Sleep With Me


Insomnia? Mind racing at night? Worries keeping you up? Tune in for a bedtime story that lets you forget your problems and progressively gets more boring until you fall to sleep. So get in bed, press play, close your eyes, and drift off into dreamland.

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Recent Reviews
  • Anonuser24
    Almost perfect
    This has been the only podcast to put me to sleep. I’ve tried everything - nature sounds, music, white noise, interviews, and nothing worked like Sleep with Me. Unfortunately, I started to notice this constant repetition of drawn out “uhhh”s or “uhm”s in every other sentence and it’s now become unbearable. Every time I hear it, it jars me out of what was the only peaceful podcast experience I’ve ever had :( But if you can ignore that? This works in the weirdest way.
  • Sleepiest Podcast
    Sleepiest Podcast!
    My daughter introduced me to Scoots during a hospital stay. An excellent soothing distraction from all the noises at a hospital. I’ve continued listening every night all night at home. I highly recommend to anyone needing some help releasing daytime stress. Scoots is my sleepy time friend and I am so grateful!
  • Lawand Khalil
    I’ve been listening since 2021 and it has saved me countless sleepless nights I love it so much
  • AbiLmr
    Thank you!!
    I don’t know where I would be with out this podcast! It has gotten me through some of the most stressful nights. From writing my thesis in undergrad and now my dissertation in grad school, this podcast has consistently helped me get sleep when I didn’t think possible. I recently became a Borefriend and am so happy to be able to help support it! Thank you soooo much scoot!! You create such a wonderful atmosphere, think about it brings tears to my eyes.
  • heaven lei
    Don’t knock it till you try it
    He was definitely right when it takes a couple tries to get used to, especially if you don’t give it a proper listen but nothing else helps me fall asleep the way Scooter does! I have yet to finish hearing a full episode because I’m snoozing often before he even gets to the story. It’s like I’m having a conversation without having to actually say anything. Thank you sooo much for helping me keep my brain occupied with your thoughts before I fall asleep, because I know I’d be up a few hours with my own before finding this amazing podcast!! If you have the funds pleaaase support because idk what I’d do if I didn’t have this podcast 🥹
  • jonathankoren
    Boring or Infuriating, You Decise
    I listened to the May 29th episode “Wiz Kids Pilot”, and I am not exaggerating. The episode starts with TWENTY FIVE minutes of ads. Seriously. The content doesn’t start until 25:12. I know people have to get paid, but this is excessive. Just don’t bother with the low effort trash. He apparently hates his audience.
  • cloudcatmc
    Life-changing podcast!
    This podcast has put me to sleep so many times! Wether I had a long study night for finals, or just another Saturday evening, within 10 seconds I am passed out on my bed and sleeping till morning. Without this podcast, I might actually have gone crazy haha 😂 I would pay the WORLD to get this pod back if it discontinues. So really, give it a try
  • Cuyoah27
    I have yet to make it to the end of an episode because I’m asleep! Guess I’ll never find out who wins star baker.
  • Turgon
    Shockingly it works
    I am an insomniac that is partially recovered through Cbti, but still have occasional bad nights. This podcast is phenomenal in terms of its ability to put me to sleep. It grabs my attention just enough to take me out of the repetitive thought cycle of worrying about not sleeping or what if I don’t sleep and look terrible tomorrow for work or whatever is going on. Tried sleep hypnosis and different mantras in the past and they just don’t compare to this podcast. My racing mind has yet to figure out how to defeat this podcast! 😀. The first time I tried this I thought “this is ridiculous” and my next thought was wow it’s the morning and I just slept the whole night.
  • megaroni83
    Gets Me Every Single Time
    I go through waves of sleep struggles and whenever I need that bit of distraction from my middle of the night thoughts, this does it every time. It usually takes no more than one episode but the way its set up I could run it and sleep to it all night. It’s the background noise that does exactly what it promises, bores me to sleep and I love it Thanks Scooter!
