Oh No, Ross and Carrie


Welcome to Oh No, Ross and Carrie, the show where we don’t just report on fringe science, spirituality, and claims of the paranormal, but take part ourselves. Follow us as we join religions, undergo alternative treatments, seek out the paranormal, and always find the humor in life's biggest mysteries. We show up - so you don’t have to.

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Recent Reviews
  • Teux0ate
    Ads annoying
    I can’t get past the ads that infect my other podcasts. So have not heard. Don’t want to
  • Mello Ello
    Good Fun
    I like getting to tag along on the adventures in woo by proxy. I like that they treat the various practitioners with respect and kindness. As the episodes can be long on info and short on climaxes, I tend to use this as my putter-around podcast. I like to play this while I am engaged in house work. Overall a fun glimpse into a world that feels foreign, allowing me to feel like an arm chair anthropologist.
  • AD2012BC
    I don’t even use Apple Podcasts
    I don’t even use Apple Podcasts to listen and I haven’t even finished the most recent episode, but I needed to download this app so I could leave this review. I’ve been an avid weekly listener since 2017 (Amazing Facts!) and I have never once thought that Ross was “the smart one” (absolutely no offense to Ross intended since you’re both so funny AND smart). I cried when I heard you say that. So I felt like you needed to know
  • theappleofadam
    Appreciation from the choir
    Here is why I appreciate Ross and Carrie 1. Sometimes you just want to take a break and listen to people who think like you do. It may be a little mean, but every once in a while, I get to laugh at people can believe ridiculous things. 2. That being said, they aren’t all that mean. Most of the time they are really empathetic to the people they investigate. 3. They remind me to question my own beliefs and to consider if they are falsifiable. I still attend church and enjoy being a mildly faithful person, but my ideas about faith change all the time and I am not warming up any pokers for those who disagree with me. Ross and Carrie remind me to think about what it would take to change my mind. 4. It’s fun to hear about Ross’s work. Good reminder that working for Disney does not make you a magic elf And to those who are leaving reviews about Carrie being shrill, consider your implicit sexism of being accustomed to male voices over the radio.
  • limp_triscuit
    Adventures in weirdness
    With a wide range of esoteric topics, Ross and Carrie are just skeptical enough, cynical enough, kind enough, honest enough, funny enough and intelligent enough to keep me tuning in each week.
  • leslie norp
    Wonderfully entertaining
    Carrie and Ross have kept me entertained endless hours and offer wonderful insights into belief systems and spirituality.
  • upstate-vc
    I’m out
    After years of subscribing and supporting, I’m out. It comes down to: Carrie defending pedophilia as a sexual orientation, her smug high school bully attitude, and her surprise screeching/yelling. There have been many fantastic episodes and it’s a great listen for lots of people, but the issues above make the show a negative and stressful to listen for me.
  • Coralovey
    If making fun of other people is your thing…
    Then this podcast is for you. I was really hoping to hear a researched and journalistic take on a spiritual cult… but honestly these 2 really just like to spend time gloating in their obvious intellectual superiority over the people they’re investigating. If that’s your thing then enjoy!
  • Abzu&Cerberus
    Funny, but routinely misstate scientific findings
    The hosts are entertaining, and I’ve enjoyed many of the episodes. That said, I was very disappointed in how routinely they misstate or misinterpret scientific findings to support their opinions. Occasionally, this includes making misleading health claims that could do actual damage. Of course, no one knows *everything*, but it would be preferable to just admit a lack of knowledge. Science demands intellectual humility, which both of these hosts could really benefit from.
  • JiPawd
    Fun Easy Listening
    Great show, the hosts have good banter. Topics are fun, don’t neglect the early episodes which offer deeper dives into well known cults.
  • MaddieApples
    I’ve listened to all of their episodes.
    Been listening to these two for so long I don’t even know. They are so funny and their work is so solid!
  • noNotTheOne
    Love the show
    One of my favorite podcasts. I always stop whatever I’m listening to and switch to your newest episode to listen to it instead.
  • Royce1629
    Great show!
    If you want to explore the realms of pseudoscience, without falling victim to it, this is the podcast for you! The host are entertaining, without directly making fun of those who "make the claims".
  • Jonannewithpursiee
    Favorite of all time
    This is my favorite podcast. I’ve been listening for years and it’s so good still. Ross and Carrie are super open minded and fair to every investigation that they do. As a bonus I feel like I’ve learned a ton over the many years I’ve listened
  • Harrison;
    Read Factfulness!
