The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition


The Ted and Austin Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more

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Recent Reviews
  • Twiggs County Follower
    Love Ted and Austin!!!
    The show is the best one to keep up with what is going on. Love the health info and the spiritual side of the show. I felt uneasy listening to other shows that did NOT give me Jesus and salvation also. I always need the show on the blood of Christ. Powerful. Very informative.
  • Aaavgh
    Love this show I listen every single day.
  • Basically and essentially
    Basically and essentially
    I had to stop listening recently because Austin basically and essentially uses the words “basically” or “essentially” basically and essentially every ten seconds.
  • David Fiorillo
    Your the best
    Your show is informative, spirituality , inspiring, Ted and Austin you balance each other out . I look to Ted for my spiritual guidance, Austin for the latest news . I pray for you , your family’s , and all the Health Masters families. God Bless Thanks again David Fiorillo
  • EFW23
    Great show
    I don’t always agree with them but I’ll support their right to say it. They praise Jesus and they seek health. That’s mission critical in my book. Keep on keeping on. Thank God!
  • heavenly music
    Anti Israel
    I can no longer listen to Ted as he just said that he didn’t believe that woman and children were raped on October 7th during the Hamas attack, “even when it’s on video,” he said. That is morally unacceptable and I am deleting his podcast.
  • ian8or
    Ted Is Full of Himself
    Wow! You are always bible thumping and “claim” to be a Christian, but you obviously don’t know the word of God. Your anti-semitic comments on this show and on the Jeff Reese show have proven to me that you just make the stuff up to feed your own HUGE EGO and you obviously don’t follow your Bible AT ALL!
  • mic the brick
    The Broers are the Best
    I’ve been following this show for years and the information is always spot on, dynamic, engaging, motivating. They speak truth in spirit, in health and nutrition, and in laws and modern events. Their content seems mission-focused. Their style is up front. I love it. Also love their supplements. I’m so grateful to have found their podcasts on this platform. They are changing my life and they can change yours too if you let them. You should.
  • B-Boy79
    No other show like it out there!!!
    Ted and Austin Broer Tell it like it is… how it is… They don’t fit your political programming narrative, they tell you the truth. Real news in the world from the spiritual perspective and Tell you about the answer… JESUS! They don’t push it on you, but give you an answer for the things going on all around you beyond your control. They speak the real Truth in love. While telling you how to repair the damage we put our bodies through just by being born in this earth. From the onslaught of weaponizing our flood, water, air, land. Love the Broer’s keep fighting the good fight.
  • cheapazz
    Could easily be a 5 star podcast, except…..( updated)
    Too bad Ted and Austin spend more time railing against Trump ( who’s out of office, btw ) instead of focusing their wrath against a senile old puppet who’s handlers have managed to ruin this nation in merely a year. When they get off their soapbox espousing never-Trumper rhetoric, they do manage to bring a lot of worthwhile information to the table. I give full credit to Ted and Austin for motivating me to eat cleaner and get into shape, since I started listening back in October 2021 I’ve slimmed down 35 pounds and went from being able to do just 6 push ups to over 40 ( not bad for being 62 ) so kudos to the Broers for the inspiration. I especially like their shows which delve into the clot shots, as one of the few pure bloods left in my area, their timely information strengthened my resolve to remain a non-gmo human. Any more updates on Pfizer release more of their research documents under the FOIA? Keep those reports coming before more Americans get suckered into getting subscription Monkeypox vaxxes. New update (10/03/2023) Reduced to two stars, and they’re lucky to get that. Can’t abide animal haters. I get they’re fearful of disease to the point of having a phobia, but most pets are cleaner than nasty, germ ridden kids that crawl around while licking and mouthing everything. Before toilet raining, they defecate all over the place. I’ll take my dog over that anytime.
  • Splinter Bjj
    No one can be better then this guys!!!!
    I’m a Brazilian and i have bless every time I listen TED an Broer. Thank you so much for standing for the TRUE!!!! God Bless you all
  • Joe Vasquaz
    Who to vote.
    I see you cannot stand Donald Trump. Well, there isn’t anyone else. That’s it. Oh wait, there is Desantis right? Wait! He is human too. After this I will not vote ever again. No matter who I have voted for they are suddenly for the new world order. Or is a high level warlock or witch. There is no one else to vote for. You have judged Trump from a distance. He does or is forced to do wrong things and he condemned. Well desantis has done the extreme wrong thing in my book. He supports abortion. I can hear it now “He does not!” But he does. He supported a Republican in Colorado who decided to try to gain feminists vote and supported abortion. It didn’t work and desantis forever sullied himself as far as I am concerned.
