Mental Illness Happy Hour


"Remarkable" - Psychology Today

"A vital, compassionate gem that fills a desperate and under-addressed need in our society." - Esquire

"A perversely safe place in which he and his guests talk about their fears, addictions and traumatic childhoods." - NY Times

"Gilmartin makes a conscious effort to explore stories that aren’t black and white" - Slate Magazine

"Praised by listeners all over the world" - Atlantic Monthly

Named To Top Health Podcast List by: NY Times, Esquire, Slate, Oprah Magazine, Women's Health, Onion A.V. Club, Apple Podcast Staff

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Recent Reviews
  • thelayabout
    The Stories - and Guests - Come First
    I look forward to each new episode. Paul's the rare host who doesn't elbow his guests from the spotlight. He adds a respectful, listening silence as backdrop to his guests, whether during his interview or a stranger who's filled out one of his surveys. It's refreshing. A standout in his series is EPS #609, an interview with author Dana Killion, titled "Married to an Addict/Alcoholic" I also admire Paul ending a well-paid sponsorship, then, his candor at the financial hit he took over dropping said sponsor. The show's Patreon supporters and better sponsors make the podcast possible.
  • imindia12
    the BEST podcast
    I have been a loyal listener since 2019 and I still get so excited every Friday for the latest episode. Paul has the best sense of humor and is able to find light in even the darkest situations. This is the absolute best podcast and I would (and do) recommend it to everyone!!
  • Will Stop
    Dana Killion
    Sad that this woman can talk about her life and relationship, and the only responsibility/fault she can take for anything is her “silence.” Come on. It seems that so many women can’t admit to any fault in relationships at all. They must be 100% victims. It takes two people and both have faults.
  • Paul____
    Thank you!
    Because of this platform, I understand people better. Thank you for all you do! God loves you! Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will be with you. We walk through life’s journey, we don’t stay or stop in the depths of darkness, and we are not alone, He is with us!
  • Paul H in MA
    Gave me hope
    Great podcast. Great guests. Great host. Makes me feel less alone.
  • Foxyspet
    Great podcast
    I love the depth of this show. Paul shows a great understanding of people and great interaction with his guests. I really like the surveys part
  • nicknames21
    This show will completely ruin your loneliness.
    This show my favorite thing on the planet. Following some advice from the host I was able to begin to get the help I needed both through therapy and 12 step groups. This show literally helped save my life. Oh and Paul is also hilarious. INFINITE stars.
  • Nkdstfbjiof
    Saved my life
    The tone of this show is really soothing to me when I'm struggling with depression. There are just enough jokes to lighten the mood, while still being unafraid to look at all the darkness. Some of the recent guests aren't as interesting as the ones from the earlier years, so try listening to older episodes if the newer ones aren't doing anything for you.
  • cactusflower59
    Great Show
    This is a great show, I’ve been listening for years. It gets dark at time, but if you are a seeker and want real and raw, this show is for you.
  • Rappaport13
    Best Mental Health podcast
    Paul has gotten me through many a hard time by being that reassuring voice speaking to me via my headphones. Nighttime is the scariest for me but with Paul there I am reminded that I am not alone
  • Josh2ss
    One of the best and most unique podcasts ever made
    If you’ve ever struggled with anything in your life, from depression to anxiety, addiction and beyond, this is the podcast for you. Paul is the most amazing host and is a pleasure to listen to as he has a wealth of knowledge and experience, and has been doing this podcast for a long time now. I love the listener surveys as much as the guests usually, but not every topic will resonate with people as the topics are quite varied. Still one of my favorite podcasts and an absolutely irreplaceable voice in today’s society.
  • areyoukiddingmee
    This podcast saves lives
    Thank you for what you do Paul. You have done more good for this community than you’ll ever know ❤️
  • B. Birdell
