Country Squire Radio

Hobbies #149

JD and Beau sit down every week and talk about the rich history and elegance of pipe tobacco, the custom blends found only at the Country Squire, as well as general shop talk. If you’re a pipe enthusiast looking for a show to listen to on the go or while you’re kicking back enjoying a bowl, this is definitely the place for you.

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Recent Reviews
  • YellowFlashes
    Sad It's Gone
    Miss these guys. Wonderful to welcome them in every week. Back episodes will have to do!
  • Not as useful as it could be.
    Even the older episodes are relevant!
    I’ve recently rediscovered my pipe enjoyment after a rather long hiatus and wanted to see what was new. I stumbled upon this podcast and I’m just having a pleasant time learning what I have missed! Great job guys on staying relevant in a contrary world!!
  • RondyR
    One of the Best Podcasts Around.
    I can’t believe that it has come to an end. Like many, I’m quite sad that a podcast that I have listened to since the third or fourth episode will no longer be welcoming to me every week. I’ll miss you guys. A very enjoyable and informative podcast for pipe smokers, collectors, and even those who do not partake of that most noble of leaves can still find humor and fun in every episode. The hosts are quite amusing, in a good way, and the show is fast-paced, witty, and a great way to pass an hour or so. Very highly recommended.
  • Flashymattastic
    News of ending the podcast.
    This is really hard to hear. I’m an avid listener, and news of the podcast coming to an end brings back feelings of the McClelland disaster. I formally request that you reconsider this decision. I think everyone would be ok with John David and Cole broadening what they talk about. For example: I know the Banshees Blade Pirate show that was being advertised didn’t get enough support, but we would all love to hear the script read like a book. It does not need to be acted out. Either way whatever decision you make know I love the show. It’s the only way to enjoy the country squire shop, I live in semi rural Alaska and we have no true tobacco shops. Please change your decision.
  • GPolly1
    Feels Like Family
    I’ve been listening to the podcast for a few months and had the pleasure of meeting JD at the Country Squire on Dec. 30. He was friendly and helped me choose a pipe within my budget, along with some Figgy Pudding and a Bill’s Blend/Trumpeter mix (sorry Beau, I know you’re not a fan of aromatics). I especially enjoy the conversations on their religious journey, Hero’s of the Bowl, and pirate talk (I am from the Tampa Bay Area… Bradenton, to be exact). Keep it Lit, Guys! -Gary Polly
  • Corbin C. King
    Favorite Show on the Topic and a Topic Suggestion!
    Love listening to these guys and the insight they share. A topic suggestion I have would be another Pipe culture episode on the Outdoorsman. I’m thinking deer or water fowl hunters, or fly fisherman and bait fisherman alike! The experience of smoking a pipe amidst outdoor sport. Also types of tobacco people would veer toward or type of pipes fitting for sport. Anyway keep up the great work and helping make the hobby fun.
  • SwampPanther
    Love these guys
    This is as close as you can get to hanging out at the pipe shop. Great guys and very informative.
  • scm_one
    Great show for the pipe enthusiast. I’m about a half dozen shows in and love it. Fun, down-to-earth folks. Highly I recommended.
  • Nate47912B
    A great and thoughtful podcast
    A great show!
  • tygroom
    To much jabbering
    The first episode I’m trying to listen to is pipe smoking 101 and the first 15 min was absolutely worthless like the were just chatting around a fire giggling to each other. Luckily there is the fast forward feature that helped me not say yup I’m finding another podcast already.
  • roperlegacywoods
    Fun and informative!
    Beau and JD make learning about this new hobby of mine so much fun! Keep it up guys!
  • Eric J. Alves
    Amazing Podcast for Beginner Pipe Smokers or Those Interested
    As a cigar smoker for several years, I have found myself becoming more and more interested in pipe smokers as a companion to my cigars. While I know a lot about cigars, pipes were a foreign language to me. While o did research online, a lot of what I found was either too advanced still or too boring, that was until I found Country Squire Radio. Every episode, JD and Beau have perfect chemistry like a pitcher and catcher during a perfect. They are able able to work off of each other to give the podcast a fun and loose feel that you feel you are sitting with them and having a personal experience. As experienced pipe smokers and JD’s experience as a tobacconist, you really feel their love for the art of pipe smoking and pipe tobaccos. They just have a great ability to breakdown knowledge and share it where it is easy to digest for both the amateur and novice pipe smoker alike. It also doesn’t hurt that they have fun and joke around. I especially love their 101 pipe smoke education episodes or the episodes on pipe smoking heroes. I learn so much in those episodes that it feels like only 2 minutes have passed when in reality it has been 30+ minutes. If you are interested in pipe smoking, this is the podcast for you. You will not regret it. I have a wishlist of tobaccos and pipes I want to try as I continue this journey thanks to JD and Beau. Keep up the great work guys!