  • kristarCO
    Trust me listen a few times
    I go through horrible bouts of sleeplessness, on and off throughout my entire life. One night was desperate, exhausted and truly miserable and so I typed in sleep podcast into Apple Podcasts and one of the options was this purple and white looking photo. I kept scrolling and kept getting pulled back. I clicked that white and purple photos and was honestly so confused, this is a sleep podcast?!? I listened bc well I was desperate. I thought well I’ll try. Then I thought well I’m never listening to this again. However I fell asleep. So I thought well why not try again?!? Then I was hooked. I listen most nights. Today almost a year later I signed up for a year to help this podcast to stick around bc it has made a huge difference in my life. I recommend you try at least a few times because trust me it works!
  • TheTurboBass
    A daily routine
    I love this show and have been a consistent listener for about 2 years. Through countless restless and anxiety ridden nights, this show has been a comfort and a delight. I love the recaps from Doctor Who to Great British Baking show, original episodes, and some of his reoccurring characters like Ray. But what really resonates with me is Scooters love for helping others, his compassion, and this niche that he has carved out in a sleepless world. What prompted me to write this review stems from a stressful work balance to a 6 month layoff. Throughout that time, Scooter has helped me find peace when I go to sleep. Sometimes my brain is too awake to drift off, but playing multiple episodes on a long sleep timer makes it all a bit more bearable. Please listen and support this show, and give it a chance if it throws you off at first. You might just love it.
  • iVanessa86
    Thank you!
    Wow! I wish I knew about this genre. I prefer this to sleep meditations. Much more effective. Worked like a dream on first time listening. Highly recommend.
  • Me, duh. Who else?
    thanks, scooter!
    six years going strong, thanks for providing a safe place and some comfort while we're trying to sleep! i'm a severe insomniac and i have manic depression and this podcast still manages to put me to sleep in a half an hour max, usually less than ten minutes. i can't even begin to calculate how much sleep i owe to this cast ☁️🐑☁️💤
  • cheybaybay
    been a fan for years, thank you!!
  • yikes7777777
    I don’t listen every night, but when I do find myself needing something to listen to this podcast is always a safe bet. It definitely feels like a community even if it’s a sleepy one it still makes my heart warm.
  • The Book Professor
    Wanted to Hate It But…
    I ran across this podcast as I was looking for a new podcast to listen to while I was falling asleep. I often listen to stories like This American Life or other story-based podcasts, and then I ran across Sleep with Me. The first time I listened to it I thought, Are you kidding me? This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard. I didn’t like all the stuttering and all the back-and-forth and the meandering and all so I was set to not like it. But then I woke up the next morning and realized that I hadn’t heard the end of the podcast, so I tried it the next night … and the next and the next and the next, and I know there’s supposed to be a story in there somewhere during this podcast, but I’ve never made it as far as the storytelling part. It works! It puts me out every night.
  • ledsledbetti
    Thank you!!
    Best thing I’ve discovered since, well… everything else.
  • Change warrior
    Sleep With Me
    This is an absolutely sensational podcast. I am so deeply grateful to “Scoots” and his team for bringing such light into the world. (The good kind of light, not the kind that messes up your circadian rhythm and interferes with sleep 😁). The host’s willingness to show his humanity with self-reflection and a huge dose of self-compassionate humor is beyond endearing: it is magical. Scoots, you are a living example of the vulnerability = courage equation. Some specifics that I love: When you laugh out loud at yourself - “oh boy!” Naming the voices in your head, like Travey, the trip worrier The imaginary interviews between you and outside critics. Really I love the whole thing. And I am usually one of the 2% that enjoys and then falls asleep during the end of the introduction. Scoots you are a creative, compassionate genius. I thank you and your team for making the world a better place. Everyone should support this show!
  • kris105460
    Knock out! Literally!
    I go to sleep within minutes thanks to this guy, after years of anguish. This podcast is worth multiple tries. Best long term impact.
