Here's The Thing with Alec Baldwin


Award-winning actor Alec Baldwin takes listeners into the lives of artists, policy makers and performers. Alec sidesteps the predictable by going inside the dressing rooms, apartments, and offices of people we want to understand better: Ira Glass, Lena Dunham, David Letterman, Barbara Streisand, Tom Yorke, Chris Rock and others. Hear what happens when an inveterate guest becomes a host.

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Recent Reviews
  • Marco Fernandooo
    Great questions
    The guest is always allowed to expound as much as possible, unlike many other podcasts
  • Che Block
    Jackie said I wanted people to see “what they did to him” She knew who the “they” was
  • getrealrae
    Great Interviews with a fabulous mix of guests
    I’ve been binging this podcast and find myself singing along! Some of the interviews are with musical theater. Not only is it wonderful to hear their journeys, but the interviews end with a song. I’m loving it! I also appreciate that these aren’t fluff interviews. Guests cover the highs and lows— which the podcast does a great job of reminding us that even doctors can have lows and struggles getting their work seen.
  • chesbay
    First Class podcast
    I’m a long time listener. Alec’s knowledge and information never ceases to amaze me. I am currently listening to “Ben Steele, American “. A bit of a departure from the usual “Here’s the Thing” interviews this is a fascinating and informative verbal documentary. Outstanding work by Baldwin and staff! Kudos!
  • nelnikson
    Alec Baldwin's Podcast is Incredible!
    After being in the spotlight once again this week for being an advocate for violence, it makes perfect sense that Alec Baldwin has his own podcast, no one loves the sound of their own voice as much as he does. He excels at bloviating there is no one better at it than him, just ask him. He thinks he is better than everyone (a perfect example is the many well documented times he has assaulted people for simply daring to speak to him!). Why he is not in prison for murdering Halyna Hutchins is a mystery. I especially love when he pontificates on the polluting of our oceans. The man who has at least 3 gas guzzling SUVs to take his VonTrapp amount of children and spanish impersonating wife all over NYC while owning at least 3 homes (2 of which he rarely spends time in), not to mention all the single use cups you see them using on their social media accounts. He has no shame, he killed someone yet he feels it's perfectly fine to keep his (& his dopey wife too) social media public where everyone can see the nontent they deem interesting. Most people would lay low and not attempt to draw attention to themselves but not the Baldwins. To them, all attention is good. Even his loser brothers are just about as insufferable. The entire family should just go away.
  • BHB222
    I Really Tried
    I just can’t get into it. AB comes across as sanctimonious and harsh. Maybe he needs to go back to acting because being his “real self” isn’t working.
  • nixfinity
    Don’t shoot me
    So the loaded gun in your hand just went off and fired itself? Come on Alec, you and your wife with the fake accent have destroyed all credibility. Almost as ridiculous as a Long Island boy pretending to be a cowboy in a self produced Western .
  • racingintothefuture
    Dr Dean
    Great episode
  • jagmon1
    Keep going!
    Love this podcast! Alec Baldwin is an excellent interviewer and the people he interviews and subjects covered are most interesting. Thank you thank you for the interviews with Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart!!!! ❤️
  • A Must-Listen Poscast
    A Must-Listen Podcast
    Here's the Thing is a podcast that excels on multiple fronts. With a Renaissance man as a host, I have enjoyed the shows I thought I would like based on their descriptions and shows I was sure I would have no interest in.
  • Austinnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    Good interviewer
    Great conversations. I’ve listened for years.
  • CliffyClavin
    Watch out guests
    Don’t murder anyone
  • mattbermudez24
    Love you Alec
    Listened to this podcast for years, and am happy it continues. Alec brings warmth, enthusiasm and empathy to every conversation. We got your back
  • makeupmyname
    just discovered
    I’ve just discovered this podcast and I think Baldwin is utterly fantastic: his knowledge, appreciation for his guests and their art, and — despite what some reviewers say about his habit of interrupting — interview skills. Also, I see Baldwin has been doing this podcast for a decade. Unbelievable.