  • daveinlax
    I Enjoy CSR
    I Look Forward to and Enjoy The Country Squire Radio Show Every Week!
  • PastorJasonE
    So Many Reasons To Love This Podcast
    If you want to learn how to get maximum enjoyment out of your pipe smoking hobby then this is the podcast for you. But what I love even more than the expert pipe and tobacco advice is the kindness of JD and Beau. Kindness seems to be in short supply these days and either JD and Beau are very good actors or they are truly good and decent men. And that in itself is worth listening to. Now go have a night.
  • JWCoatney
    Best Pipe Podcast Out There!
    I listen to a fair number of podcasts, many of them technical and academic. I started listening to Country Squire Radio about half a year ago, and have found CSR’s back catalogue to be my go-to podcast. It’s not only entertaining and informative, but these guys are extremely authentic and genuine. They have fun doing the show, and that transfers to the listener. The topics vary (always with some sort of pipe smoking connection), and I’ve found all of them enjoyable and beneficial. This is the first podcast review I’ve ever written, and the first Patreon account I’ve ever joined. I can’t recommend CSR highly enough!
  • NoNameLawProf
    Excellent Podcast
    Jon David and BY run a great podcast. Full of information, comedy, appropriate seriousness, and just fun. Love the show, love the hosts, love the vibe. Thanks, Gents! Please keep it up. NoNameLawProf
  • sandmountainpiper
    Country Squire Radio for the WIN!!
    I’m relatively new to the pipe smoking wold having smoked only cigars for many years. I found this podcast and knew from the opening that this is the one I need to keep up with. Beau and JD make an excellent team and put out quality episodes weekly. I love the way they interact with each other and the information they provide is some of the best I’ve ever heard. I especially like the pipe smoking 101 series and tobacco reviews. Keep up the great work guys! Blessings from Northeast Alabama.
  • Jim (Aka) Vrod
    Loved the show!
    I finally figured out how to operate my iPhone so I could get podcasts. Really enjoyed the shows so far the top three English blends was interesting. I was lucky enough to grow up in the heyday of pipe smoking middle 70s till middle to late 80s. Also lucky enough to call Peter, Eric's father my friend. I was in the tobacco business for about 12 years. I have some wonderful stories and made some great friendships! I'm also originally from Chicago wish I could go with you guys up there this year. Who knows maybe I'll win the lottery just in time. Hope to stop in the shop before you guys leave, thanks again for a great show! See you soon! Jim
  • FinDef22
    The Greatest Podcast That Has Ever Existed Will Ever Exist
    They also talk about pipes, pipe tobacco, and occasionally whiskey!
  • Al Beck -
    You are my people. I thoroughly enjoy the commentary, guests, knowledge sharing and frank opinions. I can be guaranteed to either smile and/or laugh out loud once a week during an episode. I’m new to smoking and wanted to start the pipe for a variety of reasons. I’m cranking through the back episodes and enjoying every minute - love the tobacco reviews. Taking your advice (over many hours of listening before starting) has saved me from juvie mistakes. Also being in Alaska, my options are pretty limited/zero for local quality pipe tobacco, the closest brick & mortar is 360 miles away. Good thing is we’re vacationing to Florida (Orlando & Tampa/Clearwater) this winter (covid break), but the bad news is a pilgrimage to the Country Squire is a 10+ hour one-way drive. I can’t say my wife of 21 years is too thrilled about this new hobby so dropping by won’t happen on this trip:(. I guess I’ll have to continue to live vicariously through the podcast. I’m looking forward to ordering some of your blends, once your Christmas ones are available. Lastly, thank you for leading by example, sharing the truth of the gospel – well done guys. Question: when ordering from you, if I want a variety of the classics (English, Balkan, Latakia, Oriental, straight Virginia, Virginia/Perique etc), since I don’t even know what I like, let alone the different cuts, can you package together a sampler pack? I’m assuming I’d have to call in this odd request. Literally, you/your staff picks – zero input from me. I just pay the bill.
