Security Now (Audio)

by TWiT

Cybersecurity guru Steve Gibson joins Leo Laporte every Tuesday. Steve and Leo break down the latest cybercrime and hacking stories, offering a deep understanding of what's happening and how to protect yourself and your business. Security Now is a must listen for security professionals every week.Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 20:30 UTC.

Recent Episodes
  • SN 981: The End of Entrust Trust - Open SSH Vulnerability, SyncThing, Endtrust
    Jul 2, 2024 – 2:27:44
  • SN 980: The Mixed Blessing of Lousy PRNG - Kaspersky Ban, EU vs. Google's Privacy Sandbox
    Jun 25, 2024 – 2:03:44
  • SN 979: The Angle of the Dangle - "Recall" Recall, IT at the NYT, Private Cloud Compute
    Jun 18, 2024 – 2:14:07
  • SN 978: The Rise and Fall of - Apple Password Manager, AI Coding
    Jun 11, 2024 – 2:20:54
  • SN 977: A Large Language Model in Every Pot - Problems With Recall, End of ICQ, Email @ GRC
    Jun 4, 2024 – 1:55:29
  • SN 976: The 50 Gigabyte Privacy Bomb - Google AI Workarounds, Microsoft Recall
    May 28, 2024 – 2:13:33
  • SN 975: 312 Scientists & Researchers Respond - 3 Chrome Zero-Days, Free Laundry
    May 21, 2024 – 2:14:17
  • SN 974: Microsoft's Head in the Clouds - 4-Digit Pins, Long Range Navigation, Microsoft
    May 14, 2024 – 1:55:19
  • SN 973: Not So Fast - GPS Vulnerabilites, VPN Flaw
    May 7, 2024 – 2:24:22
  • SN 972: Passkeys: A Shattered Dream? - IoT Default Passwords, Passkeys
    Apr 30, 2024 – 2:11:22
Recent Reviews
  • JD000000000000000
    Can’t Get Enough
    I am a security professional and have been listening to Security Now for years. I learn new things every episode. Steve and Leo have a way of breaking down complex issues to a language that anyone can understand. Keep up the great work!
  • SecEnthused
    Best security podcast
    I’m a security professional and this is the only podcast I never miss. I’ve learned a lot and I’ve been in the field 20 years.
  • Alex6464
    The last TWIT podcast I enjoy.
    I used to listen to/ subscribe to 5-6 TWIT shows. I’m down to two, and MBW is on the chopping block. But Security Now remains stellar. Steve Gibson is a treasure.
  • FellowGEEK
    Glad this show exists
    Security Now has been informative and fun throughout the years. I love the Leo & Steve duo. Keep up the good work.
  • Rob Stanfield
    Just the facts
    While Steve will make it past 1000 podcast episodes, sadly I will not. I’ve really enjoyed listening to Steve and Leo over the years, but they have stopped getting to the root cause of too many stories before reporting on them. Episode 958 was the last one. See you!
  • Hamesh Franks
    Listening to a text book
    I’ve listened to 2 episodes and may change my mind, but here are my issues right now. 1–They try and connect and cram to many topics into one episode and it leaves my confused about what the point they are trying to make is. 2–While the speaker has a great reading voice there is a lot of “fluff” words that could be cut out to get to the point faster and make it more clear what is trying to be said. 3–It feels a bit “impersonal.” For me I want a pod cast that has both the facts, the opinion of the speaker, and line between those two things. It might be there the more you listen, but I didn’t feel it. 4th—This podcast really is for people who are already in this field and would like to stay up to day with what is going on. It’s not for “the common man.” ***Please don’t take my word alone! Give a listen yourself and see if you agree or disagree.
  • Dennis_Linux
    Love Leo, love his politics even more!
    Love Leo, love his politics even more!
  • Pixelterra
    Way too long
    While I do appreciate the idea of TWIT shows, they are just simply too long and long-winded for me. I have tried many times to listen to the shows but I just can't make it through before something else comes up. Even at double speed. I guess that's just how my life is at the moment. I suppose I'm not the target audience, but I tried to get through around 20 different podcast a day. If they were all two hours long like this, I would not get anywhere. It feels more like talk radio. I guess the issue comes down to the fact that I could get everything I want from these shows if they were condensed down into 20 minutes by a good editor, and by setting the intention to be concise. I realize that this is not their style, but I do wish it were.
