Focus on Marriage Podcast


If you’re married — or soon to be — you’ve got questions. What makes this relationship work? How do I fix it when it breaks? Where do I go when I need help? Host John Fuller and marriage experts Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley help answer those questions with practical, down-to-earth insights based on God’s design for marriage. Find answers and inspiration in every short episode of this Christian marriage podcast.

Recent Episodes
  • It’s About Us, Not Me
    Jul 2, 2024 – 09:35
  • A Divorce Isn’t What I Want
    Jun 27, 2024 – 13:26
  • When Things are Bad at Home
    Jun 25, 2024 – 15:26
  • Why Negative Thoughts About Yourself Hurt Your Marriage
    Jun 21, 2024 – 11:40
  • Trading in the Negative for the Positive
    Jun 18, 2024 – 09:18
  • Working Through Conflict and Misunderstandings
    Jun 13, 2024 – 13:57
  • When Your Marriage Faces Spiritual Warfare
    Jun 11, 2024 – 11:49
  • Seeking to Serve and Honor
    Jun 6, 2024 – 10:22
  • The Ways You Handle Stress
    Jun 4, 2024 – 16:33
  • Your Spouse Wants Out. Now What?
    May 30, 2024 – 13:29
  • They Almost Didn’t Make It!
    May 28, 2024 – 12:03
  • Happy Couples Think Differently
    May 23, 2024 – 10:11
  • Resisting the Temptation of Pornography
    May 21, 2024 – 10:58
  • Look to the Lord, Even When You’re Frustrated
    May 16, 2024 – 12:47
  • Having Fellowship, Showing Respect
    May 14, 2024 – 09:51
  • Because It’s Who We Want to Be
    May 9, 2024 – 10:50
  • If Your Spouse Isn’t the Romantic Type
    May 7, 2024 – 10:27
  • How a Couple Gave Away $1 Million
    May 2, 2024 – 14:12
  • Should You Tithe as a Couple?
    Apr 30, 2024 – 11:40
  • If Your Spouse Has Experienced Sexual Abuse
    Apr 25, 2024 – 09:42
  • Getting Rid of Unrealistic Sexual Expectations
    Apr 23, 2024 – 11:56
  • Choosing to Be Thankful for Your Mate
    Apr 18, 2024 – 08:33
  • Owning Your Faith, Even When Your Spouse Doesn’t Own Theirs
    Apr 16, 2024 – 08:23
  • The Different Ways Men and Women Are Romantic
    Apr 11, 2024 – 10:30
  • Passwords to Resolve Conflict
    Apr 9, 2024 – 13:48
  • Couples and Credit Cards
    Apr 4, 2024 – 11:13
  • Submitting Your Money to God
    Apr 2, 2024 – 11:47
  • Pornography Hurts True Intimacy
    Mar 28, 2024 – 12:55
  • When Spouses Have Differing Sexual Desires
    Mar 26, 2024 – 10:31
  • Remembering the Story of How You Met
    Mar 21, 2024 – 09:54
  • Marriage and Children with Special Needs
    Mar 19, 2024 – 09:07
  • Repeat Back Your Spouse’s Interests
    Mar 14, 2024 – 11:30
  • Communication Mistakes Spouses Make
    Mar 12, 2024 – 13:09
  • Getting on the Same Page Financially
    Mar 7, 2024 – 12:03
  • Being Honest About Your Financial History
    Mar 5, 2024 – 12:07
  • How Often Should We be Intimate?