  • stwa_berri
    ⚡️✨Official seal of approval ✨⚡️
    Hello MAH name is Denki and I approve sleep with me bc like 10 min in I’m out and the mandalorian episodes are really good (btw If I spelled mandalorian wrong sorry my grammar is bad)
  • bonifabulous the first
    If listening to a guy with a grainy voice drone on about mindless stuff puts you to sleep, this is your jam.
  • Gikgim
    Gail returns!
    I’m I am an original subscriber since 2010. Scooter is my borefriend. I messed up my transition to the new feed to list my Patreon account info. I’m back!!!
  • Brum1025
    Pure joy
    This podcast brings me so much joy there aren’t even words. I am so grateful for this podcast. I can sleep and I am usually chuckling as I drift off. Thank you!
  • iwanttogotothebonezonewithbenz
    So soothing
    Just like millions of others, this took me a few tries to get into, but now it’s PERFECT! I struggle with a racing mind at night and this is just the thing to distract me and keep me company while I drift off. TRY IT!
  • Ctoll88
    Thanks Scooter
    This is exactly what I never knew I needed to fall asleep. New episode artwork is looking really nice too!
  • Hannah_solow
    Shuts my brain up
    This podcast mimics the style of my thoughts but in a sleepy, uninteresting way so that I don’t have to follow the thread of my own racing thoughts during bedtime. I appreciate not feeling the pressure to hear what’s next and just letting Scooter talk me to sleep 😴
  • memenemeemememme
    So boring
    I have never fallen asleep faster to anything but my teachers talking.
  • jkjsmom
    I’m hooked
    Every night I listen to this podcast and it has helped me fall asleep like no other podcast. I love it.
  • rosesandwhiskers
    Get to the point
    It takes forever to get to the actual topic. Ugh.
  • antb1996
    I don’t really get the appeal
    Sounds like my schizophrenic uncle ranting uncontrollably. More likely to give you anxiety rather than a good nights rest
  • kfly_18
    I’ve never made it past the intro
    I’ve been listening on and off for years. I have nothing to report to you about the content of this show.. because I’ve never made it past the 10 minute mark… and that should tell you everything you need to know, shouldn’t it?
  • Mamacita Flaca
    I was skeptical at first.
    This is my “go to podcast” when I have a hard time falling asleep. There’s something special about Scoooter’s voice that just makes you melt right into your cozy bed. I’ve listened to the Great Pumpkin~Charlie Brown episode at least five times. I smile as I fall asleep.
  • JPppppfdhrg
    For some reason, it works!
    We want more 80s catalog episodes!!
  • Link’s biggest fan
    Awesome podcast
    I could not sleep until I started listening to this podcast. I love it
  • SnaggleDaggle
    Works every single time
    I have no idea how, but Scooter is amazing at what he does. I really thought in the first 2 seconds that there was no way I could sleep to this... I gave it a try anyway. I soon realized that it was actually magic and puts me to sleep rather quickly every single night. I’ve never finished an episode. The topics are so bizarre and he is pretty hilarious, I literally giggle right into dream land! I highly recommend this podcast to everyone! Skip the first 30 min of the intro. It gets redundant, but I get why he does it. I head straight into the story and usually within 10-15 min, I’m asleep!
  • nicknamesssss
    It works, but there are ads in the middle of the content that have a louder and different tone than the rest of the podcast. Why was I just woken up 28 minutes into the podcast by a very loud car insurance ad read? I don’t mind ads at the beginning or in the same tone as the rest of the podcast, but if the podcast is supposed to be to help you fall asleep, why have parts that are designed to wake you up?
  • Suzy4toes
    The only way I can sleep..
    Look, I get it’s not for everyone, but it’s the only way I can shut my mind off in the best way. If you have an over active brain, give this a try. So grateful for this podcast!!
