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still atitDog beds and mortgage brokersIf you like four-minute live ad reads about unproven nutritional supplements you’ve found your home.
stos33MikeMike talks too much. His “analysis” is nauseating
Willy MantisWord!Say the Name!
TDWP5evaThe ONLY Sixers podcastHope it never ends, I feel so lucky to have such a great show to listen to. Almost nowhere else can you find a podcast where the hosts have 10+ years of chemistry together
MatyBramfunny“There’s a difference between not being fast and being, like, turtle-slow.” - Spike on the “doughy” Seth Curry
Lotta YearsLotta YearsI remember first listening to RTRS after Paul Harvey on NPR in the early 80s. The Bobby Jones discussions and tangents into Dallas Green and the Vets turf were pure gold. Looking forward to all the forthcoming years, especially the Maxey HOF pod. (Side note: James Naismith had the worst winning percentage in KU basketball history, after inventing the game? How is this not discussed more? Worth its own pod?) Thanks to Spike and Mike, CJ and others.
ToedoroeTwo Guys who always AgreeIt Stinks.
hollis thompsonMikes wife looks like his sisterLove the pod boys just wasn’t sure if anyone has pointed out how similar Mike and Alyssa look, they could be twins!
Hit M HiYou can borrow a dog-Love the post-playoff pods - love all the pods - Thank you :)
lomack227Paul Reed has better stats then Ben SimmonsThat is all
KaylaM00Spike galSpike is for the girls
KevinDFrancoPodal rentersLet’s turn over the star Hunter music volume what are we doing here. Why do I tune in if I can’t even hear the star hunter music
JesseHaleyAl HorfordI’m a Celtics fan. I loathe James Harden’s game. This podcast was a honeypot of schadenfreude for me. I came to really enjoy and empathize with Spike & Mike’s perspective. Now that Harden is gone, I wish them luck. They’ve always been wrong about Al Horford tho.
Superstar38384Spike Eskin is a LiarCan’t trust anything Spike says on the podcast anymore.
bhilphils16Wish this was a Phillies podcast insteadThis podcast is my favorite podcast about a sports team I barely like anymore. If they feel like slowly transitioning to a Phillies podcast that’s cool with me.
Brian5259Maybe start a Knicks pod spike5 stars for Mike, 0 for Spike. Round up to 3 stars
shake miltonWe were right yall💍🃏 even when it went wrong all along we were right
C-SlimSpikeLiterally a lovely showcasing of entitlement and nepotism wrapped up into one incredibly loud and almost always incoherent with his contradictory takes. Flip flops worse than a fish on land and he’s in love with hearing himself talk. Sickening to the body to suffer through this abortion
Paul from VentnorWe Were Right Y’all?Were we right? We still don’t know. What I do know though, is Mike nailed it on the last pod with the comment about having a knife to his throat! We can’t be taunted. This is the best NBA pod out there. #saythename
Larry is badBest sports podcast ever?Here’s a jigsaw: every time you orgasm you whisper “I’m a little wiggly piggly piggy oink oink oink” into your partners ear. Or Brian Colangelo lives under your bed and you have to feed him bread crusts twice a day or he climbs out and licks your toes while your sleeping.
iciclestartreeThe Only Sixers Pod you needAnd the only basketball podcast out there in which you’ll hear the word ouroboros. Keep up the good work guys.
Either or anonDedmon is back!Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who remembers that Spike had a Powerman 5000 drop for Dewayne Dedmon.
Don't worry about my name Dawg8 too many adsSpike must not listen to podcasts to understand how terrible having so many ads are for the listening experience. I’d pay $5 a month to just hear the pod with no ads. Catch y’all 2 months from now when I forget they have 13 ads a episode
cris70802Heating upTune into this one folks. A couple of weeks ago they fielded a listener email asking how they manage to get along so well. Ever since then, tensions have been ratcheting up. They do it from remote locations, so if you’re looking for actual violence, go elsewhere. But if you’re looking for snide comments about who was right about Ben Simmons, this is required listening.
Mark from AllentownGreat pod!Can’t wait for Michael Bivins to come on and talk about the Ringer’s top 100
Ryan11246828481828482Adam’s defense of Glenn RiversBoy did that age like milk as I’m writing this after the disgrace that was the Lakers game on Friday. On top of the column not coming close to addressing what Glenn Rivers actually does well (which is nothing), he writes it two days ahead of what should have been an all time embarrassing loss if not for Anthony Davis missing a free throw. I wish he’d made it. Anyway, love the show and 5 stars. fire the coach immediately.
Sickles from AlbanyThanks Mike and SpikeHands down the best sixers pod there is. Been a listener for years and continued through the ups and downs. As of 22Nov; Paul Reed HAS TO BE officially officially out the mud. There’s no way Doc can continue to play a marginally functional Montrez over Reed. 19 points on 9 attempts with 10 boards, 3 steals and 2 blocks. I’m holding you both personably responsible for getting doc to adjust.. be the change you want to see in the world! Thanks again for a great pod. Makes my day each day I listen to you guys on the way to work. Keep it up and I’ll be with you for life.
clydeclemens #TTPLove Joel, Maxey and the podThe pod is just as money as Joel’s midrange!
VA-Philly Connection2 Esteemed Basketball Minds and CJ2 True Philly area guys who love Philly sports keep this transplant in Virginia in the know as it relates to this team. They seem more plugged in than the beat writers. Keep up the good work.
gwilym69420☘️☘️☘️My favorite podcast to listen to when the Celtics beat the sixers.
Brsuds05The go to sixers podcastA great podcast from guys that are just like us regular sixers fans…always very candid about the team and the strengths and weaknesses..a must follow!