    I have been listening for a few months. This week’s #596 Love Avoidance with Rebecca D was so relatable - I found myself vigorously nodding me head! Thanks! And thank you for not patronizing! I don't know what your ethical beef was with better help. I would never use them, but a lot of people seem to get help there, and lots of other podcasts advertise them. I don't know how it could be any worse than those jarring ads that interrupt your podcast now, or what could be more annoying than having to listen to you grub for money when you gave up half your income of your own free will.
    Thank god for Paul!
    Thank you, Paul, for being who you are. Please continue to do the podcast as long as it's good for YOU. I love your experience and willingness to travel to these places with us and 'bring us all back' safely. You are SOOOO APPRECIATED!!! Take good care of yourself.💪🏻🙏🏻✨💌☮️
  • Mental pod
    Mental Illness Happy Hour
    Always so helpful to listen to. It’s different and real. Fantastic one of a kind podcast. Sensitive, funny host, great interviewer, very mind blowing and educational. I have found so much comfort in listening to this. You definitely stop feeling so alone with whatever challenge you are dealing with from depression, anxiety, OCD, sexual trauma, addiction, chronic pain, and numerous other afflictions we struggle with as human beings. Best podcast out there. Guests are always good and their stories always interesting. So much to relate to. Thank you Paul!!!
  • HJCFlower
    Finally ...
    ... a place that's real. What a tall glass of cool water it is to actually listen to honesty in this way. I think this podcast has helped me feel more at home in myself than 20 years in therapy. I am forever grateful for place to go when I’m sad and alone from feeling so misunderstood.
  • velomonk
    Giving voice to dangerous quacks
    I used to really enjoy this show until a few weeks ago when he hosted a dangerous, unqualified quack. It was an unbelievably irresponsible thing to do. I ended my subscription and Patreon immediately.
  • gpuzzler71
    Paul is brilliant and this podcast should be suggested to everyone who struggles with mental health issues. Thank you, Paul. You are never alone either!
  • theorginalracer
    Caroline Leaf
    Difficult podcast but I highly appreciate it . Hopefully in the future we will know what is going on in our mind/ brain but right now we do our best , we speculate . I am on medication or drugs as she says .and I am a 12 stepper ! Thank God .
  • calfencer
    I can't handle his lack of respect to subscribers!
    If I wanted to hear insults, I would watch Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. I’m deleting my free subscription.
  • hestirsthesea
    An all time fave
    This podcast makes me feel seen and less alone by addressing mental health topics head on. So good!
  • wyhomingnance
    Episode 636
    I found that art became my number one healer. Thank you for your podcast. I found you through Andrea Ashley, as I am an Adult Child of a Dysfunctional Family and a CSA. A lot of my art is done during ACOA zoom meetings. I am able to share my art with that community also. Thank You again.
  • Rhonda ya kno
    Waiting Room Rules
    No running with that pencil Have your survey ready Be ready when your name is called….. ✨can’t say enough how much I enjoy listening to Paul. I do look forward each time a new episode drops.✨. Sincerely the “Clerk “
  • no zoom in
    Love, love, love
    This makes me feel better about myself and my mental health and illness. Not in the way that people are worse off than I am, but in the way that I love hearing other people's stories and experiences knowing that I'm not alone. I went through some major traumatic experiences and events my whole life. Starting at the age of 2 with my dad molesting me till the age of 12, and being raped by 4 plus different men in Ny adulthood, and maybe some family members in my adolescence. I have PTSD and a lot of anxiety and depression. Now I even have a touch of agoraphobia, and can't really enjoy my life like I used to because of body issues including bulging discs in my lower back and neck, and stomach issues that have been happening for the last few years now. I'm a avid outdoor person because that was helping me with my anxiety and mental issues, but somehow it's just getting harder to do because of health problems, which is making everything worse, so I sit alone have very few friends who care, and no family members that I talk to, except my sister but we haven't seen each other in 6 months. So if I didn't have this show I don't know what I'd do. There are a few more that I listen to, but this is by far my favorite because of the humor and I love the beginning and ending with the reading of listeners write down their thoughts. So I just wanted to do my part and say how much I appreciate this show. You should listen.
