Ask a Spaceman!


What would happen if you fell into a black hole? How big is the universe? Just what the heck is a quasar, anyway?

You've got questions, and astrophysicist Paul Sutter has the answers! Submit questions via Twitter using #AskASpaceman or post to Every week you will come closer to COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF TIME AND SPACE!

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Recent Reviews
  • Mari2992
    Absolutely fantastic show with great great host
    This is my first ever podcast that I listened to so P. Sotter opened doors to two amazing worlds of Astronomy and podcasting for me at the same time - forever grateful for hours of fun and educational content that he has put out to the world. Stay awesome Paul!
  • Sweetnsauer
    Educational and fun to listen to!
    When did I start to like and even remotely understand Science and Astrophysics?! What happened?!! Oh ya, Paul happened! lol! It doesn’t matter how much you know if you cannot explain it to people in a way they can understand. Paul does an incredible job of explaining Astrophysics, whether your a novice or veteran. Thank you for taking the time to make this podcast!
  • Darkness in dread
    Fun and educational monologues on Astronomy
    I love the light hearted narration and deep exploration on fascinating topics. Paul’s unpretentious approach, mature it the episodes a joy to listen to
  • Harrison-carian
    I love this podcast
    I love this podcast it’s the best one I’ve ever heard to be honest I’m so into space exploration instant five stars
  • Jackman92
    Fantastic explanation of time and space
    Paul M. Sutter has an amazing way of explaining difficult topics through analogies and thought experiments that most science communicators cant match. He goes through each possibility and plays with the idea of how and why certain theories or ideas can or can’t exist and then plays it the other way and shows PATREON and how you can donate today.
  • Lakavos
    Brevity is the soul of wit
    Interesting and well explained, but unfortunately Mr. Sutter’s communication style is to repeat himself and repeat himself and repeat himself and repeat himself interminably throughout the podcast. Is he paid by the word, or is he of the opinion that why should he limit himself to ten words when five hundred words are sufficient?
  • GardenVarietyHuman
    Paul M. Sutter is a treasure!
    I listen to a lot of different science channels/podcasts/etc and have loved Paul for YEARS. What I especially appreciate is his ability to use effective, comprehensible metaphor to explain the otherwise impossible. (See the episode on particles as ice cream) I can’t overstate how excellent he is at explaining whatever topic he discusses. When I listen to this pod, I walk away actually feeling like I gained meaningful understanding of the topic. What more can I ask for?
  • Eva Jannotta
    I love this show!
    I’ve been listening for years and this show keeps getting better. Paul’s analogies help me grasp the concepts, he tells great stories, and I love that listeners can request topics. Highly recommend for all ages.
  • DPJL3000
    Learning new things
    Every time I listen to an episode I discover something astonishing and awe-inspiring. I look forward to each new episode. Excellent. Truly excellent.
  • The real Richie
    Mellow yet riveting
    Every episode is a calm journey learning about very complicated matters in a charming and straight forward way.
  • Reasonedone
    Great Show
    Very good down to earth presentation of complex ideas.
  • conaninspace
    One is the loneliest…
    Lively source of data (pun intended). Two more Spacemen and he could start a band. ;D
  • Literroy
    Host’s commitment to science only goes so far
    The actual content of the show is very good and informative. I particularly enjoyed the lengthy series on quantum mechanics. However, I have to take some points off because while the host claims to be very supportive of and invested in empirical science, every episode, he talks about the benefits of BetterHelp, despite the fact that all of the empirical evidence available shows that people who use BetterHelp and similar services show no mental health improvements over those who don’t. (And it certainly doesn’t even remotely compare to actual mental health therapy, of which I am a huge proponent.) I would prefer a science podcast that doesn’t support itself by promoting what is essentially digital-age snake oil.
  • 56746209899
    The Best Way To Learn About Time And Space.
    One of the best podcasts on the internet. Learn while being entertained. Dr. Sutter does it like no one else. If you like space, you will like Paul M. Sutter. He is out of this world.
  • Mvn-express
    Good stuff
    I suppose you might say that I’ve become … entangled ….
  • Tphr1973
    Thought provoking!
    P.M. Sutter’s approach to space science and physics is invariably illuminating. In his sardonic tone he elucidates a wide range of heady topics.
  • Wellnesslife
    Best cosmology podcast out there, in the universe!
    Escape the day to day stresses of life with the pursuit of complete knowledge of space and time! Learn about big ideas and even the Patreon jokes are kind of funny too. I love this podcast and there’s so many episodes to get through. Most recently the series on quantum mechanics is fascinating and expands on the small amount of it I already understood. Bravo!
  • BongWolf
    God particle how I would love to love this.
    But my first listen was a fifteen minute introduction to a show that only last twenty-five more minutes, and the entire introduction sounded I was about to sold a religion. In the end… great content. Presentation… not so much.