  • ultramaryne
    Loud energetic ads - totally counterproductive
    I’m 100% in support of creators monetizing their content, but there’s no way I’m going to listen to 20+ minutes of intro that winds you up instead of calming you down.
  • SarahRuthB
    Love love love
    Not only do I listen every night, I recommend to my therapy clients also! Thank you!!
  • OhSoAwesome
    My go to sleep aid
    It’s different for everyone, but personally I try to focus completely on the story, and even try to visualize it. The story is so chaotic my brain can’t keep up, and it isn’t interesting enough to even try. I don’t think I’ve made it through a episode when nothing else helped.
  • Lexie Mo Mexie
    Insomniac Highly Recommends!
    This podcast is honestly the only one I have discovered that will get me back to sleep 😴 in the most helpful way. I was a little skeptical initially, but so appreciated the disclaimer and was beyond pleasantly surprised when it worked for me. It helps soothe me back to sleep after I inevitably wake up most nights at 3 am and can’t fall back asleep on my own. Thank you for this podcast!
  • Sofia Davenport
    Works every time!
    Who knew boring could be so much fun? On the nights when this podcast doesn’t drop me like a tranquilizer dart, I enjoy the observations and humor that closely mirrors my own. Thank you, Scoots! #IFeelSeen
  • miss_gulia
    Super relaxing and helpful👍🏼
    Going to sleep has never been easier. This podcast is wonderfully boring and has me drifting off in just minutes. It has been so helpful over the years and I don’t know how I managed without it. Thx Scooter😴
  • Pelsmith
    This review is long overdue
    When I was a night shift nurse in a city hospital my ability to sleep was very important. I would sometimes come home after a traumatic event and know that I would not be able to sleep -that I would be replaying the event over and over in my mind. If you’ve never been there, you just can’t comprehend the horror of going in to work a busy nursing floor when you have gotten no sleep. Then I found Sleep With Me. He is very good at pulling me out of my own head. He will say something interesting so I listen, but then he didn’t finish his thought, and the ideas go nowhere, and it adds up to nothing, and off to sleep I go. I don’t want to be too dramatic, but during that time in my life, I believe Sleep With Me might have actually saved lives. Anyway, I’m a day shifter in a much lies stressful job now. But I remember when I needed help, Scoots was there. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and friends beyond the binary, it’s time for Sleep With Me, the podcast, that puts you, to sleep…
  • UnusAnnus365
    Puts me right to sleep every time
    I found this podcast years ago when I went through an insomnia period and nothing I usually did would put me to sleep. I somehow found it by the “after the glass slipper” video on YouTube and that story was just so interesting, I was able to imagine it and sadly fall asleep (I still occasionally go back to it so I can listen because it is my absolute favorite story and will sometimes hear more than I’ve heard before lol). But now, his intros are so boring, I turn it on and somehow wake up in the morning, not even remembering falling asleep. Some are interesting, but the point of the podcast is to put you to sleep and that’s exactly what it does for me. Also, there aren’t any loud random ads in the middle you have to wake up and skip. Overall, I love this podcast, it’s my favorite to sleep to. I will forever be grateful to have found it when I needed it most.
  • Secretslasher
    Love this podcast🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
    I love the music y’all play and then it changes modes like to sleeping And I allways go to sleep🥱😴
  • Andrew311
    5 stars!
    I love this podcast so much! It puts me to sleep every night. Bedtime used to be torture until I started listening to this podcast. :)
  • AlejandraEstrella
    love this podcast
    i use this podcast mainly for background noise purposes. i liked falling asleep with the tv playing, but the bright light from the screen always kept me up. this podcast gives me the audio/background noise of a show without the bright light/screen. i never really listen to what he says (seriously, i have know idea what he talks about lol), but just hearing his rambling voice is enough to keep my mind from racing with my own thoughts and puts me to sleep faster. 😴
  • Mother Of Hope
    Dreadful vocal tone that positively grates. He jabbers about pure nonsense for thirty plus minutes and it’s not at all restful or soothing.
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