La Brega


Season 2 explores Puerto Rico’s most powerful export, its music: from superstar Bad Bunny to salsa classics. Hosted by Alana Casanova-Burgess; a co-production of WNYC Studios and Futuro Studios, available in English and Spanish. La temporada 2 explora la exportación más poderosa de Puerto Rico, su música: desde la superestrella Bad Bunny hasta los clásicos de la salsa. Presentado por Alana Casanova-Burgess; una coproducción de WNYC Studios y Futuro Studios, disponible en inglés y español.

Recent Episodes
  • La Brega Presents: Esmeralda Santiago on Language and History
    Aug 23, 2023 – 00:19:31
  • Bonus Track — Songs for the Future of Puerto Rico
    Apr 13, 2023 – 00:31:12
  • 8. “Olas y Arenas” — The Beaches Belong to the People
    Mar 23, 2023 – 00:41:16
  • 8. “Olas y arenas” — las playas son del pueblo
    Mar 23, 2023 – 00:44:06
  • 7. "Vamos Pa’ Plaza" — The Center of Everything
    Mar 16, 2023 – 00:34:38
  • 7. "Vamos pa’ Plaza" — el centro de todo
    Mar 16, 2023 – 00:34:17
  • 6. “Boricua en la Luna” — The Moon’s Distance
    Mar 9, 2023 – 00:33:18
  • 6. “Boricua en la luna” — la distancia de la luna
    Mar 9, 2023 – 00:33:44
  • 5. “Las Caras Lindas (De Mi Gente Negra)” — An Ode to Blackness
    Mar 2, 2023 – 00:36:47
  • 5. “Las caras lindas (de mi gente negra)” — una oda a la negrura
    Mar 2, 2023 – 00:37:19
  • 4. "I Wonder if I Take You Home" — Freedom in Freestyle
    Feb 16, 2023 – 00:40:48
  • 4. “I Wonder if I Take You Home” — La libertad en el freestyle
    Feb 16, 2023 – 00:48:43
  • 3. “Suavemente” — The Merengue War
    Feb 9, 2023 – 00:41:16
  • 3. “Suavemente” — La guerra del merengue
    Feb 9, 2023 – 00:44:15
  • 2. “El Gran Varón” — Who Was Simón?
    Feb 2, 2023 – 00:42:19
  • 2. “El gran varón” — ¿Quién era Simón?
    Feb 2, 2023 – 00:40:59
  • 1. "Preciosa" — The Other Anthem
    Jan 26, 2023 – 00:29:35
  • 1. "Preciosa" — El otro himno
    Jan 26, 2023 – 00:31:37
  • Season 2: The Puerto Rican Experience in 8 Songs
    Jan 19, 2023 – 00:01:07
  • 2da Temporada: La experiencia boricua en 8 canciones
    Jan 19, 2023 – 00:01:07
  • La Brega Introduces: The Last Cup
    Nov 23, 2022 – 00:07:34
  • 8. Snow In The Tropics
    Jan 6, 2022 – 00:29:59
  • 8. Nieve en el trópico
    Jan 6, 2022 – 00:30:24
  • 7. The End Of The Promises
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:47:21
  • 7. Se acabaron las promesas
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:53:00
  • 6. The Bankruptcy Letters
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:39:17
  • 6. Las cartas de la quiebra
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:40:00
  • 5. Basketball Warriors
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:37:29
  • 5. Guerreros del basket
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:39:30
  • 4. Vieques and the Promise To Build Back Better
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:45:46
  • 4. Vieques y la resiliencia que nunca llegó
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:49:38
  • 3. An Encyclopedia of Betrayal
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:40:39
  • 3. Una enciclopedia de traición
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:42:24
  • 2. Levittown, Where The Good Life Begins
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:42:51
  • 2. Levittown, donde la buena vida comienza
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:48:45
  • 1. What Is La Brega?
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:17:44
  • 1. ¿Qué es la brega?
