System Update with Glenn Greenwald

News #156Politics #57

System Update is a LIVE prime-time news show hosted by Glenn Greenwald. Join us on Rumble, weeknights at 7pm ET, for unencumbered analysis and investigative reporting, captive to no dogma or faction.

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Recent Reviews
  • struggling to hear
    Live numbers
    Please put a show out consistently— it really helps the live numbers and rumbles “mission”.
  • jmartin3rd
    Brings the receipts!!
    Love Glen’s show and his reporting. His arguments are well constructed and he ALWAYS brings the receipts!!
  • Scally Bro
    Thank you Glenn!
  • Megan639
    I started listening to Glenn after hearing him on another show where I thought he came off well. He doesn’t come off as well on his own show, unfortunately. Not sure if he’s reading off a script or teleprompter but his voice is very stilted and hard to listen to. I also don’t like that he covers US politics and doesn’t even live here anymore. I find that strange. Listened for a few month but I don’t find myself enjoying the show enough to continue. There are too many great alternatives.
  • ithinkyannimaybetrans
    Important information
    Really look forward to Glen’s podcast. He has a very calm demeanor and reports facts!!!your post debate was spot on. BUT what about Michelle Obama??? Kamala couldn’t complain about her out loud anyway
  • Evan Stevoid
    Going too far
    While the USA and Israel have a security state, you neglect that so does Russia, China and other nations. You have gone too far by taking a side. Much like Scott Horton who is only anti-war if it is against specific nations. He becomes a fanboy propagandist because he doesn’t call out both sides of a conflict. You are increasingly entering into this territory. Don’t cloud your judgement by supporting something evil just because it is in opposition to something else that is also evil.
  • Rogert Theist
    The Best
    Relentless, lawyerly, and incorruptible. Thank you for what you do, Glenn.
  • Be Pricipled
    Nicole Shanahan- you lost me here.
    This program is particularly enjoyable, not be cause I agree with Glen on all the issues, but because of his principled stance on almost everything he reports on... except his interview with Nicole Shanahan. He offered little to any pushback and used kid gloves with his questioning on subjects which he himself has reported on, such as the Israeli government's involvement with spreading propaganda using big tech and censorship. Why wasn't she asked about the employees of Google, the source of her wealth, who were unceremoniously fired via email for ATTENDING a "No Tech for Apartheid" gathering? Her position on Gaza is just as hawkish as Hillary Clinton's. What about Google's involvement with China and its suppression of journalism? I was dismayed by one of my favorite free speech advocates playing Peter Jennings in this interview with the biggest of Big Tech heiresses.
  • omdg1209
    Hunter Biden
    I love most everything you talk about Glenn. I have to say I disagree with you about the Hunter verdict. I am a recovering alcoholic and substance abuser. Had an intervention by my children and family members. Was arrested 3 times for drunk driving as I should have been. I was a menace to my family and society. I can own that today. I’m glad the court did not take away his bottom. My family and children loved me just as much as Joe Biden loves his son. But I can tell you this I would NOT have gotten sober on my own. It took my kids saying they would not be in my life anymore unless I got sober. I went to rehab for 60 days & got sober. No one took that bottom away from me. The court is doing him and his family a favor. He should go to jail. He bought a gun under the influence I believe and that is very dangerous. Just as drunk driving is and you go to jail. No amount of love will take away addiction take it from an alcoholic.
  • EdeTM
    Don’t Always Agree
    with his viewpoints. I thoroughly respect his independence, his integrity when approaching news and politics.
  • Vlad uuuuaaaaahh Poodin
    Great content
    It’s a great news show but his voice is extremely taxing. I guess he can’t help it but it sounds like his mouth is full of cotton balls and saliva and it’s hard to listen to
  • fanofjohnyives
    Important to hear the perspective of an honest journalist
    Glen is always clear and honest and has balanced guests, hes always been strong voice against American foreign wars and the security state, unfortunately he gets the Isreal conflict catastrophically wrong, he has confused Americas involved in that war with Isreals moral duty to destory Hamas, and organization which has pledged to murder all jews in Isreal and then hides behind civilians when they are on the back foot, glen has never even suggested a path forward and quotes Hamas statistics like they come from Heaven
  • VandyFitz
    Must listen for the informed & open minded
    I have been reading Glenn for over 20 years, despite being on the opposite end of the spectrum as he. I never fail to learn something after reading or listening to him. Not only do I enjoy hearing his opinions, but his history, as a litigator, equips him well as an investigative journalist too.