  • OKpiper
    Love the show
    Glad to be a part of this community I love listening to the show I recently made a trip to Jackson and spent two days at the country Squire enjoyed every minute of it great community awesome people
  • DharmaDruid
    Tobacconalian Revelry
    I always enjoy the banter between Beau and Jon David as well as the helpful information about all things tobacco pipes. Their enthusiastic presentation is inspiring and educational and provides sagacious guidance through the hazy smoke filled nether worlds of pipe smoking. Tally-ho with the tobacconalian revelry! 🏴‍☠️
  • mdutson
    Love the show!
    Thanks for all the conversation that I enjoy with a pipe in my face! Cheers!!!!!!
  • Safaripete
    McCllends Selfish Dissapearence
    I’ve been smoking a pipe since 1968.......and have been collecting pipes since 1972. In the recent 20 years I’ve smoked mostly the Wonderful Mcllend Blends. I think the way they vanished. Was extremely selfish. At the very least they should have sold their proprietary info. At the very least it’s a great loss for them financially. Foolish. About this wonderful PODCAST These two southern gentlemen have brought my interest in this “hobby” to heights like never before. They are a perfect pair for this Radio Show. I must get to the Country Squire B&M to meet the principle (or the guidance counselor,lol). Thank you very much for your wonderful prove you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Warm Regards Peter D Field Sr PS. As of 7/1/2020. I am a supporter of this fantastic Podcast. In addition to this wonderful podcast I totally recommend listening to Smoking pipes Magazine Radio Show with “Doctor of Pipes “ Brian Levine......Another fine show for the Pipe Smoker and Collector.
  • boy scout 456
    Great show
    Listening to McCelland Legacy and fully agree that the recipes should be passed on. I started smoking a pipe in 2017 and was only able to try frog Morton’s cellar anf only every got 2 tins. It’s the blend that got me into the hobby and would love to have it again.
  • Real_Hurricane
    Hurricane’s A-Coming
    Don’t worry, Bayou.... though I have been checking out some of the back logged episodes... I have no plans of coming to Houston... this week..
  • Bayview Dave
    The Best
    Just listen to the McClellan Legacy episode to fully understand how great and important this show is and the major contribution that The Country Squire is making to the tobacco pipe community. A wonderful combination of humor, fellowship and mission that is really hard to pull off, but John David and Beau do it frequently.
  • lifejumper
    Enjoy the show as much as the pipe!
    This show is an experience! John David and Beau are a classic pair. I am fairly new to the pipe culture. Finding this podcast is taking my love of all things pipe to the next level. You are probably not going to find someone as honest and knowledgeable about the craft as John David. You will not find another person as down to earth as Beau. Keep up the good work Gentlemen! If you are ever around Pittsburgh you will have to check out Allegheny smoke works. It’s my local pipe one stop shop. Rob
  • Samiam2424
    Best of the best podcast!
    Well, I don’t no why I’ve waited this long to submit a review but these guys are phenomenal! JD and Beau are two of the most quirky characters you will ever listen to on a podcast but they are as comfortable together as a pair of old shoes. I’m a little bit of both of these guys JD is grounded in reality with a good grasp on how the world turns and Beau is a bit of a dreamer with the demand for Lore in all things! They have Great chemistry and always full of great knowledge of the bowl. Ironically one my best friends is named Beau and and listening to these two friends is really not much different than the conversations we have together. I always enjoy and look forward to the newly released podcast and sit back and enjoy a bowl. Thanks to both of these guys! Sam Bruno
  • Ole'Dave in Tennessee
    Simply outstanding
    Well since we have no pipe related periodicals anymore John David and Beau provide a much needed and desired connection to all things pipes. I particularly enjoy the Tobacco review sessions. Would love to see you do something about the Danish master carvers like Eltang, Former and that young man is is working with Eltang. I also appreciate your open expressionsregarding your faith. That's rare these days. I am not typically an aromatic smoker but I now have several in my rotation after trying the Rivendell, Cherokee and Figgy Pudding. Incredibly good with some good real tobacco flavors. These two boys seem like buddies to this old man and I would love an opportunity to share a bowl and a glass of a good single malt with them. They can keep the Boodles though. Well sorth your time this show. You are missing out on some great information and entertainment.