    Feb 24, 2021 – 00:18:02
  • La Brega: Stories of the Puerto Rican Experience
    Feb 9, 2021 – 00:01:14
  • La Brega: historias de la experiencia boricua
    Feb 9, 2021 – 00:01:18
Recent Reviews
  • CynfromPR
    Wowowwwwwww just wow
    This is probably the best podcast I had listened to!!! Todos los episodios son brutales! La nostalgia me invadió en uno que otro y arrancó un par de lágrimas, la emoción que envuelve escuchar relatos de una isla que deje ya hace muchos años es infinita. Acá en los estados fríos y sin ese calor humano que nos caracteriza a los boricuas nos consolamos con cositas así como estas historias narradas por nuestra juventud que también ama y atesora nuestra isla. Gracias por este podcast y espero que vayan por más! Where’s season 3???? Love you guys and thank you so much
  • soy Lola
    Great to have the Diaspora connected
    Wepa! I caught La Brega around the time I decided to return back to la matria. That episode on the potholes is how I connected with Cheo. Really appreciate how the episodes are in both languages. It’s great to have a podcast about us, by us & for us.
  • Coqui85
    Todo un éxito!
    Representation matters and I love this podcast. I grew up on the island and despite now living in New Jersey for over a decade, the soul always longs for a piece of your culture. This podcast/reporting is done incredibly well and proves that you never should stop learning about your people. Thank you!! Well done
  • tucanpr
    Wow. No escribo reviews nunca. También soy muy cauteloso con lo que escucho acerca de PR. Todo está tan “biased”. Pero tengo que reconocer que este podcast está “brutal”. Y escribo justo después de escuchar el No.7 (season 1)- Se acabaron las promesas, con lágrimas en los ojos y desde la diáspora en Texas desde 2015. Excelente trabajo, mil gracias por poner en palabras lo que muchos sentimos y no sabemos cómo expresar.
  • ClauClauPR
    Gracias por el relato de estas historias de nuestra amada Patria
    Soy una puertorriqueña nacida y criada en la Isla. Tengo 51 años y aunque conozco mucho de los relatos, aprendí mucho con las distintas historias de nuestra amada Patria. Los felicito y les agradezco. Le daré publicidad con mis conocidos. Gracias
  • arnold shwachenegger
    No ha comparación
    No puedo ver como en general alguien puede comparar a Rafael Hernandez (RH) con Bad Bunny (BB). Si es cierto que BB ha escrito algo de protesta como también lo hizo RH, pero la mayoría de sus canciones son de índole vulgar. Por favor…
  • LindaVee002
    Mi Gente - know your history!
    This podcast has taught me more than my parents did about PR and our history. We are first generation mainlanders - Nuyoricans - and I feel more connected a mis raíces ahora más nunca. Gracias por crear este podcast, aunque sea hermoso y doloroso, es importante que nosotros aprendemos nuestra historia. Please tell me there’s a season 3! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
  • Zu2x
    Seguimos Bregando!
    No hay límite, ni fin! Ojalá y siguen p’alante con la creación y los cuentos. Me tanto orgullo compartirlos con mi hija desde Chicago. Boricuas hasta en la luna!
  • Javifeli
    Un podcast con mucho contenido y profundidad. Les recomiendo su atención.
  • JC-PR77
    Started great but full of leftist agenda
    I absolutely started of loving this series. Discussed many issues and experiences that I related to and lived through. By season 2 it was evident that the show made a complete political “left” turn. Season one did a really good job of just sharing the experiences, season 2 can be a fun listen if you can get over her attempt to rewrite history and degrade the moral compass further. Very disappointed.
  • @cesargonz
    Desde la isla con amor
    Me gustaría q mas personas en la isla supieran de esta joya de show. Excepcional. No se q van a hacer en season 3 pqe season 2 fue un absoluto home run. Bravo!!
  • Kari_mus
    Reconnecting with Mi isla
    I love this podcast. It is very, very well done. It has helped reconnect with my beautiful island. Remember so many important issues and history. Also, learning more that should be talked about much more. Echa pa lante Boriqua!! Aquí te apoyamos!