  • LunaRouge68
    Becoming a Fan
    As a relative newcomer to political spaces, I purposely listen to information that I think may challenge my current perspectives. I am always looking for voices who are not echoing (current acceptable talking point).
  • Artyrei
    A favorite podcast
    The great Glenn .. top shelf as always
  • Drcycle
    Independent and thoughtful content
    My go to source for information and opinions from outside the bubble.
  • Makanda2
    Free speech
    Glen is foremost supporter of free speech. Impeccable documentation, researched as no other journalist, the highest regard, the best resource, the highest accolades.
  • Theohodoric
    One of the best news programs out there
    Far and away the best one I've come across
  • dprider
    The ONLY independent journalism to listen to
    Glenn Greenwald understands world and US politics better than any other journalist I’ve heard on news programs. It is time well spent listening to his in depth analysis of current events. My only regret is that he doesn’t have time to cover MORE world news. I wish he could clone himself and do MORE reporting.
  • lizguil
    Thank you, Glenn!
    Glenn speaks for so many of us with his eloquent and witty oratory. He is a voice of sanity in an media landscape that appears to be running more off the rails by the day. Glenn is a champion for the first amendment (arguably the most important) of the Constitution and for our waning democracy. Keep up the good work, we need you!
  • Hokiesfam
    Thought provoking
    He does his homework. He gets you thinking regardless of what your ideological background is. That’s relatively rare. You won’t always agree with him, but he doesn’t expect you to, which is also refreshing.
  • Queen-of-Sheba
    Life changing
    Glenn Greenwald covers topics no one else does. I think he’s not liberal or conservative. He seems honest, genuine, interested in actual facts. I think he believes in actual journalism, which is weird these days, but is a breath of fresh air.
  • Graycenphil
    Always Thoughtful, Much Needed
    I don’t always agree with Glenn, but he is always honest and thoughtful. And he is often right when so many others are wrong. Always willing to present an unpopular view, and also willing to speak to those who have a different view from him. His is a desperately needed voice these days. Thanks.
  • David Chicagooo
    Great Show, keep up the great work!
    Love the show, always look forward to Glenn’s opinions and analysis. Covers the topics I care most about. Keep up the great work guys!
  • nfykbv123
    Detailed and incisive analysis
    Remember jean Charles de menezes. Always thorough given time constraints,program is well planned and presenter is very professional. I follow mr.greenwald because of his passion in pursuing corruption through journalism. Integrity and generosity towards fellow journalists are among his admirable personal attributes. I really enjoy when Lee Fang is a guest Great new sponsor Field of Greens during the Assange 4yr podcast!
  • Olivino4
    Great podcast
    Very well informed and balanced perspective, one of my favorite alternative media news shows
  • Mavros33
    System Update with Glen Greenwald
    Excellent, comprehensive analysis of current and foreign affairs.
  • Fujam_236
    A beacon of light
    Greenwald is one of the best journalist of our time. So great that this is content is available to all.
  • No11111166666
  • Alison_e_b
    The Best Podcast Ever
    I am a huge fan of Glenn Greenwald. His podcast will give you a completely different perspective on current events from the mainstream media. He clearly puts a lot of effort into finding the truth and facts behind everything we are told by the majority of the rest of the media.
  • Professor of CS
    Another insightful episode
    Glenn’s analysis of independent media is spot on.
  • King of a
    where can I read glenn’s article ?
    thanks, Marco
  • pmapage
    I do listen and will continue to because you're the only classic liberal voice I trust. I'm a conservative and don't agree with you on all subjects, but I believe you're honest. Debate is a good thing. Dissenting voices are a good thing. I believe in getting out of the echo chamber to hear another side of the conversation. There are very few voices on any side that I trust, and this is especially true for a traditionally leftist voice. You, however, are one of those voices. For the record, I love when you and Tucker talk. That's my favorite! I do have great respect for your point of view because, though it is sometimes different from mine, I believe it is sincere and as factual as is possible. Keep up the great work!
  • powderluver
    The Truth
    Thank you Glenn for all you do and say. I look forward to each podcast
  • elviajove
    Thank you! Gracias! Obrigado!