    Guys, when Carrie yells “Read Factfulness!”, do it. She’s right. I just finished it and it’s great. The podcast is cool too.
  • BG45
    Usually Good, but…
    Kind of creeped me out when Carrie felt the need to go, “pedophilia is an orientation” in Sound of Freedom, while trying to differentiate from child sex abusers. Also they seem to be drifting into low-effort topics instead of looking into fringe religions like they used to.
  • spokcan
    400 episodes!
    Look forward to the “new year prediction” and “year end prediction review” episodes every year and this year did not disappoint!
  • Morgaaaaaan
    To Whom It May Concern
    Hey Tansy, I know you’ve been looking for a reliably funny-but-smart podcast to get into, so let me be the first (but certainly not the last) to sing for you the praises of ONRAC. It’s contemporary, it’s adorably dorky, it’s comforting, and its hosts navigate sensitive topics with equal parts thoughtfulness and snark. Give this a listen so you can leave your own 5-star review and narrowly sidestep the wrath of the Highest Circle of the Akashic Records (or whatever), a gang of heavenly bureaucrats who are for some reason really hung up on podcast visibility. P.S. In the event that this message does not reach a Tansy, it would also be appropriate for a Markus or a Janelle.
  • Entropy II
    I found these two hosts to be hard to listen to. In their episode on a Bashar event, they were consistent in their snide and demeaning remarks, which included jabs about age, body type, voice, and an Indie Gigi campaign. The hosts remind me of those kids in high school who made fun of everyone around them. This is not what one would expect from a show about spirituality and the paranormal. I found the female host’s negative comments about a famous relative of Daryl Anika’s to be puerile and unnecessary. This is behavior often found in people who are not comfortable with themselves. I expected more, and stuck with the show hoping for something more positive and objective. Alas…
  • Jabber1256
    Better than owl the rest
    It’s so rare you find a show that can have fun thinking about the paranormal and extraordinary without either believing it whole-cloth or mocking it. Ross and Carrie are genuinely open-minded and go into owl their investigations with a true curiosity even if they don’t walk away believing. But above owl else, I appreciate that Ross and Carrie are quick to correct their mistakes and own up to anything they got wrong.
  • MojoGMO
    Fun and informative
    Owl've learned owlot owlf coowl things from this podcast. owl
  • ATLWez
    Simply the Best Podcast Ever!
    I have listened to ONRAC for years now and am always impressed by how much I laugh and learn from these two. I appreciate their respect for their subjects and the open minds they exhibit during their investigations. I find it amusing that as a Evangelical Southern Baptist, this podcast, out of all the thousands out there, is my most beloved. Please listen to all of the wonderful ONRAC episodes and prepare yourself for a very educational and hilarous time. Thank you, Ross and Carrie, for the years of insight and joy.
  • NullAvocado
    Long time fan
    Long time fan and the show has not lost its touch!
  • rexlynx
    Refreshing Takes on the Wide World of Woo-Woo
    I’ve been a fan since I first discovered ONRAC while on a solo cross-country road trip in 2019. I was instantly hooked, and spent the majority of my remaining 30 hours of windshield time diving into their impressive back-catalog of adventures into the heart of so many corners of the world of woo-woo. Their hands-on approach to separating the wheat from the chaff in the realms of pseudo/fringe science and the occult is respectful, fair, and oftentimes hilarious. And while they pull no punches with the true grifters, Ross and Carrie balance that hard line with empathy for the the sometimes well-meaning folks out there - many of whom are simply searching for answers in this mysterious world. It’s one of the aspects of this show that I appreciate most. I look forward to each episode, and hope that Ross and Carrie continue this mission for many years to come.
  • Emma3232323
    Great fun from ep.1 to now
    The backlog is just as fun and interesting as the current episodes. I love these two so much. They’ve been a comfort for years.
  • Em Stank
    I adore Ross and Carrie, but contemporary ONRAC? Ehhhhh…
    I was a huge ONRAC fan from the beginning through about 2020ish? I don’t have an exact episode where this started bugging me. I feel like some of their episodes where groups that are based on legends are “investigated,” it ends up sounding like two cis white people making fun of indigenous and other cultural movements lately, rather than cults. Go to a Southern Baptist church where they’re speaking in tongues and voting to strip people of their rights, instead of coming for relatively harmless spiritual ideas that a) bring people comfort (some of which are silly; I’m not arguing that) or b) being ignorant of ideas way older than them that have been incredibly meaningful to people who have been silenced by white Christian patriarchy. I don’t care if they personally aren’t spiritual. That isn’t the point. Their Kabbalah episodes were pretty antisemitic and like. Guys, I promise you, we Jews have enough issues without feeling disrespected/made fun of by investigative reporters who are genuinely worthy of admiration and who are better than that. I fell in love with Ross and Carrie because they investigated things that are dangerous or fascinating (and because I also love hot drinks). But they’ve become mean-spirited the past few years, and at the expense of some of their fans who are actively marginalized. Ross and Carrie, I believe you are both better than this. Get back to your investigative roots, and for f—-s sake, check your privilege.