  • Tang0Alpha
    Revealing Stories of Puerto Rican Pride & Prejudice
    I’m an 🇺🇸American born with 🇵🇷Puerto Rican, 🇮🇪Irish and 🇮🇹Italian roots in the melting pot of NYC, NY this podcast is a joy to listen to and learn from. I have family living in Puerto Rico who have endured for decades and whose lives and stories have been infused by “La Brega”. This brings more recognition to the
  • Yamijig
    Get to know Puerto Rico
    A tribute to a people an island. Deeply meaningful to anyone thinking about identity and place; beautifully produced; thoughtfully written. Un orgullo escuchar esta obra
  • Osvaldini
    Esta de caché este podcast
    What a great podcast show. Finally, a show that marries the Puerto Rican and diaspora experiences together to demonstrate a rich tapestry of a people who live in two worlds.
  • Navygunner77
    Memories and future
    Listened to the first episode of La Brega S2 Ep3 Suavemente about the war between Merengue and Salsa. It was awesome, I am hooked! I am a Puertorrican married to a Dominican who lived in both places during that time. This episode brought so many memories of going to dances, listening to both Merengue and Salsa, and listening to the arguments from folks putting each one down. Yet the future I see is that we are the same. We all have White, Taíno, and African blood. We have the same heritage. This I see in my children who are dominirrican.
  • AV252
    Usually a 5 star episode
    I typically don’t listen to fiction podcasts. If people enjoy them, great. Just not for me. This week’s episode was a fiction episode so I skipped. An anthology podcast of fiction inspired by latino music might be great. Run this episode on that podcast.
  • maridae14
    Connecting to our roots!
    Thank you for creating this beautiful catalog of history that many of us didn’t grow up with! We need a third season!!!!
  • juliet'a'libre
    Grounding for Boricuas in the diaspora
    beautiful storytelling- depth, compassion, humor, possibilities, and with a critical eye to how colonization still lives within us.
  • krisssssj
    Beyond Proud
    I just happened upon this podcast and its been a delight. Growing up in the diaspora as a Nuyorican, I often feel so far removed from the island, its people, and its history. Listening eased some of those feelings of missing something I’ve never known. I’m blown away by the power of story telling in building bridges we don’t even see are missing. ♥️
  • Coralí76
    New fan!!
    Saludos Alana!! Espero te encuentres bien!! Acabo de escuchar tu episodio titulado “Preciosa.. el otro himno” y he quedado perpleja!! Wooooowwwww!!! Mejor no pudo quedar!! Te felicito👏🏼👏🏼 Escuchar lo que para muchos significa esa canción y hacer la comparativa y adaptación con BB fue fascinante y demasiado interesante!! Real… muy real!! Aprendí datos/detalles que desconocía… siendo Hernández mi apellido (😉). Dios y la vida te sigan dando la musa, la inteligencia, el tiempo y el espacio para seguir creando contenido como los que haces!! Aquí una nueva fan!! Un abrazo desde PR!!🫶🏻🇵🇷 Coralí Hernández Nieta de ese gran compositor a quien honor acabas de hacer *Cuando visites PR (PFR😅) no dudes en visitar La Sala Museo Rafael Hernández, atendida por mi querido papá Chalí Hernández(hijo menor de Rafael). Esta en la Univ Interamericana, Rio Piedras. Alli un cúmulo de historias y cuentos musicales te recibirán con mucho cariño.
  • Milcia7
    Me encanta!
    I’m not PR but I love your podcast love learning more about PR. But why does the podcast continually plays one podcast after another? Is there a setting in missing. Thank you for your work.
  • Coqi
    Soy un super fanático de La Brega. Yo conozco bien la historia de Puerto Rico pero escuchando La Brega he prendido otro lado de la historia de Puerto Rico que yo no conocía. Y creo que esta segunda temporada es muchísimo más mejor que la primera.
    I love learning things I didn’t know about my home and it’s so entertaining. Thank you for this beautiful and educational resource. Gracias.
  • gobananago
    Amazing podcast!
  • Gningrao
    By chance
    Found this podcast by chance or by luck let say it was meant to be .. I have shared it with all my family & friends.. some of the history me da un coraje pero how can we change it, if we don’t learn it and share it and teach it. Keep up the great work !!
  • LaReyna2023
    Where have you been all my life?