  • UechiBrett
    A great pipe podcast!
    I’ve only been a pipe smoker for the last few years now, but this podcast was the first I found that opened the doors to the pipe community! I quickly went through the back catalog and now look forward each week to another new episode! I’m embarrassed to say how long it took me to realize there was no “Quick Fire” Chris Jones on the show lol. I laugh way too hard each week now when it’s time for the questions! Keep up the great work on this enjoyable podcast!
  • Circle H Brothers
    Wow. Just Wow.
    As a Mississippi ex-pat, it is so great to hear these two friends talk about not only pipes and pipe tobacco, but the history and culture and everything in between. The openness that these two have with their listeners as they discuss their lives and their friendship is comforting on so many levels. They remind me of myself and my best friend. We are both MS natives and we lost contact after moving away, but then realized that we lived just blocks away from each other in FL. The friendship was rekindled and we ended working together for the same company and on the same team. Our wives became best friends and though we had ups and downs, we have remained the closest of friends (or rather, brothers). Several years ago, we both got into pipes, and it has been a mainstay for us. But about two years he got a great opportunity and moved several states away. It has been hard, and we talk as often as we can and try to visit as much as we can, though it’s hard these days due to the current pandemic. That being said, listening to Jon David and Beau, they remind me of us, as we seem to be able to pick up right where left off every time we speak. So thank you both for showing your listeners what friendship and brotherhood is all about. I can’t wait to make a pilgrimage to the Country Squire the next time I make a trek back to my hometown in the Delta, and maybe, just maybe my brother can meet me there for a bowl and a dram. Thank you for the informative entertainment and I wish you both the very best. Michael.
  • Israel-USA
    One of my favorite Podcasts
    Been listening since the beginning and these guys are awesome. Such great personalities and it’s neat to see how they have evolved and become so familiar with the content of pipes, tobacco, and the like, especially since those beginning episodes. I would love to come and visit someday, never been to that part of the country. Stay safe guys and gals.
  • crossfreak296
    A really good podcast.
    This podcast has been so helpful. I began smoking a pipe last fall, and as someone who doesn’t leave near a decent pipe shop, the advice given in this show has been invaluable for me in my pipe smoking journey. I discovered the show in April and have listened to at least half the back catalogue by now. I recommend this show to anyone who smokes a pipe, keep up the great work.
  • Jim in Virginia
    Love this show !
    These guys quickly have become pals . Happy to support this fine show !
  • Kjvxhn
    Morta origins:
    Hi, love the podcast! I just listened to the metal pipe and olive pipe podcasts and would love to hear one about morta pipes! I looked through the podcasts and didn’t see one, but I think it would make a very interesting podcast topic. Keep up the good work!
  • GTorres3944
    Finally something worth listening to!
    As someone who is sick of all the negativity on cable tv and radio now days, finding the show was like finding that tin of frog morton you didn't even knew you had. I find myself waiting patiently for the new episodes just to catch up on what the guys have been up to and what new recommendations they have. I am now a huge fan of the old toby and rivendell blends and find myself hiding the new orders from the wife. Keep up the great work guys, it's a real blessing to have you guys and the show. p.s. I loved the Star Wars episode!!
  • Qui Gon Win
    Pipe Navigation
    Bought my first pipe a few years back, stumbled and struggled through the process with little to no help at the local cigar shop. These guys have really enhanced my knowledge and entertained me through many bowls. I am always looking forward to the next episode and always wait for ideal times to consume it.
  • s10tf3v3r3d
    Wonderful Experience
    If you want to learn more things about pipe smoking and tobacco this is the show. Plus you may get a good chuckle now and then. It’s perfect for both the seasoned pipe smoker and the new to the hobby.
  • ChaplainCorey
    Pleasant time with old friends
    Edit: two years later and it’s still my favorite! That’s what The Country Squire Radio podcast feels like. I discovered this podcast while on my first deployment to Afghanistan. As a chaplain for an infantry battalion, I have had countless amazing conversations over a nice bowl. When I found this podcast, I felt like I was invited into another great conversation with some like-minded friends. Thanks for a great show, and I can’t wait to visit the shop one day.