  • jo schmidt
    Can’t Wait to Listen
    I have been a fan of this podcast for many years. I loved Alex’ choices for guests and he really did a great job. Elaine Stritch and Tony Bennett’s son - totally loved from years ago. Then I lost touch with the podcast. I am so glad it is back as I never listen to podcasts. I will definitely listed to Alec. He has that old school excellence and love for all things artistic with environmental and current events thrown in. He really gets it. Saw him in a music video of a tribute to Buddy Guy - “I’ll Never Go Blind” sung by Beth Hart with bass played by Jeff Beck. Excellent clip - he was in the audience and first to begin a well deserved standing ovation. Alec is a keeper people. He is a cool cat like Tony Bennett and the whole podcast releases a cool, sophisticated vibe. There is no one like him. Soothing late night voice.
  • Annedach
    Great podcast. I enjoy his interviews but wish he wouldn’t interrupt his guests so much. His guests will be answering his question and then he’ll interrupt them and ask them another question. Please let your guests talk.
  • vcvvvvvvvvvvb
    He and Chris Cuomo should compete as to who could speak over their guests more often.
  • SgrTits1979
    Bang bang
    You should be in jail, you arrogant, alcoholic pig
  • pwb in dc
    Declining Quality
    Used to be a favorite podcast, but has lost it’s quality edge and just become one more podcast.
  • Roy Ribble
    Brian Hamill Interview 👍👍
    Just listened to my first interview of Here’s The Thing. Great podcast, I have always been a big fan of Alec Baldwin. Brian Hamill’s story, history and experiences left me wanting more, I could have listened to him for hours. Movies, pop culture, history, social and political times, Brian and Alec touched on it all, in a very elegant and engaging manor. I will tune in again.
  • Chachalawyer
    Best interview podcast out there.
    No matter who the guest is, I end up loving these interviews. I would love to chat with Alec Baldwin, he seems to ask the best questions, and to be genuinely interested in his guests’ fascinating lives.
  • aztecjoe24
    Writers strike
    Tim Dillon has a really funny take on these poor people.
  • CobraBonVivant
    Hot Air Mealy-Mouthed Bloviator
    Where’s the zero star option?
  • Boke27
    Overall, thumbs up.
    I like Alec Baldwin, and I admire his passion for the arts. Having said that, I wish Alec would let his guests finish their own sentences and thoughts. I wouldn’t mention this flaw in his interviewing technique if it didn’t happen quite so often.
  • Laguner@
    Arrogant, Narcissistic, Racist
    Why would I want to listen to an arrogant has-been actor who, for many years, peddled a lie to help his equally narcissistic and wannabe celebrity wife gain followers, becoming a momfluencer with lots of sponsors marketing the story of “the Spaniard-Latina WOC / ESL super mummy” ?? They’re both racists: Hillary for still affecting a fake Spanish accent and Alec Baldwin for supporting and mocking her delusional fantasies — White-privilege at its best
  • Tracy in St. Louis
    Great podcast
    Alec, have you ever considered interviewing Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell of the band America? One of the great bands of our time growing up, still touring and sound fantastic. Thank you.
  • starfish74
    Cheryl Hines episode is lovely.
    I really enjoyed the episode with Cheryl Hines. I love stories about people who start out as “normal” like most people, who do amazing things and become extraordinary. What a delight she is! Such a talented, yet humble soul. I truly hope she becomes our First Lady, as she is a fabulous role model and inspiration for women and girls…and people in general.
  • Garfman72
    To die for
    Alec is a straight-shooter that really kills it
  • ArgentoAmericano
    A “must”
    Alec had become a part of our family, my 9 and 12 years old boys are regularly inspired by Alec. He had fundamentally affected the way they understand how a serious rational well-mannered and articulated exploration of a topic is properly conducted. He had truly captured the interested of our family, and his podcast has become a way we measure time: “how long until the next podcast from Alec”. He is surely the next standard on how you explore topics and people in a very human manner. I really believe he captured himself and what he does when he asked Barbra if her mother was ever interested in how she felt as a person and artist; I believe he’s one of the most articulated journalists (thought he may not consider himself as such) out there, here is a human being honestly and deeply interested in other human beings. Keep it up, Alec. PS: you may have “worked double to come only half way” compared to people that have had “an uninterrupted boulevard of green lights”; but you have a human quality that is TRULY UNIQUE. Our family is thankful for having then privilege of listening to you.