  • LukeTech1
    Simply excellent
    This was one of the main sources that started my journey into information security around 2015. I caught up on the hundreds of back episodes and have been listening ever since. This one i smy number one recommended podcast for infosec professionals, students, or those wanting to make a career change. If you want to be able to "talk the talk," this podcast helps you do that; it deepens our understanding of risk, vulnerabiliies, and exploits so we can have meaningful conversations with peers and business to help mitigate risk. Steve, the host, and Leo the co-host have great chemistry and their speaking style is clear and easy to understand. It's mostly on-topic with only a few diversions into Steve's other projects and interests (sci-fi books and movies, sign me up).
  • markbyrn
    The Show Notes Will Save Time
    From my standpoint, Security Now is one of the few TWiT shows still worth watching. For the most part, Steve Gibson does a solid job explaining security matters that are typically complex. On the negative side, the show is overly long, Gibson can get too far in the weeds, and the host (Leo Laporte) is extraneous. Thankfully, you can the show notes Gibsons website and it’s essentially a transcription.
  • JapestheJester
    Steve swears like a sailor!
    Leo, you cracked me up so much at the end of this podcast while I was cooking up a new style of food I’ve never cooked before, i had to stop and pause because I was laughing so hard. I have been listening religiously since at least 2017, and every week, it’s not the worst stuff happening, things the majority of us aware of cybersecurity are capable of keeping up with. For example, your see it in the news, patch your system, etc. but nowadays, I really feel like the news out there isn’t really putting out the “news” like they used to. Not certain if that makes sense but I feel like even when it comes to pallet device security updates it’s maybe two or three days later until I even come across an article talking about it, then I go to settings>general>software update and lo and behold, boom we have a severely needed update just waiting for me to click start. What is the problem? It’s set to auto updates, which previously we would have never done, but now it’s acceptable. Anyways, love what y’all do, especially love listening to y’all. Y’all my brothas. P.S. the fact the Steve agreed to not stopping at 1,000 episodes *chefs kiss* Love y’all, peace out ♥️ J. P. Walker
  • FnFoundry
    Subscription now?
    I’ve listened for years, supported Steve with multiple copies of SpinRite. Had no idea why I wasn’t getting new episodes only to find out what’s been in my app for years is now subscription only. Pass.
  • Penguintopia
    Ad hominem attacks and politics
    I have listened to this podcast since episode 1 and have not missed a single one. Steve Gibson is extremely knowledgable and personable, and is a guy I'd love to have a beer with. Unfortunately, the host, Leo Laporte, is prone to inject politics and conduct ad hominem attacks on individuals with whom he disagrees. The show is GREAT when he's on vacation, but can't recommend it otherwise.
  • ICUSandman
    Educational and Entertaining
    I have learned so much from listening to this show! Steve Gibson has a unique ability to explain complex concepts in plain English. If you're new to the show and new to security I highly recommend listening to the earliest episodes!
  • BassAleMe
    Thank you Steve (and Leo) for keeping this topic entertaining, as well as informative, for these many years. Because of you, I got more and more interested in the security field of IT and have finally transitioned into it. Still have a lot to learn, probably past 999, Steve.
  • Tge Thinker I am
    Keep your political views out
    Leo seems to be falling further and further out of touch with what “we” the listeners want from a security podcast. Making your views facts in your mind does not make it true. Sorry to say I need to stop listening.
  • linux 66
    Great podcast
    I make sure I pause any other podcast and listen to Steve. Great wealth of knowledge and simple to understand. Thank you and keep up the great work.
  • MinaFeeder
    Getting less technical with every show
    This used to be a great podcast; very informative and educational about computer security. Increasing time is spent with the hosts opining on topics outside computer security and quite frankly outside their expertise. Stay in your lane!
  • Perma Link
    Too much sales
    Too much sales, and using the cloud, google, windows, passwords in extensions. Nope. The men seem sweet, but the content needs some updating for todays unsecured world.
    More ads than content, condescending tone, opinion based content rather than that based in fact and very shallow exploration of the topics that are spoken about, not above a 9th grade level. Lose the 5 minute ad segments between every segment and make it at least seem like the show is not hosted by grifters. If these guys really are in security, I would be surprised.
  • boyfromthedwarf9
    Has great tech info but Leo keeps inserting fake far left politics
    11/1/22 he just had to say "vote or there'll be no more elections/democracy". Not sure what MSNBC is doing sponsoring this podcast, but I'd prefer to just get tech news.