  • Realthing1
    Good, wholesome fun with Tobacco Jesus
    I love the clean, fun, and informative style of this podcast. I never fail to get a good tidbit of information from it that increases my enjoyment of the hobby. The guys seem to have a really good time doing the show and I always get a chuckle included with the excellent content. Keep up the good work fellas!
  • sandollars23
    Feels like hanging out with family
    I am about halfway through the catalog and have learned so much from you guys! It is very clear how dedicated Bo is to making this show a quality production. The flow and sound is perfect, the topics are relevant and informative JD is one of the most genuine personalities on any Podcast today. I thoroughly enjoy the shows and you guys’ love for what you do makes this this one of my favorites. On a side note, I discovered your blends through this podcast and I can say without reservation that they are top shelf quality and several of them are in my regular rotation. I called in the other day and JD himself answered the phone. I responded to him like he was an old and very good friend and he greeted me in kind even though he didn't know me from Adam! Keep up the great work and never go off the “ air”.
  • MO-Torious F.A.T.
    The Bible for pipe noobs!!
    Bo and JD are so easy to listen to, and their information so easy to absorb, this podcast should definitely boost the confidence of any new pipe smoker. The amount of knowledge between the two of these guys, is delivered in such an easy-going down to earth manner. Everything is super relatable. I really appreciate their quest for excellence with the formatting and production of the show, it took me quite awhile to realize that they are not in the same location, let alone state, when this is recorded. The audio quality is on point!! Keep up the good work fellas!
  • Esfehr
    Waiting for the Q
    I love the podcast, although I would have given it 5 1/2 stars if there was a pipe tobacco BBQ pairing. Keep up the great content.
  • T23489
    Great podcast
    I have been listening to show for a few years and have really enjoyed the content and information they produce. I am a farrier so I am on the road a lot on my way to the next barn and the guys help pass the time, it’s like listening to your buddies talking about the day and the latest developments in the likes and hobbies you share. I am a third generation pipe smoker, but I still have a lot to learn and Country Squire Radio is my go too. I also appreciate that they are reformed in their theology which just adds to the feeling of hanging out with buddies for me, but don’t worry if you’re not so inclined, it’s a pipe podcast. Thanks Beau and JD! Let’s go have a day.
  • Therealmantis
    Very great podcast, wish they talked more about vapes and glass pipes
    This is a wonderfully delightful podcast about pipe culture. I couldn’t help but notice, however, that there aren’t any discussions on those fine glass “tobacco” pipes that I keep seeing at gas stations. I think JD may be racist against glass pipes. Perhaps I will mail him a dragon shaped glass pipe for Christmas, and maybe he will come around.
  • Oldmanskinner
    This year I came back to the pipe after a hiatus of more than 30 years. I came across this podcast and am hooked. John David and Beau are extremely entertaining, and I can't wait for the "next episode". I'm so hooked that the Country Squire shop has become my go to store, even though I live in Alaska. As a Squire member I'm getting through the back episodes as quickly as possible. Keep up the good work, you two really do make a great team!
  • Cheezis_Riced
    I’m a newbie pipe smoker. So new, in fact that I haven’t even built up the cake in my pipe. I found Jon David and Beau like many do, by searching Pipe Tobacco in my podcast app. I saw the Pipe Smoking 101 episodes and have been binging on every episode since. So much great information and delivered in an easy to understand, entertaining way. I’m especially a fan of the quick fire segment, it makes me laugh every time. Thank you both for your time and energy putting this masterpiece together.
    Helo My name is Bison Mayala Hamad I really like to listen to your internet radio show. I am from India. After a very long day I like to travel to citi to hear your voice. Very funni. I smoke 2 yers and learn alot still from you. Your voice is nice like birds in morning. But wise like elephent jn the field. Alot of wisdom. I happy to hear Brian lavelyn and you on christmas show. Maybe mike pipe tamper can join, Love you two. Blessing.
  • d.love16
    Great podcast
    John David and Beau make a great team and always provide quality content for my travels. It’s great to fire up a bowl and listen while I drive. Listening to the show even convinced me to make the trek to the shop this past summer. Thanks for the show and I look forward to each new episode.
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