    I admire your eloquence, wit and erudition in the way you present the status of politics in our planet. Thank you for clarifying how we are being deceived and that we should be paying attention. I’m listening to “Encontros e Despedidas “ an awesome Milton Nascimento tune sung by him and so many other artists and it made me think of you and David. May time heal the pain and anguish you and your children are feeling. Your piece honoring him was heartfelt. Thank you also for being a Vegan and caring about animals who share our world. YOU are a true example of what it is to be truly human!! 🤗. elvia
  • MattyIce1331
    True Integrity in Journalism
    Greenwald is among the few remaining hopes for the kind of integrity in journalism that actually challenges the authoritarian ruling class elites, both left and right.
  • GillyGil1997
    This show offers a trustworthy, balanced, and well thought out view on today’s pressing issues. Whether you agree with Glenn’s views or not, you would have to agree that he is sincere and fair in his analysis. He is one of the best independent journalists out there in my opinion.
  • Gaiatree Kelly
    Honest, Thorough Journalism
    In an era where mainstream media outlets are the biggest purveyors of “misinformation” (ie: propaganda) on the planet, it is refreshing, invigorating and a cause for hope that some of our finest journalists have gone independent and dedicated their talents to honest, hard-hitting and yet civil discourse about and analysis of world events. Of these, Greenwald is among the most transparent and thorough. There are several issues that he focuses on most frequently—sometimes I wish he would expand his scope, but I I appreciate that he stays focused and so he is able to be very clear and very thorough and well informed about the issues he is addressing. And I would say that he does focus on some of the most important issues of our time— the erosion of free speech and civil liberties, the corruption of governments by conflicts of interest as they become more and more interwoven with the investor elites, the actions of the military, industrial complex, propaganda, etc. Thanks to Greenwald for his courage and tenacity! Please support Greenwald and other independent journalist like him who are thorough and careful to vett their sources and who still have a moral center.
  • james23784737
    Excellent analysis
    In-depth, evidence-based, and well-argued analysis of politics, media, and current events.
  • JayneAndDaisy
    Impressive coverage!
    Where have you been all my life?! Somehow stumbled across you/your podcast. Eye opening, take no prisoners journalism.
  • joy in truth
    Intellectually stimulating
    Excellent journalism. Get the real news here!
  • nbfazel
    Best in politics
    Greenwald is one of the most independent but objective journalists out there. He also has a strong moral compass guiding him. He’s fair and balanced, but doesn’t pull a punch. We need more journalists like him.
  • WMonist
    An international political podcast of the highest quality
    If you only have the time to listen to one podcast regarding world affairs of the greatest importance, this would be the one to take time out to listen to.
  • Deeza24
    Although I am frustrated by young people who have no real understanding of the complexity of 9/11, I am always for free speech.
  • lonestar53
    Fantastic Podcast
    Glenn Greenwald is by far one of the most honest and objective truth tellers out there.
  • AloofGoose
    Great work! Last guest is insane
    Most recent guest (pro-Israel influencer) was laughably biased. Parroting Israeli talking points while discounting anything out of Gaza, she clearly is all in on believing what she wants to hear. The modern effort to shift the definition of antisemitism has clearly worked well on her, since she clearly believes Israeli lives are more valuable than Palestinian. Total lack of self-awareness and awareness of one’s own bias. What hot garbage
  • lorilyns
    I do appreciate many of your opinions. I just have questions about your thoughts on how many deaths are too many. One side needs their adversaries be obliterated & the other needs the return of all citizens. I think we’re way past a two state solution. I believe the Palestinians voted in Hamas & are unable to freely leave for safer territory. It seems the Israelis are trying to minimize casualties by notifying prior to retaliating. That didn’t seem the case on 10/7. I hope non Hamas people in Gaza seek safety & hopefully find it in their hearts be thankful for the heads up. My prayers are for ALL to seek Jesus Christ no matter the heinous acts they’ve committed. This will play out exactly as it is written. There will be peace, maybe not here on earth, but the one true God is in control. I will continue to listen to you because of your gentle spirit & apparent love for many.
  • E_A_B
    Actually Journalism
    Don’t let your biases prevent you from listening. Glen is one of the most important journalists of our time.
  • Justin Girves
    A Deep analysis
    This is such a great show! Glenn always provides so much context in his reporting which often amounts to a history lesson where we uncover recurring patterns within systems of power that you just can’t ignore. Listening to Glenn, it’s clear that he is passionate about shedding light on truths that almost always get transfigured and buried inside the corporate media propaganda matrix.
  • Dan Dodbbeling
    Love this show. One question Glenn ….
    Now that you’ve mentioned Dave Rubin by name as suddenly embracing the cancel culture how much longer before you’re removed from Locals? 🤣🤣🤣
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