  • G G Ashbrook
    Truly significant material
    I have been listening to Security Now for probably a decade. Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte in Security Now represent more than a weekly news update, and more than clear technical instruction and advice which of course are also present. Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte have created an historically important body of work that represents ethics, value, best practice, and dare I say philosophy which are of vital importance. If someone had recently come to earth, they could be forgiven for thinking that all humans are merely thoughtless cowboy coders creating endless spaghetti western code without higher level conscious awareness of reality. Even universities are infamously poor at teaching how to code responsibly in the real world. But Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte are living proof that many people are both caring and intelligent and working hard to do things in the right way for present and future generations. Words cannot convey the depth of my gratitude.
  • RST Clerk
    Love the podcast, hate the changes
    I’ve been a listener for over 9 years. Steve and Leo are great. This podcast is like a comfortable pair of shoes; I’ll listen to it in traffic or fall asleep to it at night after a long day. Twit earned my trust by keeping things familiar in an ever changing world, which is why I’m annoyed by the glut of unnecessary changes lately: first to the cover art (the iconic mustachioed Steve Gibson headshot), and now even to the theme song?? Suddenly that old pair of comfortable shoes has been swapped out by a shiny new set of ill-fitting Nikes, and I don’t like it.
  • m0useb0t
    Best episodes have guest co hosts
    Time to lose Leo.
    Too bad youre part of twit
    Weird how the best twit shows leave twit to be even better shows. Security now should… this message is brought to you by spinrite. leave twit and become a real security show.
  • Texas Michael
    Very Informative
    Have loved this podcast for over a decade. Steve is always my go to for security advice!
  • poplopez
    Leo and Steve, thank you
    You have entertained and educated me for years and I am grateful for such a great show. I recommend this to anyone who has an interest in technology and how it works.
  • DigitalSorceress
    I’ve listened on and off but I keep coming back
    Throughout the years I have listen to this podcast regularly and then dropped it for a while etc. I have to say that I am really glad that Steve and Leo still there for me when I come back because overall I have gotten very useful informative information I still use Firefox with NoScript religiously even though it got too fiddly for Steve Every time I start thinking “Steve is being hyperbolic on this one” time seems to prove that if anything things were worse by a lot… Keep up the great work
  • DSA344
    STOP READING your copy, Steve. Pay attention to your cohost Leo.
    They don’t get much smarter than Steve Gibson when it comes to computer security, but his presentation of the materials is awful. I can’t even watch this show these days. Steve has citations, and he loves to read them. He’ll spend several minutes reading an online article outloud to the audience, in a droning, slow paced, monotone that puts me to sleep, or more likely makes me stop listening. Suggestion: cite the article, provide a link, then summarize it and explain it. Leo checks in at the beginning, but then checks out to play whatever video game he’s into this week. It used to be interesting when he and Steve actually both contributed to the topic. And like every TWiT Network podcast, there’s just too many LONG adverts for Leo’s sponsors. But wait, there’s more, Steve also is allowed one SpinRite “customer testimonial” (ADVERT), where (surprise, surprise) he reads off a long letter from a customer praising the product, in that monotone drone of his. STOP, please. There has to be something better than TWiT out there, so I’m checking out and looking for it. Bye.
  • cchubbuck
    Just seems like Steve reading a monologue
    There used to be some back and forth but now either Steve’s speech pattern has changed, I just noticed it, or he actually writes out EVERYTHING he’s going to say in the 2 hours…but it just seems stilted and artificial. Also: I get being the contrarian…believe me, but Steve’s ‘never try anything new’ attitude is insane. I’ve known people that after Windows 7 was out for 3 years would still be on XP saying ‘XP just got stable’…this is Steve. This podcast is a good REPORT on security news, but that’s all it is. Steve isn’t so much security researcher as he is a security REPORTER. In that aspect, the podcast is good if you can get past the stilted delivery.
  • User46451
    Somewhat knowledgeable commentary
    Steve is the Kim Kommando of the computer security sector. Knows a little but lacking when you dig deeper. Good for beginners.
  • Bug301
    Great podcast
    Very entertaining, and thorough and understandable breakdowns of technical issues. Great way to stay current on cyber security incidents and advancements.
  • 8675309_Mcafee
    Erudite and very fun security podcast, must listen for me every week.
    Steve’s show has been a mainstay for years, highly recommend for those interested in learning or keeping up with the information security field.
  • prefer.privacy
    Contact me please about what you where talking
    About on your podcast I am going there that for days now and can’t receive no help with security issues and it may be important as I have received to letters stating that my data has been breached my Apple email will be my nickname
  • erok81
    Great Podcast…but the Ads!