    Feb 29, 2024 – 12:11
  • Three Types of Sexual Desire
    Feb 27, 2024 – 09:31
  • When Your Childhood Impacts Your Marriage
    Feb 22, 2024 – 12:06
  • Connecting Well in the Evening
    Feb 20, 2024 – 11:17
  • Respecting Your Spouse’s Brain Wiring
    Feb 15, 2024 – 09:55
  • The Ways Men and Women Process Information
    Feb 13, 2024 – 12:30
  • Don’t Hide from the Pain
    Feb 8, 2024 – 13:17
  • The Ripples of Grief for Blended Families
    Feb 6, 2024 – 09:54
  • If Your Spouse Doesn’t Receive Positive Affirmations
    Feb 1, 2024 – 07:54
  • Owning Your Responsibility to Feel Good
    Jan 30, 2024 – 11:10
  • Maintaining Joy When Your Plate is Full
    Jan 25, 2024 – 10:06
  • When Your Husband Doesn’t Initiate Romance
    Jan 23, 2024 – 11:46
  • Openness That Leads to Healing
    Jan 18, 2024 – 09:51
  • A Wedding for Blended Couples
    Jan 16, 2024 – 10:35
  • When You and Your Spouse Don’t Agree on Discipline
    Jan 11, 2024 – 14:43
Recent Reviews
  • A. Maguire
    Great podcast
    Great podcast However episode on April 30 contains a story that legitimately is the type of thing that drives people away from Christ. Should’ve probably called that out. People should be cheerful givers not manipulated and browbeaten. Not enough to bring the review down a star but absolutely leaves a bad taste
  • Ohio2424
    Wonderful podcast
    John and Greg provide such good insight on marriage and family relationships. I listen to this daily and find it informative and encouraging
  • hblandford
    Encouraging in this most discouraging season
    I’m so glad I found this podcast. I appreciate every one who is sharing their marriage testimony. It gives me hope. God is faithful. The spiritual feeding I’m getting from every episode leaves me wanting more. It is so good and I can’t say thank you enough. Highly recommend a listen!
  • pldiy
    Stop the blended marriage discussion.
    Gods design for marriage is one woman and one man for life. Read Jesus’ teaching before you further treat the sin of divorce and remarriage as an unfortunate obstacle to simply overcome.It’s SIN,Period! Humans making bad decisions and living in a fallen world can not hold Gods commandments hostage and somehow extract one part of His character such as Love and Grace while completely ignoring the reality of his Justice and Holiness. Overlooking this is not compassion and only gives people a false sense of assurance. Read the teachings of Christ in depth.It’s clear. Matthew 5:32 KJV But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. Mark 10:6-9,11-12 KJV But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. [7] For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; [8] And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. [9] What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. [11] And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. [12] And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
  • elton1113
    Why call it “an affair”
    Why don’t you just call it with Jesus called it: adultery! I’m disappointed that you use toned down words to describe things the Bible clearly speaks against. The word affair should not be mentioned in Christian circles. Even divorce should be a lot more rare – only in it cases of abuse - and no remarriages! Jesus never condoned that. In Matthew 19:9 the word fornication means sex between two unmarried people - usually during the betrothal period. As the example Joseph was going to divorce Mary because he thought that she was in fornication. That is why it is only found in Matthew, but not mentioned in Mark or Luke. Matthew was written to the Jewish people and betrothal was not practiced outside of the Jewish community. There were cases of remarriage in the Bible that usually lead to disaster! I get it: many of your listeners have been divorced, and even remarried. But that should not stop us from speaking the truth in love and encouraging them to reconcile. I cannot listen to a podcast that speaks so matter-of-factly about things that the Bible condones. Please listen to some of Dr. Joseph Webb’s YouTube videos. They are very eye-opening for many pastors. God HATES divorce but he loves people! We should hate the thing that God hates love what God loves.
  • EpsteinDidntKillHimseld
    Great Resource
    Honest, Direct, to the point, but from a Christian perspective. So many marriages could benefit from these podcasts.
  • Kyle K_82
    Great tips and Advice
    Great tips to help strenghthen the marriage. No matter how strong, a marriage can always be stronger and I feel that's what this podcast has to offer, great content.
  • Chad949
    Thank you!!!
    This podcast has phenomenonal tips to help strengthen marriages whether a couple has been married over 25 years like us or have recently been married. These practical podcasts are short enough that they are easy to listen to on a continuous basis but robust enough that there are key learnings you can apply to keep your marriage thriving.
  • Carlee Kimrey
    We love Focus!
    I’m a pastor’s wife and we have a marriage ministry. We try to walk alongside of struggling couples by discipling them, encouraging them to pray together and do daily devotions. I have shared so many articles from Focus and this podcast so many times. We pray for this ministry and are thankful for such a needed ministry standing in the gap. I know I can trust Focus to always provide Biblically sound materials and content.