  • arthousecleaner
    One of the best voices on the podcast scene
    I COULD LISTEN TO HIS CALMING VOICE TALK ABOUT ANYTHING. Love all of the wonderful interviews and intelligence. I listen to the show when I paint, it’s a great combo.
  • SCrzmtman
    Perfect host
    Add "radio" broadcasting to Alec Baldwin's strengths and you have another whole dimension and it perfectly complements his portfoilio of talent
  • Kevbot3
    He sounds RUSTy
    Alec is trying really hard but he’s just missing the target and it’s killing me too
  • Peakwoodeast
    Alec is someone to admire
    Through life’s ups and downs, Alec has emerged as one of the best humans on the planet, imho. He is an exceptional interviewer, game show host and actor. Here’s the Thing is one of my favorite podcasts. Thank you, Alec!
  • Jbellls
    Too many ads
    Good interviews. There are so many adds it’s unenjoyable. Adds break in mid sentence. It just ends up being a tedious experience.
  • lynnstrauss
    Great interviewer
    Alec is great interviewer and a great conversationalist. He’s interested in everything and his guests are top shelf. Thank you for carrying on with life.
  • Moo movie
    My favorite! The best!!!!
    Alec is my favorite podcast interviewer! Every episode I learn something and it’s fascinating. There have been times when I read who was gonna be on the show that I am like that sounds really boring. But it never is! Alex knows the questions to ask and he’s interested in the person or subject matter. Every episode is a delight! I look forward to every one.
  • Niban #2dj
    Still Great
    I just want to hang out with this guy. So interesting, so interested.
  • caterinapmm
    Alec never disappoints
  • Dheidmdksoemdneu
    If he hadn’t accidentally killed someone, I’d probably still be a fan. He kills people and his fake Spanish wife (aka Hillary from Boston) keeps on birthing them.
  • Shshort
    Always fascinating
    Alec Baldwin’s broad interests and insightful intelligence bring out the best in any guest he interviews. Alec’s breadth of knowledge on a wide range of subjects is only matched by his keen sense of interest he has in his subject. Plus, when he’s doing this podcast his wife can’t get pregnant. The poor lady needs a break.
  • jg sauer
    Love it…
    Great podcast, Alec. Please keep interviewing!! Interesting, entertaining, & fascinating! ❤️❤️❤️
  • Fullmetal560
    Insightful, charismatic and knowledgeable
    Love This podcast! I find Alec”a interviewing style to be warm and engaging. I’m so impressed with the amount of knowledge Alec has about so many topics. He has a way of making everyone of his guests seem interestiing
  • LMecury
    You are an evil man. Here’s the thing, you shot someone and don’t feel guilty. Not your fault. I accidentally weed-whacked a frog once, a decade ago, and I still feel guilty. Never blamed the weed whacker. What kind of privileged monster are you? I used to be a big, big fan, and I’m no MAGA—I can out-liberal you at every turn. But, the lies! And insensitivity. If it was an accident, you should still be on your knees for the rest of your life. You didn’t pull the trigger? Liar: at best. Rot in prison, sweet prince.
  • Edwardo Carocio
    Work release program….
    I wonder if season was pre recorder or if they’ll let Alec record from his cell?
  • podcastlove2478
    Horrific that this unrepentant killer still has a platform! Please stop torturing the public and take your fake Spaniard wife with you!
  • Hastings19
    More Interviews Please!
    I have listened to every podcast so far and totally enjoy Alec Baldwin and the people he interviews. He is an excellent interviewer and I hope there are plenyly of more podcasts on his agenda.
  • pedosmustdie
    Can’t believe this man is not in jail.
  • old blue iPhone5c
    It’s the banter
    He has smart people on the podcast. And anyone can listen to a smart person talk. But it’s Baldwin’s ability to banter and engage with his own smarts and his own wit and his own humor- that brings the rest of us to the table.
  • JennieJo81
    Insight into Life Behind Stardom
    Whether it’s a movie star, a playwright, and artist, or a politico, Alec does an amazing job of conversing with folks about real topics that every person can relate to.
  • Billybill1984
    Love Alec
    See above
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