  • Susanna in Seattle
    Thoughtful, balanced and fun
    A wide variety of topics presented in a smart, thoughtful way. I really enjoy the relaxed, unscripted presentation by two people who use language so well, are naturally curious and do solid research. The follow-up episode on the child trafficking film was excellent but one note—seriously, TMI on the kidney stone.
  • Justbringmesugar
    The very best
    the very best (also the very best opening music)
  • Mythic Potato
    Challenge yourself, understand others
    So to get this out of the way: I’m a Christian, I go to church and everything. I was attracted to this show because I love to learn about the beliefs of others, and I believe the best way to share the love of Jesus with people is to first understand their background. Well, Ross and Carrie may be disappointed in me, because I’ve become a bit of a proselyte for their podcast. I recommend it to everybody I can. Ross and Carrie are so kind and considerate during their investigations, and they ask amazing and insightful questions that I love to consider as if I were the one who had to answer. They aren’t afraid to stand up and confront people if it comes to that (something I don’t do very well), and they convicted me to have the courage to address some ignorance expressed by people in my own life. If you can keep an open mind and accept having your own biases and beliefs challenged from time to time, and/or if you care about other people and need a healthy dose of conviction, this is a podcast for you. I think everyone has something to gain by listening.
  • Acolesberry
    A Fun Workshop in Critical Thinking
    I am hooked on this podcast since I started listening. As a rationalist and scientist, I can barely listen to someone give me a 10-second summary of their horoscope without rolling my eyes, so the idea of attending one of these sessions strikes me as impossible. This is why their tag line speaks so strongly to me: They go so I don’t have to, and I appreciate that. I listen to this podcast with my kids, because it is a workshop in critical thinking. The Gail Thackray episode (383) is a particularly splendid example of how they pull this off. Typically, one has had an experience or researched something and the other listens along with us, to the story. As it rolls out, the one of them that is the listener makes comment on the various problems as they arise, breaking down what is fundamentally wrong or harmful about the approach. In this case, Carrie recounts her attendance to a course on past-life regression healing with Gail Thackeray, and, while she does, Ross breaks down his major objections, which in this case were fascinating. Like I said, I would roll my eyes and walk away from Gale Thackray, but Ross gives respect to every person they interview or research and in this case, he kept talking about all the past-life explanations offered by Gale Thackray being “inefficient.” My kids were in the car and I backed up and replayed key sections so they could understand what he meant. He’s referring to the rule of science that you prefer the most efficient explanation. Thackray explains birthmarks as wounds of various sorts from a past life and explains conflicts with bosses as memories of those reincarnated people having tortured you in a past life. None of this is helpful for the listener or efficient, when bad feelings about your boss are nearly universal and birth marks are just how skin works sometimes. No further explanation needed. His analysis was great. When he’s telling the story, Carrie’s analyses are equally insightful. Her highlighting the current weird obsession with trauma is particularly elucidating. In their investigations, they could make fun of people, but they are kind and generous. Can’t recommend the podcast enough.
  • MoogLoom
    Top Pod
    ONRAC is always on the top of my list of podcasts I recommend to others.
  • JDZM3
    Just the best.
    The best!!!!
  • Greyson Jason
    Little bit of sunshine
    I love Ross and Carrie and suggest them to anyone who asks for recommendations! I love how respectful they are towards anyone they feel are earnest in their beliefs, and how they give honest feedback about their experiences. 10/10!
  • Peaceisgood4u
    Bait and switch
    They cover one topic over 6+ episodes and end a lot of them promising the next episode will have the interesting information. It doesn’t come. Kind of a podcast equivalent of getting paid per word. I understand they have to pay the bills but it gets really tedious after awhile.
  • Hairj46
    Third party summations
    This is a dangerous podcast. It’s two people taking 3rd party interpretations of some of other person that they’ve decided to speak down about. I listened to the Bashar episode. And they totally misquoted him in every kneecap shot they chose to take. This is a gross representation of how humans have the capacity to take cheap shots at others to feel like they have a higher authority to seek control. It’s super fear based, and is not beneficial at all. This is a crass, mean spirited, source of “entertainment.” Inaccurate, misquoted information, that was followed up with making fun of someone for the sake of claiming to know better than others. Smh. Seriously, Misguided. For example, there are 5 “rules” and she misrepresented the first 3 rules. Not worth putting energy into.