  • Fevry1
    Thank you Paul 🥲
  • Haley Ba
    The best podcast there is
    This podcast found me when I was in the most depressed and lonely time in my life and it was a huge part of what saved me and got me to finally get help. Paul has a way of relating to everyone and their experiences while also bringing some comedic relief to very dark topics. I immediately listen every week as soon as it comes out. If you have any sort of mental health issue (or really any issue in general) there is something for you in these 650+ episodes.
  • Dang5Point
    Great Show Takes On Tough Subjects
    So appreciative to Paul and his guests over the years. A place to learn, love, and laugh.
  • ryanmarkham
    Honest, funny, and always something to relate to
    Paul G is a comedian/actor who candidly offers up the funny, sad, dark and silver linings to life with mental illness. It taught me that I was not alone in this struggle and fills the gaps in coping and processing with issues in between sessions with my therapist. He really breaks the stigma and presents an unflinching view from his audience about living the problems of trauma and mental illness. I could hug the man for introducing me to a world where there were others out there who know and understand what it’s like being alone in a crowd.
  • Christylovesanimals
    Awesome, interesting show
    I started listening to this podcast a few months ago. I love it because it educates the listener about mental illnesses and trauma. It also has a new guest every week talking about mental illness, drug issues, trauma, etc.. I really love it because listeners are able to send their personal stories or issues that they're going through and Paul will read them on the show. The stories are honest, shocking, relatable, funny, and sad. I would highly recommend to anyone who has a mental illness, trauma history, drug/alcohol history, any personal problem, and/or wants to learn that everyone has issues and it's okay to talk to about them! Listener's stories remain anonymous and sometimes it's nice to get something off your chest that you can't tell anyone else. The host, Paul, is very empathetic and open-minded when he talks to his guests and reads the listener's surverys. He's also funny and a bit quirky, but after listening to some of the episodes in this podcast, you will realize we're all a bit quirky! I love it!
  • Ty.adams
    Many episodes are commonly relatable. Shows not being alone.
  • Dkw-2
    Love it!
    Such a wonderful way to listen and learn about different life experiences. First thing I do when opening up the podcast is to see if another episode is available thanks for making such a wonderful podcast.
  • CrazyKat55
    Can’t wait for this one to drop every week!
    I listen to several podcasts. This is the one that I have to listen too the day it drops. I’ve been listening for years. It’s super funny at times, and it give me insight into the lives of other people. I’ve learned a lot! My number one show!
  • podfan 80
    In lightening
    I have listened to this pod cast for years. While other show have come and gone from my interest, this one has stayed. I have learned so much about myself and loved ones.
  • raychaz
    For everyone who’s ever struggled with their mind
    The O.G. of mental health podcasts, TMIHH is for everyone who has ever been down, mentally or emotionally. Which is to say it’s for just about everyone. I listen because understanding what others have been through makes me feel just that little bit less alone. Paul is the perfect host, too, in that he’s funny and kind, and not afraid to open up about his own life. He doesn’t pretend to have it all figured out, and he never makes me feel ashamed of what they’re going through or what happened to them.
  • DBL wants to leave a review
    Useful info, no pretension
    The podcast offers insight into mental health, general life wisdom, and confirmation of the healthiest mental health beliefs. It does so while not being sanctimonious, a pitfall of other sources of emotional/mental health information.
  • bfjsi
    Fascinating and helpful
    It took me a while to get into the surveys, but honestly, in my darkest hours this year, they made me feel less alone. I’ve also learned a new vocabulary to research that has been very helpful in my journey to mental wellness. I’m grateful the voice in the quiet darkness this winter.
  • LauraKwonDo
    Only podcast I regularly listen to