  • Aggie Hiker
    Occasional politics crept in
    Too bad this has happened. Was enjoying till then. Subtle references like the mention of the description of “wore a red baseball cap”.
  • Rapshort
    My favorite podcast
    Paul Sutter is a delight to listen to and the topics are fascinating. I listen to each new episode the day it comes out.
  • MSUcatz1
    Well put together podcast
  • GibsonLuv
    Truly excellent
    This is a great podcast that touches on several elements of astronomy and physics. The delivery is entertaining and often humorous, but always very informative.
  • morriswj
    You will love the energy of this podcast
    Ask a Spaceman provides a fascinating dive into an interesting aspect of physics in each episode while giving you the historical perspective of how our knowledge evolved.
  • Skeetinator
    Entertaining Educational and Exceptional
    This podcast will not disappoint. You will really be happy you picked this one. Paul’s thoughtful approach to simplifying the complexities the universe has offer is only exceeded by his sense of humor. His earnest delivery style and topic selections make these episodes ones I look forward to and usually repeat once or twice. Top 5 podcasts on offer… period.
  • the n1ghthawk
    Fun with Physics!
    This is always one of my favorite podcasts. The subject matter is complicated ideas of how our universe around us works. Paul loves answering listener questions in a way which makes it easy to follow. I like that it’s just not the concept, but the origins and history of the concept. Paul’s voice and style are so conversational, it seems as though he is the room with you.
  • Crazysabbath
    Good alternative
    This podcast is a good alternative to Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s podcast. There’s no ego maniac constantly cutting off his guests, and making lame jokes. This podcast isn’t afraid to be a science podcast, and isn’t artificially injected with “humor” and doesn’t try to be political with a “comedian” co-host constantly making fun of half the population just for different political beliefs. This podcast gets to the point, though his monologues can get a LITTLE pedantic. But still absolutely solid.
  • Elite1564
    Hello old friend
    I love this show not only bc of how much fun it is to wade about in theoretical waters of physics but bc Paul (which is my name as well) is so down to earth and funny. Uses current/colloquial language whenever possible to portray super complex ideas. I really do find his take on physics concepts to be illuminating. And they add to my otherwise fuzzy understanding of some of these ideas. His approach helps me better intuit-internalize-digest.. stand within the concepts. Thank you Paul for this show- please keep it up. Paul M
  • csfalk
    Great podcast
    I appreciate that you get straight to the information and present it in a humble yet distinct way. Great work. Want more often!
  • Chr!stopherB
    Hardcore History’s Dan Carlin, but in space.
    I’ve learned a lot from this podcast. Very informative.
  • ryan_e09
    Excellent space podcast
    One of the most accessible and interesting space podcasts out there. Incredibly engaging and interesting while not being too wonky. Highly recommended!
  • thefinger96
    Very good!
    Wow! Mr. Sutter does an amazing job with this podcast! Ive always been fascinated with astrophysics and all things involving planets, stars, orbits, etc, and Mr. Sutter explains them in a clear and concise way most people can understand. This is one of my favorite podcasts now. Thank you for the flat earth show……i learned to just let them (flatearthers) do their thing and not argue with them because it IS like talking to a wall since they are (unfortunately) dead set in their beliefs. I now try to change the subject! Keep up the amazing work, Paul!!!
    Great podcast
    Great podcast! Great host!
  • cloudman1
    Thank You
    Thank you for being a voice of intelligence
  • Kw 0816
    I’ll stick to music
    Within the first 2 minutes of the first podcast I listened to, he refers to someone asking a question as “knucklehead,” thereby affirming the old adage “there are no stupid questions, only rude people.”
  • Legato9
    Who knew that “science entertainment” could be a thing?!
    Paul is funny, nerdy, cool, brilliant, and captivating all at the same time. His enthusiasm is contagious. And it’s amazing how he can make really, really difficult topics accessible to everyone. The universe isn’t just for aliens and astrophysicists. It’s for all of us. And I’m super grateful to Paul for giving me - just some guy - a chance to know where I am, where I came from, and what else is out there. It’s pretty magical stuff. This has got to be among the best podcasts out there.
  • MarkChicagoIL
    Waves are “uppy downy things”?
  • Mark JJ
    Best physics podcast
    Fantastic brilliant podcast, entertaining, enlightening, funny no but very amusing ;-). The deep deep back catalog is filled with treasure. Thank you and keep it up we're happier and better off for listening.
