Honeymooners, the Chevron deference employed by our courts, as well as Gaza, Ukraine, other world events all in the course of a typical week for The Briefing. Bravo!
  • P&E Campion
    Our Thanks for Worthy News
    Dr. Mohler, thank you for sharing your insight with us daily. My husband and I turned off the TV news years ago and never looked back. Listening to you, WNG and other Christian news podcasts is an everyday education on world events. We deeply appreciate you... In His name, Patrick and Ellen Campion Spanaway, WA
  • X-Squad
    My wife and I are blessed to listen to your podcast, whether together or on our own. Blessings to you and yours this season and always!
  • Gobbie Mom
    Thank you!
    Thank you Albert Mohler for this podcast! It has helped me in so many ways.
  • Grammar boy30
    What should I do?
    Thank you for this podcast! My name Jake Morse and I’m 18 years old. I am wanting to go into the ministry but I don't know if I should be a missionary or pastor. How should I choose between the two.
  • KingRichard68
    This podcast is my 1st daily as I love hearing theology as it pertains to believers in our day and age.
  • &steven8882
    Steven Brown
    The Briefing is one of my daily must listens. I would like to make one point regarding Dr Miler’s reference to an column in the Washington Post. While the Post is a left wing publication Jim Gehrity is a center right writer whose work can regularly can be seen in The National Review.
  • Levi.E
    Must Listen
    Dr. Mohler prepares well and executes even better. He happens to be the same age as my deceased father (who introduced me to the podcast) and he often speaks with a fatherly wisdom that I deeply appreciate. I haven’t missed a minute since I began listening several years ago. When he happened to miss a few days due to an unexpected illness I realized just how important he is to my daily life. I pray God blesses him with a long and enduring ministry to come.
  • Justino Stephens
    Question for The Briefing
    I first want to say thank you for all that you do. I appreciate your biblical wisdom and how you apply it to world events. My name is justin, I am a young husband and father and aspiring Pastor. My question is this, do you believe the Holy Spirit “speaks” for lack of a better term, to Christians on a personal and individual level? I have been very confused and have struggled to find a consistent answer. As someone who considers myself reformed theologically I enjoy listening to John MacArthur, Steve Lawson, and RC Sproul. These men are adamant cessationists and teach that God does not speak today and that the Cannon is closed and there is no modern day prophecy. To be clear I fully agree that the Cannon of scripture is closed and that there are no more prophets. However, speaking from personal experience, there have been times where I have felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit so strongly that it is crystal clear as to how I should act or respond at a given time. I also believe that God leads pastors into what they should preach. This is what most Christians refer to when they say that the Holy Spirit speaks to us, not that there is an audible voice that they hear and that it is equal to scripture. I have a hard time believing that the mentioned men of God above would disagree with this. Is this merely a semantics issue or does their belief in cessationism demand that they cannot have any moving of the Holy Spirit within them, so to speak. This has produced a good deal of consternation, could you provide some clarity? Thanks, Justin.
  • JPC8764
    Daily Listen
    I have listened for several years. This is the best world view grounding of what is happening in our world that I have found. I don’t always agree, but I am informed and appreciate the opportunity to think through daily issues going on in the world.
  • lesliejoy93
    My must-listen podcast
    The Briefing is the one podcast I never miss. Albert Mohler gives a solidly biblical perspective on current events. my favorite episodes are the ones where he gives historical background and context. I always learn something from this podcast, even if I don’t always agree with him.
  • Jasscharp
    Great moral clarity!
    I really enjoy this podcast. The subjects are interesting and the host speaks well with a nice pace. I’ve listened to all the episodes and find myself repeating them!
  • Diggsdan
    Excellent Podcast
    Thoughtful social and news commentary.
  • Ladyrx
    So grateful for Mohler’s voice in our time.
    I mourned when Chuck Colson passed away like he was a family member. Colson’s voice of truth in our culture kept me from going insane in the crazy world of ours. So, I’ve always been a fan of Al Mohler but am late in the game to his podcasts. Now I am hooked and have to listen twice quite frequently to absorb Mohler’s big brain thoughts. I am very grateful we Christians have such an intellectual on our side. May his tribe increase. Mohler has replaced Colson in my daily cultural assessment news digest and I am very grateful for his truth telling voice.