    High recommend this podcast to anyone, but especially to creative folks who struggle with mental conditions or love someone with mental conditions (all of us??). Paul Gilmartin is an amazing host for several reasons - funny, engaging, empathetic, curious and compassionate. But most of all it’s his own vulnerability that I think puts his guests at ease and facilitates deep, informative, and authentic conversations with the potential to help so many.
  • In_sidian
    So effin great
    I look forward to the new episode every week, and I'm slowly working my way through previous ones (as I have time). I get so much out of it that I decided to support Paul (and Gracie) on Patreon, which is the first time I've ever felt inspired enough to do such a thing. Highly recommend.
  • Drewdle68
    Mental Illness Happy Hour
    LIFE CHANGING!! I’m so excited that I discovered this podcast. I was diagnosed w Bipolar 1 during the pandemic. I am now 55 and grateful that I am able to manage my illness, although there is a background fear that I will someday become unstable. Thank you, Paul. Your humor is fantastic and your interviews genuine and transparent. I’m so glad I found you!! Laura
  • BananaM.
    Unstable Genius
    I love this podcast. I don’t know what that says about me. I especially love the awful-some surveys. In a world where humor at another’s expense seems to be the normI am comforted by Paul’s kindness mixed with irreverent humor.
  • Dr. Paula C
    Just outstanding
    This host has a serious commitment to making anyone andeveryone feel safe no matter how bizarre their mental health issue. I like the way he reads selected thoughts from listener surveys; he makes good choices and always honors the perspective of the writer. The guests are very interesting and the discussions so candid I feel like I’ve joined them in the guest’s living room for a totally relaxed private conversation, the kind of talk that happens after dinner, after the movie, after whatever when everyone feels safe. KUDOS!
  • The Coldest of Feet
    The best mental health podcast
    This is the podcast you need in your life.
  • team finley
    I’m seen
    Listening for my first time (I have severe depression, PTSD and GAD) I heard stories from people who had the similar trauma happen to them that happened to me and just hearing their stories of abuse and abandonment made me cry so hard cause I felt so seen. It was this guttural cry from deep within that I’m not alone and I’m not crazy. Thank you for podcasting these stories and for your encouragement and compassion.
  • Hub fruity
    Funny, raw and honest
    I just love this podcast. It is funny, raw and honest. Paul’s self-deprecating, dark humor is counterbalanced with sincere compassion and wholesome earnestness. He is the best.
  • discerning 2020
    Love this podcast!
    I can’t say enough good things about this podcast. Paul gets fabulous guests that dive so deep into topics not covered anywhere else. The podcasts are so insightful and informative. The episode about money and emotions was so fabulous I listened to it 3 times.
  • Outlaws , Pirates , an
    my favorite after all these years
    I’m never bored. I’m always entertained. Most importantly , I learn something every time. I feel much more connected …. and even when a story makes me cry , I feel lighter. This podcast is an extraordinary reminder of being a human struggling on earth. The joys , the demons , the love , the lessons … and hopefully, the wisdom and empathy that delivers us just a a little more grace each time we see ourselves in someone else’s story. Thank you Paul …. for your consistent and honest presence. You generously , lovingly , and energetically without fail …. deliver to us your “host of the most” good vibe interviews each and every time. And I know … some days , like all of us crazy cats out here … it ain’t easy.
  • CoraCane
    Overdue Review
    Long time listener who finally heard Paul ask to rate review and subscribe. Great interviews and enjoy Paul’s humor too.
  • chalkr
    This show is amazing.
    I’m a pretty mentally ill person. Been listening for years. This show makes me feel so much less alone!! I love Paul Gilmartin. He’s so compassionate. And flawed — and honest — and hilarious. His candor about his own issues and his genuine empathy blows me away. Many of his guests are interesting and fantastic storytellers and very wise. They’ve been through a lot. This podcast can be SUCH a helpful resource for understanding troubled minds. Including your own. The variety and the depth and rigor... Great stuff.
  • Monkey pants 7
    love love love
  • RebolAnn
    Paul Is The Best!
    Please never stop doing this podcast. You’re helping so many people. ☮️💟 Thank you 😊
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