  • Dannykoop
    An unnatural fascination with “B-Fields”
    Dr. Sutter’s awful analogies, wretched puns, unhealthy fixation on magnetic fields, and staggering grasp of physics all come together for a mind-blowing podcast experience that is at once accessible for the non-scientist and mentally stretching for the amateur fan of all things space. I deeply appreciate the journey through science history (although I strongly suspect that cultish icons of James Clerk Maxwell and Paul Dirac adorn a secret room of his house perpetually attended by candles and small animal sacrifices) and the semi-stochastic, question-driven progression through the subject matter that is friendly to the attention deficit amongst his audience. Still milling my way through the library o’ episodes, but had to pause for a shout out. (I just may celebrate completion of the episode list by mailing some rare and expensive cheese to Paul’s PO Box, assuming USPS does, indeed, offer that service.)
  • 18Steve11
    Disappointed. Bringing your politics in.
    Loved the education. You caved in and jumped on politics. Sad to see you go but will no longer listen or support.
  • Mikey hardcore
    Great space info, even better delivery
    I like the way you speak, spaceman. The content is fascinating and entertaining, I can’t get enough! I’m love the audiobook: ‘How to Die in Space!’ I’d love an audio version of your first book!!
  • jon snow is my real name
    No politics at all.
    Paul you had me with your podcast and How the Universe Works. Now you put your politics in your show I’m out. Good luck to you.
  • Peyton18!
    Best show!!!
    I love this show and listen to it everyday I can, Paul does an amazing job at making these complex topics easy to understand!!
  • addsssaaa
    One of the best astronomy podcasts out there. Working my way through every episode!
  • Dr. Byrne
    Very interesting!
    Who would have thought a podcast about quantum mechanics would be so interesting? I was intrigued from beginning to end.
  • Paulio Stringcheez
    Interesting, entertaining and important!
    Dr. Sutter investigates and explains interesting concepts and ideas in physics with simplicity, humor and enthusiasm. A joy to listen to! A wonderful Podcast for our times!
  • Saremo
    Wish more of my science teachers were like Paul!
    This is definitely perfect for high school level understanding, which is awesome for most people. It’s advanced concepts explained in a way those of us who are not experts can understand. The range of topics is comprehensive enough for everyone to find plenty of things that interests them. I love the campiness! It proves Paul is truly passionate about his topics. He also has a very nice which is important in a podcast. The YouTube videos are also just as great!
  • Carneades
    Interesting but simple
    This is interesting and wide ranging. Although directed at adults this is really at a high school level. I suspect many astronomy fans are more knowledgeable than that. The discussion gets more sophisticated in the later episodes. The lecturer is clear but his exaggerated informal style can be annoying and clownish.
  • Vtech214
    Phenomenal science communicator
    I have been absolutely addicted. In about two weeks I have consumed nearly half of this podcast (truck driver, lots of free time to listen haha). Paul Sutter manages to do a perfect balancing act between dumbing down the content enough for the layman while still making it technical and mentally stimulating. He touches on many aspects of astronomy and Astro-physics that I had never been exposed to before. If you love learning about space but have found it difficult to learn anything new and exciting, please give this podcast a try.
  • Flerk69
    String theory
    Wow. The marathon man. Never have so few given so much for so little. Still, thank you. I feel better about feeling worse about ST. Definitely perfect job explaining all aspects the topic (now skewered to death, especially in that science must be predicting and testable). Now keep the new format: steady music, no more Norwegian death metal EDM dance beats (unless you morph into a video podcast, with go-go dancers), just the facts ma'am, no cutsie sidetracks or entire segments that add nothing to the topic (keep cheese, we can tell its important to you). Also, keep taking people on science/booze field trips to fight the dumbing down of whats left of our republic. Also, think of discussing what physics can help defeat global warming (boost nuclear physics, astronomy and anatomy of other observed planetary casualties of heat death, etc., i know its a spaceman podcast, but your podcast is at risk from weather, morons, government, etc. It is a beautiful distraction, but expand your mind, man. Use your bully pulpit to save mankind from MORE IMMEDIATE existential threats to our way of life, sanity, and safety on this shrinking ball. Back to ST. I am a retired professional geologist (so, stamp collector) and i love what you do. Your extended treatise on ST was necessary, perfectly executed, and very well received. Saved it up, listened to all of it, many parts several times, until i understood your positions. In my retirement, you are a large part of my continuing education, thus the sustenance keeping me from that long dark night. And now i know WHY i squirm when i hear “ST”, and i thank you for that. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is scary. Speak truth! Shine the light, brother. You go. Love the mission. Regards, John Reader, Texas 936 203 0292. Peace and Love. PS, if i was 10 years younger, i would be on the eclipse boat with you next year. Have fun!
  • Fjderffhh
    Entertaining, funny and seriously informative
    The host finds the sweet spot between too technical and the maddeningly superficial explanations on some other physics podcasts. The ongoing series of episodes on string theory are a great example. It has really given me a better idea of what string theory is supposed to be about, without falling into the “Gee-whiz”-ardry typical of popular explanations, or (thankfully) actually going into the math. I am also amused and entertained by his delivery. His style is reminiscent of another of my favorite podcasters, Dan Carlin of Hardcore History.
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