The Common Sense Show


The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.

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Recent Reviews
  • What'sUpBro!
    Conspiracy theories at their best.
    This show prays on ignorance and paranoia. It’s very easy to confirm by simply listening to the previous warnings and predictions, nothing has ever come to fruition. Don’t be a sheep. Think for yourself.
  • michiganmexicans
    Doug needs to go
    This guy goes on rants with no solutions. I’ve got clear information from you then he ruins it and it makes me not want to listen.
  • The first one again
    Don’t waste your time!!!!!
    Too many ads trying to sell garbage products…..too much boasting about “secret” sources……nonsense conclusions and contrivances designed to stoke fear to get people to buy all the junk he is trying to sell!
  • jeepercreeper8888
    Great Show!
    Always enjoy the program and especially The Doug and Dave Intel Report
  • Free Patriot Tim
    I looked it up on tusk and “date rape drugs” is what came up 😆 😂 I will look into another way.
  • SantaDavis63
    Common sense indeed we need to get our heads out of the sand and see the big picture
  • jlo120
    This podcasts is for people who like to hear him boost about himself and peddle his Chinese products. Chubs, you have NO secret government contacts. It’s all B.S. and you know that… SHAME on you and your Propaganda….
  • AZshunshine
    Don’t waste your time or risk losing brain cells with this fact-free silliness.
  • ian8or
    Audio Settings
    Someone needs to teach Dave how to adjust his audio inputs on the control board. Dave usually sounds acceptable (but sometimes very low), the guests are usually extremely low (listen to his recent interview with Jonathan B Wells), and the commercials are ALWAYS BLASTING!
  • Smarter, Advance
    Too many commercials and always talking about gold, which is not a good investment. Get a MBA and know what you’re talking about. Better than your speculative blah, blah, blah nonsense.
  • PRS6565
    Fear porn
    This is great entertainment for dummies.
  • Irritated 2.2
    Dave, forget utube, get on Rumble!!!
  • poppadunk
    Putting ads in the middle of your content is beyond annoying! I usually kill podcasts at this point. Not only is it annoying, put you will run the same add two or three time in a row??? Please stop!
  • StandandCount
    No power outage
    No power outage.
  • R00STER303030
    Doug has a voice that needs no microphone… Love the show
  • Trey in Tulsa
    Some interesting topics but full of conspiracy theories
    Came into this podcast with high hopes. Discovered it by accident. However, early on alarm bells started going off. Advertising sold on fear, conspiracy theories around fear mixing tiny tidbits of gospel truth with ridiculous assertions in areas about which the authors and guests aren’t educated. Very disappointing. I’ll keep searching for a good Christian based podcast that tackles interesting issues.
  • shellsdbn
    Too much advertising
    As a huge podcaster I have my favorite regulars and often change who I listen to from time to time and love your topics but the ADVERTISING all the time is way too much
  • Cheryl homes
    Dane Wigington
    He is absolutely right Geo engineering learn something watch it. Bill Gates is killing the planet.
  • Freedom Ranch 73
    Audio quality
    I listen to every episode, with anticipation even, but it would be soooo much more enjoyable if Dave would invest in a microphone mute button or use it if he has one. The microphone gain needs to be increased also. I listen to podcasts 8 hrs/day and this is the only one with audio issues. Please remedy the issue.
  • sheshedboss
    No content
    used to listen to this podcast all the time, love Doug & Dave intel, now it’s just advertisements over and over, no content, the advertising just repeats like it’s in a loop, also Dave needs to mute himself when he yells at someone or is coughing or rattling papers, its loud and distracting.
  • apples*apples
    Great content alongside slurping, coughing and heavy breathing
    Coughing, slurping, typing, heavy breathing… wow! Why don’t you just mute yourself or get a noise removal plugin? Is the information valuable enough to listen through this painful noise? I will never know because I simply can’t stick around to find out! And why would you type over the top of your guest? If his information isn’t valuable enough for you to stop what you’re doing and listen to him, why should I?
  • nana50210
    Good info if you can hear it
    Can’t hear it then it gets so loud you gotta grab your phone to turn it down. The mics are messed up or something and it’s to bad but it seems like it happens a lot
  • Aqwertyhgdscvbg
    Too many commercials
    Great show, but why are there 4-5 commercials per podcast? Makes me not want to listen because it has as many commercials at TV shows. I listen to a lot of podcasts, but this one has way too many ads!
  • earthshaker69
    You always give 110%. One of the most on top of the news show You can find today.
  • Jon Q. Turdball
    You have decent guests, and I agree with you ideologically…however, you do a HUGE disservice to your potential listeners when you make claims that don’t come to fruition, and you blame your inability to use your equipment on the deep state (I can point to plenty of other podcasts who talk about these issues and aren’t interfered with like you claim to be). And I’m not buying your “top secret sources” bit. As I said, I agree with you ideologically. I also come to many of the same conclusions you do. What I don’t do is sensationalize my instincts and hunches by pretending I have anonymous sources feeding me intel. I actually have a very good friend that worked for the NSA. He told me nothing, and had the highest security clearance possible. He’s in the private sector now, and I still have no idea what he did. One thing he did tell me was how intelligence is shared and protected within the agencies. Long story short…nobody is calling you on your little red bat phone and feeding you intel so you can run your big fat mouth over the air about it. You know it, and I know it. Maybe your listeners are buying your little act, but I’m not. I feel bad for those who do. See ya later alligator!