  • erinbeanqueen
    One of my absolute favorites
    I’ve been listening for at least 5 years, if not longer. Ross & Carrie are brilliant and very funny. Even with the depth and difficulty of some of the topics they cover this is one of my comfort shows (and I’ve listened through it at least 3 times). If you haven’t already tried it out I highly recommend it.
  • SpencerJP
    One of my favorite podcasts
    Ross and Carrie are just straight up fun to listen to. They make me laugh, they make me think. This podcast has made me a better person.
  • burnbabyburn0317
    Well done journalism with mean spirited intent at times
    I listened to this show for a year or two and decided it wasn’t for me. The journalism and storytelling are great. What bothered me was how the premise was to secretly infiltrate whatever group was involved, gain their trust, then verbally kneecap them with a crow bar for the sake of laughs and self righteousness. It feels like listening to a bully tell their life story. I’m pro-science and nonreligious, but the way this show is conducted just feels mean-spirited and crass. Do better.
  • KalmiaM
    Literally Life-changing
    i love oh no ross and carrie, gotta be up there on my list of top five white people like ever
  • ham in mew hampshire
    I really love their friendship and rapport and the content is always interesting!
  • CharChar Baby
    This show is not made of the reproductive goo of goats.
  • Swordfolk
    Favorite podcast
    I love how their investigations are presented like stories, not like reports. Take the lower reviews with a grain of salt: They’re generally split 50/50 between zealots of whatever Ross and Carrie just criticized and people who hate Carrie for no reason (sexism, probably). If you’re looking for an extensive experiment and presentation, this isn’t the podcast for you. But if you want some friends who tell you all about the wacky thing they tried out last Thursday, this is the perfect fit.
  • Botli
    a smug MORMON?! 😂
    Happened upon an episode about Bashar wherein the hosts begin by getting the timeline of Darryl Anka’s life WAY off (missing everything from the 1970s). Then every other detail is skewed through a lens that *assumes* this must all be a made-up capitalist scheme. Meanwhile one of the hosts is MORMON. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Enough said!
  • Dogsbacklegs
    Dog noses are made of the same substance as black olives
  • Jstapf
    Love Ross and Carrie
    I love Ross and Carrie sooo much! I really enjoy hearing them bring up old jokes, my ears perk up whenever I hear a pyramid mentioned just waiting for the stairs reference. They always make me laugh and it’s a topic I love. MaxFun is a blessing!
  • FranOhio
    Late to the party
    I’m still catching up on the back catalog, but so far I love it. OWL!
  • Kydmarlowe
    Low hanging fruit
    I listened to only one show, so please take my comments within that context, but this is low level sneering. Have these guys tackled the problem of consciousness—and it’s a HUGE problem for science? Is there a difference between mind and brain? Is mind a part of the ground of reality? If it is, if there’s one mind we all partake of, we’re suddenly in some interesting territory that isn’t addressed by literal treatments of myth. (I’m sneering now.) Have these guys ever discussed the unconscious, archetypes, or the varieties of religious experience? Do they know anything about William James, Carl Jung, or Ken Wilber? This show is great for bias confirmation, but it picks fights with lightweights…
  • mazyberry
    Love it!
    As a forensic scientist, it was interesting, and sometimes frustrating, to listen to the episode of the forensic scientist on Noah’s ark. Like my mother told a priest once, “she’s a scientist so she’s going to need more proof than that”. Keep up the great work, Ross and Carrie! I love your chemistry and energy!
  • Takoshaq
    Great show about Noah’s ark
    Iiiiiiii could have given youuuuuuuuu a rooooooooose gaaardennnnnnn 🥰
  • millenial1990
    Thoughtful and fun
    ONRAC is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to and to recommend. They contain multitudes as people. First off, they are such kind, compassionate, and thoughtful people. They do not sneer at the people involved in their investigations, ever. It is top-form for skeptically-minded people. Despite their kindness, the journalism from Carrie pulls no punches. They have had some really amazing moments of backing charlatans into corners, and she plays it absolutely flawlessly. Ross brings a level of attention to detail that creates a faithful record of the investigation. Also, Carrie has been getting pretty blue with her humor lately, which comes as a hilarious surprise relative to the rest of the tone of the show 😂.
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