    Great listen for security news but it seems like most of the podcast is advertisements. It’s starts to become difficult to tell when they are talking about news or peddling something.
  • Jayel Johnson
    A must listen! For the information on Tech
    A must listen very informative!
  • PenguinFred
    The best security podcast out there!
    Steve and Leo have been doing this weekly podcast for many years, and it continues to be a must-listen podcast for anyone interested in protecting their computer(s) and their company. Deep dives into the latest vulnerabilities, plus explanations of how security works and best practices!
  • KimClavicle
    Wow. This show is for anyone who wants to get thoroughly caught up on network technology. Pick any recent episode and receive a survey of particular parts of the computer security world. Steve’s number one concern is the users’ safety. Leo and Steve explain the basics because every topic is unique and sometimes entirely new to the mainstream. I am amazed each week.
  • Route 247
    Great info collected in one place
    Congratulations to Steve. Great podcast for security alerts and updates.
  • BearsQB
    Solid show
    Steve is fun to listen to when he’s not touting his products. Leo is typical IT know it all and a bit pretentious, but has good chemistry with Steve. Show is a solid B
  • ghostmourn
    Been tuning in since high school
    If your into it sec. this is the show
  • Another_soldier
    Security Now
    I have been listening to this program or watching it as either an audio podcast or a video one. This show has been going on since 2005. There have indeed been 806 episodes up to this week. This is Friday, the 19th of February, 2021. Steve Gibson and Leo Leporte work well together. There have been so many great security notifications and explanations of attacks and bugs and CVE’s and all of it. There have been many great products I have been introduced to. A long time ago there was a firewall called Astaro. Steve and Leo point out great products that are either advertisers on the show or that are products they have and personally do use. I bought myself a new firewall for home, pFsense/netgate. I also purchased the best disk tool ever created in my mind, SpinRite v 6.0. If you never have listened to someone that has so many of the inside stories and the real answers to burning questions, then you are really missing something. This one of the best Podcasts that I have ever and probably will ever listen to. I get my security news and happenings about vulnerabilities in everything imaginable. I am a UNIX/Linux Engineer. I have been working with UNIX since 1982. I have been involved with security since the beginning. I was in Cupertino California in 2005, working at Sun Microsystems and I heard the first episode of security now, Aug 19, 2005, “As the Worm Turns - the first Internet Worms of 2005”. So if you have never listened to this Podcast, you need to get on it. You can go back to the first episode by going to the Gibson Research Corporation, Thank you Steve and Leo. Thank you Apple for letting them be on your service as a Podcast. Thank you to all the people that makes this podcast possible. I have learned so many things since 2005. Sincerely Bill Branson
  • ptcgkm
    Very informative podcast
    I have listened to all the shows. I have learned a lot from Steve and this show. I use this show and TWiT to find out all my tech news for the past week.
  • Pathoftruth
    Security Now!!!
    Security Now is a must subscribe for anyone in CyberSecurity. Steve Gibson is extremely knowledgeable and goes through security topics in depth. The format of the show goes over the weekly news followed by a deep dive into an exploit or topic. Steve, Leo, Lisa, and the TWIT network: you MUST continue past 1000 episodes!!!
  • zootsuitpenguin
    Extreme Utility Inside
    Great news coverage and advice for the IT Security concerns of our day. Long format, but worth every second! Wonderful job Steve and Leo!
  • Don's biggest fan
    Great podcast
    Could not be more nerdy if it were performed in Klingon.
  • Sm@rt speller
    Some good information
    I think this show does a great job of diving into current exploits and vulnerabilities. Unfortunately they spend way too much time bashing Microsoft that it gets rather annoying. Now I only listen after I’ve gone through all my other content first.
  • Joey J
    extremely mundane one-man show
    After listening to him drone on and on for 10 years, I’m not sure Steve Gibson knows how to host a podcast. He seems incapable of having a conversation withy anyone but himself, rarely interacting with Leo who remains silent through most of each show. There are never any guests. It’s just Gibson reading news releases endlessly. This podcast needs to return to its roots on advising consumers about best practices they can use and apply on their own devices.
  • japan forestttt
    Leo ruins the whole thing
    2 stars are for Steve he’s great but I can’t stand Leo and the ad format completely ruins and make me want to stop listening again
  • Always time for empanadas
    One of the best security podcasts!
    Love the content and Steve’s reviews.
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