  • keiththomasjackson
    Turn up your mic!!!
    It would probably be a good show if I could hear it!!!!
  • bublepop1
    Eyes Open
    Thank you Dave Hodges you have wonderful Gaston thank you for all the hard work that you do in the truth that you bring out to open her eyes to see what’s really going on behind the curtains God bless you
  • Joe Vasquaz
    This episode
    Geez… Stop freaking yelling!
  • the number one glb
    Great show, but get a mute button
    Have you ever received a “heavy breather” phone call? No. Well, just tune into this show and you will get the full experience. Buy a mute button, and use it: the heavy breathing; the coughing; the yelling, “I’m on the air.”; and the sounds of eating make this otherwise great show with a lot of great information almost unlistenable. Oh, and while I am on a roll: fix your volume control: I am only able to hear the show at full volume with headphones and when the random ads interrupt in mid-sentence my eardrums get blown out. So, Dave does have the ability to improve his sound quality, but only does it for his random adverts.
  • Peter W. Cajones
    Continuous loop of Advertising at the beginning of podcast
    Not sure what’s happening, but lately the podcast continuously loops the advertisements and never enters the discussion. Can’t fast forward to discussion. I subscribe to about 15 other podcasts on my iPhone. No problems with them. 11-09-2022 Dropped the podcast due to reasons stated above. Came back today to listen to Dave’s take on the Maricopa county steal, but was unlistenable because of his background noise- eating?, heavy breathing, coughing into the mike. Dude fix your audio. Your material is solid, but your delivery is third rate.
  • grizzyTX
    Lousy mic etiquette
    Lots of interference. Sounds like the host is eating.
  • carlbakerlandscaper
    Un professional
    On apple podcasts you have to scroll down through 3 years of shows to get to the most recent and it has not been fixed. Dave is chewing on a pen cap through out the show in his squeaky chair, commercials are not the same volume as the show so if you wear earbuds you have to pull them out to avoid eardrum damage … so unprofessional as a podcaster
  • peaceloveandrockets
    ASMR Dave So GROSS!!!!
    Your content and guests are so good Dave. If only you could learn how to use mute so we don’t have to hear you chewing. At the very least move away from the mic so we don’t have to hear you breathing. Whatever you have running in the background is super distracting too. Update: Even worse today. Good Lord man, don’t cough repeatedly right into the microphone. Unlistenable!
  • kclemleu
    Mute your mic!
    Great info and guests but the background sound of the host moving about, chewing hard candy and breathing is unbearable
  • isabellasmom
    Good but could be better
    Informational. I especially love when Bob Griswold is on because he always points us back to Christ. But Dave, please mute your microphone when your guest is talking. Your breathing and coughing and background noises are very distracting. And for whatever reason, the audio volume is very low and difficult to hear your guests. Maybe there is a fix for that.
  • background noise is gross
    Not even a comment?
    Sarah Westall said that the second coming was “in us”, not the literal return of Jesus Christ. You said nothing.
  • bshah23
    Too many commercials!!
    Great info, but has become unlistenable of late due to constant ads
  • Jame Cecil Jr
    Apple problems
    I like the show and the information (to many add reads) but there is a problem with Apple podcast. The show plays fine on Spotify.
  • ECB 12
    Cannot Listen to full shoe
    The commercials repeat over and over
  • MD Hemby
    Waste of time
    Same commercial reading on a loop!
  • TRUTH b told now
    Show cuts off
    Your show plays in a loop doesn’t progress forward
  • This nick name not taken
    Dave - they have you shut down after minutes
    Tried repeatedly… not sure if this is an error on your end or no? Cannot hear any of your podcasts 🤷🏻‍♀️ I gave up last month and thought I would re-subscribe and try again… Same problem. It loops . Also, the sound level is all over the place when you splice in your ads :(
  • ChristinaMarisa
    Can’t listen
    Interested in listening, but it gets stuck on the commercials, playing over and over, and won’t play the actual content.
  • Recon 73
    Too many issues
    Ads are ridiculous, I am fine with ads I know show needs to make money, but these are too much. Coughing, and breathing on mic is horrendous, that’s when shut it off. Also yelling to put dogs outside over live mic. I suggest you utilize a mute button. Content and guests are great when none of the above stated issues.
  • SixPoints13
    Can’t listen on Apple podcast
    Great show, but I can only get a few minutes of the show now. Dave, PLEASE FIX THIS!
  • Ainsleyp28
    Love the show but teach Dave how to use the mute button
    Can we not listen to him cough right into the mike??? Errgh
  • Christopher Mc.
    Very bad formatting has destroyed your podcast
    The loop ads that repeat 4-5X are a sign of bad formatting and poor quality control. Listening to 20 mins of ads for every 5 minutes of interview time is RIDICULOUS. Dave Hodges this is destroying your brand and causing people like me to leave your podcast. This isn’t some conspiracy theory where government agents in black suits are ruining your podcast. FIRE whoever does your final production work. I will check back in a few months but I for one am gone for now. I tried to email you about this on your website... but no answer.
  • suzi opinion
    Issue with Play
    I love your show but seems there is an issue for the last month listening. There’s a loop replay of first couple mins and no way to FF
  • chad4sheezy
    Doesn’t play
    Appple must being trying to not let this show play right... does anybody know another source of listening ?
  • red neckninja
    Toooooo many ads
    Toooooo many ads!!! It USE to have good info, now about 70% of the show are ads
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