  • MaxRBills
    Great show
    So much honesty, really helps in all areas of marriage . Volume is extremely low compared to all other podcasts on this platform. they probably need to adjust their audio settings.
  • Sean & Collette
    Couldn’t do it without them!
    We have been following Focus for over 20 years. We have found them to be very helpful in raising our children and building our marriage with a strong foundation. We are so thankful for the entire Focus on The Family team!
  • anniehendx
    They overuse gender stereotypes (probably for click bait) instead of speaking to their listeners as humans who share the same, basic needs. Both genders have a need for love AND respect. Both genders have sexual needs. Both genders have emotional needs. Both genders find can fulfillment in their careers. Both genders find fulfillment can find fulfillment within the home. So instead of listening to these folks, I encourage you to research the works of the Gottman institute. They give wise relationship advice and offer a more balanced presentation of what a healthy partnership looks like. And as a future warning, if you ever see someone advertising a book/podcast/etc. that implies women’s needs are different from men’s, steer clear of it and look for more balanced advice. It’s always best to ASK your partner what he/she needs, rather than assuming they have needs that are stereotypical for their gender. Peace and God’s blessings ✌️❤️
  • InspiredMuzik
    Very applicable
    It’s so applicable to everyone and anyone looking to improve their marriage and family. Surprisingly very, very practical.
  • Hilkedog
    So good!!
    In my experience, so many spiritual podcasts’ host’s speak only of past struggles. In the past I’ve found myself feeling less than or different because I was and have always been struggling CURRENTLY. This podcast is good for my soul in so many ways but I just realized how healing it is that these hosts and guests are not only looking to guide the listener towards healing but they are looking to receive healing themselves through facing the difficult personal truths they currently are sorting out. The courage it takes to heal together brings us all to know Jesus’ heart in ways we never could have if we had prayed ourselves “well” in solitude. Thank you for your relatable, beautiful honest hearts!
  • Dewberry June
    Quick bites to chew on throughout your day
    This show gives information and advice from a God-honoring perspective. Great information in just a few, quick minutes that you can think on throughout your day. It will make a positive impact on your perspective and expectations in marriage.
  • Tauna aka Tweety
    Still newlyweds 😭
    We’ve only been married a year and 2weeks, but I’m the only one who feels like my husband and I are having really serious problems. I don’t have a review on the podcast yet. I’m still new here also, I really want help for our marriage! Is there anyone that could possibly help me?
  • Bible loving mama!
    Wonderful tips in bite sized chunks.
    Great information, totally relevant and yet often overlooked. Thank you for the commitment to family!
  • Jurewhite
    This podcast is so perfect!
    I’ve listened to 3 of these podcasts and I’ve already learned so much. I’m sharing with my married children.
  • DezRC
    Top Notch
    Love love love this podcast.. sharing it often with friends and family
  • Azz29
    Essential ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    I listen to this podcast every day. Jim and Greg do an awesome job and I love hearing peoples testimonies. Keep up the great work!
  • Gavin's mom 08
    Focus on the Family has marriage beliefs that are dangerous to women in abusive marriages.
  • Aviatorbill
    Vaccine mandates
    I also will no longer be listening to or supporting a ministry who makes medical mandates. Not only does it go against personal and medical freedoms, but the vaccine has aborted fetal cells within them. Greatly saddened by this, I’ve been a Focus on the Family listener nearly my entire life.
  • vikurk
    Impeccable timing
    There’s no such thing as “I know everything I need and everything is great” There is always something to learn, prevent, and grow from. I’ve made so many mistakes. It is so difficult to get everything right. With these podcasts anytime I’m going through something I skim through the topics and find exactly what I need . And sometimes I don’t even skim, I’ll just play the most recent and it always convicts me and brings me back to a humble state of mind . It is so easy to become prideful and harm my best friend. May God help us as we learn through biblical principles and through your experiences! Thank you!!!
  • Plumeria Paperie
    Absolutely Love!