KbraidzBest NBA podcastThe best nba podcast out there. You don’t even have to be a Sixers fan to enjoy this. But if you are this is a must. Sixers are easily the most chaotic team in all of sports. And this show perfectly captures the craziness and hilarity that can only come from Philly.
Dachila326LL is the GOATMy now fiancé Sarah and I are both travel nurses currently on assignment in Nashville and LL made ring shopping SO easy. He took the time to work around our schedules and was available via phone when I was able to sneak out to the gym. I recommend anyone nervous about ring shopping to do it while on a treadmill for 40 minutes. LL is a great workout partner and motivator! (He probably could have fixed both Markelle and Ben, and we’d have at least a three peat championship run right now). Moral of the story is to get LL to Camden ASAP, but as long as that means he doesn’t close shop because he’s the ONLY person to buy a ring from no matter where in the country you might live.
jellymillrontyI could watch 24 hours of Mike’s facial expressions as he listens to Spike reading things, like a full transcription of Tobias Harris’s contract negotiation meetings.
JPK6789&@Too many commercialsAn absurd number of long commercials each show. Are you guys that hard up for cash?
Brandon SlikerBring back Art of the Take CowardThat is all love this pod
TEditsVDenver’s “advantage”I hate the false narrative that Denver has some sort of “altitude advantage”. Have you looked at their fans? 90% are morbidly obese. The only altitude they need is from walking up stairs.
TheFeedbaconatorLevin-Clancy '24Glad to see the mention of Rodney Carney (and his socks). I shook his hand at a meet and greet at the Spectrum before it got demolished. Loved Mike's paraphrased impressions of Spike's segments!
Miccheck12whatJust looked. I have a lot of Ricky tee shirts!Great obscure graphics and phrases and so comfy.
bromani3Great show and contentI think Spike and Michael are terrific. Always the right amount of content. They understand what they are watching and their opinions are super solid. I don’t miss any episodes and support their sponsors as well! Keep up the great work!!!!!
julianleads2yallyall some funny mf
hw_plainview_No More Paddington SlanderGreat podcast about both the 76ers and the experience of being a 76ers fan, but I was troubled by Spike’s suggestion on a recent episode that listeners recommending Paddington 2 during the “underrated movies” segment was a bit. I now find myself with no choice but to go to bat for Paddington 2, a family comedy that I would put toe-to-toe with most dramas in terms of heart and thematic weight. Sure, it’s about a naïve and impossibly kind bear getting into trouble in London, but it’s got a powerful message about the immigrant experience and our shared humanity that doesn’t feel unearned or insincere. It’s also got a vibrant visual style that tries to synthesize Buster Keaton’s physical comedy with Edgar Wright’s manic editing and Wes Anderson’s ornate framing and set design. It’s mostly successful in doing so. Paddington 2 is sentimental without being cloying, a genuine warm hug of a movie, simply delightful. Or maybe this really is all just a bit. Keep up the good work and Trust the Process.
MSecrest5 stars, except Mike’s politicsReally a great basketball podcast, except for Mike’s ignorant LA brainwashed 1984 groupthink. Keep up the basketball takes and for love of god Mike, no more woke politics please!
FORMER RADIO SPORTS LISTNERMike please answer the questionsSpike asked Mike who would play more, number 25 or Harden. Mike spoke for two minutes but still wouldn’t answer. He never answers questions Spike asks. We’re not going to hold it against you if you’re wrong. It’s annoying
Dov+trashI stopped listening when I realized I don’t like either of these people. Also, too many ads.
AusomejpFultz, Simmons, MaxeyFultz is that summer crush that you meet at camp and everything seems so great. At the end of summer, they’re family moves and you never see them again. You lament all that could’ve been. #25 is that person in college who seems to check all the boxes, but has one huge red flag. You try to look past it and date for a year or two, but at the end you just can’t see eye to eye, and you break up when you graduate. Your friends then tell you they always thought you weren’t a good fit and are excited for you to date again. Maxey is that person you meet at a friend’s dinner party after dating around in your new city. You’re shocked they’re single as they are smart, funny, and gorgeous. You quickly find out they’re even more amazing as you get to know each other more. You start spending all your time together and all of a sudden they have a toothbrush at your place. You never look back.
notrouble12Why can’t Spike just be happy?Just when vibes are declared “Immaculate” in Sixers land by this Pod, Spike has a hissy fit after Mike claims “it’s not radio”. The moment was so cringeworthy I actually turned it off and had to take a moment to myself to wash off the negativity. I’ve come around on Spike over the years after initially judging him a douche because of his name. No Spike you are not your Dad and you don’t have to take offense at Mike’s or anyone else’s view of sports radio and your relationships to it. Hope this spat didn’t carry over to much and that you can bury the hatchet and enjoy the good vibes in Sixers land.
N8BbackI never miss it — no matter how weirdLast week, Daryl Morey. Incredible episode. This week, bizarre performance art in a Philadelphia accent from some guy named Tony T. If I’m laughing the whole way through the worst podcast episode they’ve put out in a year, they’re doing something right. (Ordinarily, the only downsides are Mike’s occasional episodes of psychotic optimism, and Spike’s genuinely offensive body shaming of anyone with body fat.) But I’m praising with faint damnation here. These guys know their stuff, love the team, and more often then not are genuinely funny. Sixers fans should not miss it. I never do.
Tony_tony_tony_tonyGood podcastI like this podcast. It’s a good podcast. Yes.
ChristopherJawn5 starsBeen listening to this pod for a long time. These ads are getting pretty ridiculous though. I get it. Get paid. But, the listening experience gets worse the more ads that get added.
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