  • RedBuffalo1
    Awesome Show, Awesome supplements
    I have been listening to the show for a while and finally took the plunge on their supplement line of products a few months ago and man I gotta tell you, the boost of mental and physical energy has been astounding over time.
  • Original Freedom Goddess
    Alpha Men
    God honoring alpha men. They have my gratitude and profound respect.
  • Choctaw Gwen
    Absolutely the best!
    Absolutely love the show, I’ve listened and take your amazing products for years. Keep up the EXCELLENT work! 🥰
  • MAD8604
    Thank you!
    awesome show guys! Keep spreading the good word!
  • Beading Goddess
    Love your show!
    I look forward to every podcast! Thanks so much for all you do for Americans.
  • Joe the pool guy
    The intro music stinks, but the show is pretty good.
    I’ve been listening to this podcast ever since they started it. I appreciate and agree with most of the opinions offered; but I can’t stand the dreadful intro music… it’s just awful; and I cringe every time I hit “play”, with my finger poised above the skip forward button so I don’t have to hear the music, or listen to Austin’s boring, repetitious opening monologue. Once they get past the intro and into the topics, it’s mostly listenable, informative, and occasionally inspired. I keep coming back for the inspired moments. I’ve criticized before in these reviews, to see if this might temper some of their opinions or improve their presentation… but I suppose that’s not gonna help them. I’ve emailed both Ted and Austin several times, and I received very cordial and considered replies to most of my correspondence. I think these exchanges may have influenced the show a little… they even mentioned my name on the show once and shared what I had to say. All in all, I think they are sincere, honorable, thoughtful men; and I value their opinions; but I think they need to polish up the presentation, and try to keep it fresh.
  • Laujordon
    My Main Concern
    For the most part I enjoy your show! You guys reveal so many truths, until you speak of Covid as though it were a reality! Viruses in general are also highly questioned as being real! It’s all about our individual health status, nothing more! Also, “blatantly” and “basically” are used adnauseum! You are too intelligent to continue repeating those over and over and over and over! LauJorDon
  • CRZ2611
    Peace Love & God
    Longtime follower of Dr. Ted Broer. Love your show.
  • Luis.623.AZ
    Top 10
    I’ve been an avid listener for about 2 yrs now. First heard Ted on coast to coast am around 2010 top 10 foods to avoid. I didn’t know of his love for Jesus, otherwise I would have searched for their show a lot sooner!!! Heard Austin on Hagmann, and heard him reference Ted, and instantly made the connection. Ted and Austin, your show and Heath Masters are wealth of good things for mind, body and spirit.
  • SixPoints13
    Ted Broer’s knowledge base is deep and broad.
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for longer than I can remember now. I’ve read more on a wide range of esoteric topics and history than anyone I know. I began in my late teens. I’m 63 now. Broer’s knowledge base is immense. I know that because I’m familiar with ALMOST all, but not all, of the topics he talks about. The difference is that his reading has gone WAY beyond mine. His facts are correct along with his conclusions. His analysis of current and historical events is astute, logical, and without peer. His ability to tie his knowledge of history and the esoteric in with Christianity is spot on and amazing. If you seek truth listen daily.
  • Uh me
    One of the most truthful shows out there if you take the time to listen!!! No advertising which is a bonus and to help the show be free of advertising support their website with all kinds of health products. Im not the healthiest person out there but these supplements really DO work to help me through the day! Thank you Ted, Austin and team for what you do! God Bless!!!
  • akadenny
    Love the show
    Long time listener, and supporter of HealthMasters supplements, never miss a show. Love you guys, keep telling the truth and preaching the word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • Merle Gerle
    Your Wife
    I don’t like hearing you complain about Sharon on your show 👎🏻
  • Wading bear
    Praise God
    Great show, good honest content, checked by the Holy Spirit. Praise God! It’s really too bad Apple podcast app can’t get it together and deliver good quality service. Lots of buffering and messages like “episode not available right now try later”. thats funny all the other podcasts seem to be working fine. Oh, I get it. Maybe I’ll try a different app., but I will be praying for your light to shine brightly from the City on the Hill. In JESUS name. Amen
  • stylistAmy
    Truthful Men of God
    Thank you Ted and Austin for laying your lives down and speaking the truth. I have been fallowing you since the late 90’s. I’m a stylist and I pass you guy’s on to many other men who sit in my chair. And they come back a tell me how much they appreciate that they are connected with you men on a daily basis. I pray for your families and thanks God for our connection. Sincerely yours Amy from Rockford Mn
  • Btalbot697
    Wrong on Trump
    I agree with 95% of the program but Ted and Austin doesn’t understand the Art Of War also God uses flawed men to do good for mankind, I believe DJT was a flawed individual and god got a hold of him
  • adams creek
    You all are the best…keep changing lives…p.s. I’m black…lol
  • OverkillXposure
    Wonderful Podcast
    Ted and Austin Speak truth in this podcast. One of my favorite podcasts to listen to daily. They speak so much truth and so much Jesus! Praise God for these two men!