    I just listened to the Simón episode and I am so moved. I am Peruvian, grew up in Chicago in the 90´s around a lot of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Colombians and we all listened to « El Gran Varón » The dance group I was part of in college did a choreography and the performance included Simón being carried out at the end, it was so dramatic! I have always been an ally of the lgbtq community so it was great to hear the different points of view about the song. It is true, we loved the song but that refrain always left a weird taste in our mouth. Thank you for introducing Ana Macho to me! I love them and cannot wait to hear their version of « El Gran Varón » Keep up the good work!
  • Yahuba Garcia
    Lo mejor!!!
    Este es mi podcast favorito punto y san se acabó! Muchísimas gracias al equipo que lo manifestó.
  • VitalityInMotion
    More fun than Ted Lasso - the highest compliment of 2022/2023.
  • Love amour
    Storytelling at its finest
    A Dominican girl has a special place for Puerto Rico. The storytelling of this podcast is what has me listening twice. I love it please keep it coming because is important to have stories be told.
  • Ofoto user
    Beautiful Podcast
    What a beautiful and well researched podcast. I am looking forward to this new season.
  • Djkennyperez
    Puerto Rico is a special place and I love learning new things about the Island.
  • ARsVoice
    La Brega is coming back!
    Such good news! Excellent show!
  • danimarti654321
    I’m an expat (military) and will live in Puerto Rico for a little over 5 years. I said “exactly” many times throughout this podcast. I also felt like so much was explained, why certain things were the way they were here. I wish there were more episodes 😊😉
  • Svazque1
    Important PR history
    The Puerto Rican history many of us had heard about (e.g. operation bootstraps and bringing a plane full of snow to San Juan) but didn’t really know or understand. Thank you for a fantastic anthology. I hope to hear more episodes in the future.
  • miss dannon
    Podcast completes my life
    So glad this podcast exists now. Puerto rico is a fascinating place you don’t hear much about on the mainland.
  • Akragie
    Serious but entertaining
    A well-produced podcast that teaches a lot about Puerto Rico. A nice mix of topics — heavy and light, wonky and sporty.
  • divebookreader
    Great podcast
    Hope for more episodes.
  • diogenesthedog
    Poignant, heartwarming, beautiful
    Many stories about life within a failing system, an universal theme told with great sensitivity, insight, and humor. Thank you!
  • Ana Stasía
    One of my fav podcasts
    As I traveled more often to PR I wanted to learn more about the culture and country… and came along this podcast…. I must say it’s one of my fav now… raw, real and an eye opening stories… I love you guys ❤️ can’t wait for new episodes….
  • not a stalker2
    We should all care about Puerto Rico
    Americans need to hold our politicians accountable and demand that they make Puerto Rico a priority. After listening to this podcast I realize how messed up the status of Puerto Rico is. I don’t have a strong opinion about whether is becomes a state or becomes independent, that should be decided by Puerto Ricans. But it’s status as a colony is not ok. The US can’t even take care of it’s own citizens. We have no business being colonists.
  • Acorpes
    Great content, very informative and educational. Guys you are doing a great job!!!!!
  • Dreads Fan
    Well done … but incomplete
    Great storytelling and historical context. But silent regarding structural causes of PR’s challenges. In an ideal world there would be another five episodes that take a critical and balanced look at the source of PRs ills.
  • amandalah72
    Mil gracias. I love this podcast. This is what live looks like. ❤️🌈🇵🇷
  • silveasi
    Thank you for this ❤️
  • demayolo_
    Love, love, love!!
    I’ve always been so proud to be Boricua and i loved and learned so much with this podcast! I hope you come back and teach us more! 🇵🇷❤️
  • Ninamiink
    La cultura
    Gracias por toda la información de nuestra cultura. Me entraría más, tienen un nuevo Podcast?
  • el raphael de Puerto Rico
    La brega
    Me encantó este episodio. Fiel a la verdad!
  • mnetcostas
    ¡Gracias por su excelente trabajo! Each episode is so interesting and thought provoking. I’ve really enjoyed listening this season.
  • pblythe1224
    Me encanta La Brega!!!!!
    I absolutely loved this podcast. I learned so much about PR and now want to visit even more. I hope they make more episodes. A deep dive into the bankruptcy would be a great feature. Muchas gracias !!!!!
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