  • iprss
    Good source for thinking Christianly about current issues
    Not naïve or “goody goody” but gives serious consideration to many political issues of the day. The discussion of how to vote or consider the issue of abortion in “purple” states was particularly helpful because sometimes you cannot have the law as perfectly as you might like but to have to make incremental progress towards a ban on abortion.
  • dbw4Him
    Makes me smarter!
    Thank you for your program. It educates and equips me to make rational and Christ-centered responses to the crazy and godless events going on in the world today. Regarding the topic of the show on May 22, 2023, and the welfare program situation, as a former state and federal prosecutor for 32 years, I can attest to the massive amounts of fraud being committed in this country every year by government “give-a-way” programs of every kind. These include welfare, immigration benefits, hurricane relief, and much more. There are those who genuinely need help they cannot get from any other source, but these programs foster fraud and do not encourage the work ethic to which the Lord calls us.
  • darkwater4213
    NPR is Comedy
    This, next to NPR is my primary news source. No, hang on--I listen to NPR to laugh, not learn. Apologies for the mixup. :D
  • thisyarnmom
    Mrs Faustin
    My favorite news source. Prayers went up for you last week from Colorado!
  • Tn 5S
    My favorite news source. I thank God for restoring your health Dr. Mohler. This show is very much an encouragement to me. Thank you for your faithfulness to God’s ministry.
  • Paul and Elin K
    We’re so very glad you’re back with us after your illness, Dr. Mohler! Thank you, Lord!
    A daily dose of truth. Thank you, Dr, Mohler!
  • Confessionally Reformed
    The witnesses of Hebrews 12 verse one are all the people mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 they are called witnesses not because they’re watching us, but because they testify to us, they bear witness by their lives, and by their testimony. When souls go to heaven, they don’t become divine. They do not become all knowing; they do not become everywhere present. Their focus is not on us, their focus is on he who is on the throne.
  • noarminian
    Deep state talking points
    As Mohler oversees the destruction of the SBC and seminaries, his talking points from the neocon deep state stays consistent. I can almost guarantee that he receives a monthly check from the CIA.
  • Sam big fan
    Al is correct on one out of 12 questions
    Al make his news of choice bezopost NYLIES and treats them with seriousness. They are lying rags who should be ignored…read gray lady winks and tell me NYT is a serious paper. NYpravda
  • cant find a good nick name!
    How can Satan tempt us and how is it easy for him to do so? I am 13, and please help me with scripture references.
  • richleah
    Great Podcast!
    It is so enlightening to hear Rev Mohler talk about how to think about the major events of the world from a Christian perspective! Thank you for this!
  • jr97701
    Insightful Perspective
    I enjoy his biblical perspective on current event issues. I always walk away in deep thought and contemplation.
  • L'Anse Creuse
    Dr. Mohler, I listen to your podcast every morning and enjoy them very much. I must say that regarding today’s podcast I had a disagreement with you regarding President Biden. You praised him for his bravery in appearing in Ukraine. If you would watch his appearance with the Ukrainian president while they are walking on the tarmac, and listen to the sirens goes off, they don’t seem to be at all concerned. A reporter mentioned that there have been no sirens within the past several weeks and it just happened that at the time that President Biden, and the Ukrainian president we’re walking across the tarmac it went off. I believe this was all politically charged and staged, which is common for President Biden to do.
  • Nick_001
    Too wordy for my taste
    I liked a lot of what I heard Al say, but I wish he would ditch his fluffy rhetoric and have a more succinct approach to covering stories. Maybe others will like this show for how verbose Al is; he gives you plenty of time to soak up his argument while he methodically builds it out. For me personally, the delivery was too elaborate and repetitive to listen to without beginning to get frustrated.
  • starrilight
    He makes me feel more confident in my faith
    Dr. M seriously helps me think about world view issues critically. I feel more confident in my own faith because he talks through so many hard-to-talk-about issues. There have been so many times where I’ve been able to reference the Briefing during my weekly community group meeting with fellow believers. When my pastor occasionally references him, it makes me so excited to know who he’s talking about!
  • RPPSr.
    Christian World View
    Dr. Mohler is an amazing guy! Nowhere can you get a Christian World view so sound as by listening to this Podcast… brilliant! God Bless you!!
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