  • cariboujaguar
    Sell out
    Controlled opposition. Don’t vaccinate your children.
  • lleeaahh009900990099
    You can't handle the truth!
    Put on your seatbelts boys and girls! This podcast is an action packed thrill ride through truth. Be prepared to encounter conspiracy truths that no other show hosts dare to mention. Get your news on the current events of crazyville along with the saving message of Jesus! The Broer family also encouragess you to get healthy physically and brings you the latest in health reasearch! Probably my favorite podcast! --Rachelle
  • Codeman422
    Great show.
    I’ve listened to them for years and they have a genuine desire to get truth out. God bless them.
  • Jeep Girl 72
    My favorite podcast!
    I listen to this every day. Love this show! Great job getting the truth out there.
  • AppleCowboy
    Everyone needs to listen !!
    The vastness of what we are up against with regard to our freedoms can be overwhelming. We, as a nation, are so ill-informed it’s embarrassing. We ALL NEED TO LISTEN to this show as they are telling us the truth! Subscribe and listen & then share with your friends. It’s important for all of us to get active to stand against and combat the lies that are being propagated at us. Thank you Austin & Ted.
  • Eclipse244
    Love it!
    All around BEST podcast. Listen Daily and Love Healthmasters produce
  • Jerebllfrg
    THE Brothers Broer Rock
    Best Podcast around from a health, spiritual health, geopolitical and geoanalytical perspective you can’t beat these brothers genius. I do believe you guys when you say you love and pray for us. We love and pray for you too. Thanks for being a light in the darkness!!
  • TheoriginalBubbaDan
    Ted and Austin Broer are the dynamic duo of truth. I’ve been listening to these guys talk about various subjects for many a year now and know for a fact they know what they are talking about. If you love truth and have an interest in history and who runs the planet, give these dudes a chance! Great shows guys, keep up the great work.
  • mando mexico
    Thank you for the. InF .
    I just order vitaminsc fish oil zinc and cortisol love all your shows
  • broangoode
    Always get the truth with Ted and Austin. The health advice is top notch. The supplements are top notch. And the testicular fortitude is unmatched on the air!!! I wish everyone would just tell the truth!
  • Bakerson3
    Awesome podcast
    Thank you for all of the encouragement. Health Master products are Top Shelf.
  • harry balloon
    Great Christian show
    Great Christian show about news topics & health
  • 11risk14
    Ted and Austin
    This is the day the lord has made I WILL REJOICE and be glad in it!
  • Stingr1971
    This show tells the truth! Like it or not, they tell you what's really going on. Unlike the lamestream media who all parrot the same talking ponits. The Healthmasters products are of top quality and the best you can buy. God Bless Ted and Austin.
  • Fringe Searching Brian
    Best Podcast for Truth & Reality
    I’ve been listening to the Broers for 2+ years daily. If you want to know the truth about the world and how to be set free from the rat race listen to this show. We will not go quietly into the night. Thank you Jesus. Keep up the good work guys. Your brother in Christ and friend in NW Arkansas.
  • Hdjsjed
    If you want the truth, this is the show for you. I was blind to everything our government and main stream media was shoving down our throats but now im awake and aware of everything going on. Keep up the good work guys!
    1 of the few
    these guys are great they don’t hold back. it’s hard to find men without a jelly spine nowadays. great job and great material. 👍🏻👍🏻
  • robg426
    Best Source of Truth in Media Out There
    Ted & Austin source all of the news reported. Two honest business men with the highest quality nutritional supplements on the market. There is only one recipe for success, put the Lord Jesus Christ FIRST in all you do, and then be the BEST in business. 💪 👍
  • Patrick Hodgson
    The Truth Shall set us Free
    Thank you for your daily podcast, brilliant.
  • Arpavvy
    The truth!!
    Health masters vitamins and the show are amazing. They speak the truth on the show, so if you don’t like it maybe reflect on yourself and where you are at as a Christian
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