    I love sitting under the conversation and wisdom of Greg, Erin and Team. These short podcasts are a breath of fresh air to our young and maturing marriage. Thank you, Focus Team!
  • AnnEG apps
    I love these podcasts SO much! I listen to them all the time
  • TracyARo
    So useful!
    These podcasts are so educational and helpful!
  • Miss Weekly
    I enjoy these podcasts but I would like for them to be longer . I need a little more depth into these outstanding topics .
  • Liz D Perez
    Such an encouragement in my walk of faith and in my marriage and family
    This podcast is so encouraging because Focus on the Family roots for marriages and for families, and they provide tons of biblically based resources, advice, and council. I love that they love Jesus and that they love marriage and family. What a breath of fresh air in this time that we’re living in! I thank God that Focus on the Family exists.
  • Jeka-Lynn
    Great podcast!
    Came across this podcast last week and have listened to several episodes already! Great content from a good group of people with a Christian perspective. Definitely gives you something to think about!
  • MaggieinSD
    A Must Listen to Habit for All Couples
    This is a must for all couples who want to improve their relationship. The speakers deliver information seamlessly and it’s relatable. I only wish I can discovered this sooner.
  • dogmoka
    What should men do if there wife says tonight or tomorrow for sex and what if it doesn’t happen what should we do
  • Rebe178
    Worth Your Time
    I’ve listened to so many of these podcasts and also the Loving Well Series. They have been such a blessing in my life and relationships! Everyone should listen and apply the concepts talked about in these! They are also fun to listen to!!
  • EricaJGH
    The content of this podcast is so helpful, relevant, and truthful. They’re not afraid to speak the truth!
  • Kaitdelyn
    Life changer
    I have learned how to look at my marriage from a different perspective. There are some things that I had never thought of before. Thank you for opening my eyes to see that although marriage is not easy, it can be wonderful. It takes work, but it is so worth it!
  • Morgeywood
    So Helpful!!!
    I’ve been listening to this broadcast ever since I can remember. At a young age my parents listened to Focus on the Family all the time and listening to Adventures in Odyssey! And now as a wife and mom it is so helpful in my everyday life. This podcast helps me be stronger in my marriage and helps me to communicate the way God intended.
  • Joyful in Jesus
    Your Excitement
    The podcast is great, good amount of time to get a quick encouragement, and important topics. However, when everyone gets animated about the conversation, interruptions escalate and it’s difficult to hear anything. Thanks!
  • lee part oh dain
    Thankful I discovered this podcast
    This podcast has been immensely enriching, timely, and insightful. It provides practical application with biblical and spiritual principles to support marriage God’s way. You all are doing a phenomenal job and you’re helping thousands with your wisdom. Thank you!
  • NylaIrene
    So practical and positive. Very easy listening.
    Focus on the Family brings the very best practical helps that are consistently based on timeless wisdom. It is so refreshing to not be encouraged to be self-centered and selfish.
  • CoachChadSimpson
    So helpful!
    For the past 2 years, I have listened to one of these podcasts every Mo day as I drive to work. It reminds me that my marriage needs to be a top priority. Thankful for the ideas, questions to ask, and attitude to bring when I return home to my family. Thanks for all you guys do!
  • Sdrew1!
    Love u guys
    Thankful for this podcast. I have listened to focus on the family for many many years. So helpful.
  • takemeto1715
    Appreciate, but...
    I appreciate these podcasts quite a bit, but noticed that it seems there is more emphasis on husbands working on their behavior. As a wife, I was hoping to hear more of what I might be missing and how I can be negatively affecting my marriage. Oddly, I felt “off the hook” and if I wasn’t careful I could leave the podcasts with an armful of advice for how my husband needs to change.
  • CWD05
    A must listen
    The Unapologetic Christian viewpoints are incredibly refreshing, especially when coupled with hosts that are incredibly honest and vulnerable about their own struggles. This is a must listen for any couple committed to not just being married, but growing and feeding their marriage.
  • greenlighter_70
    Works for some, not others
    I totally get how some people would love and benefit from this podcast, but the overtly religious perspective won't work for everyone. The underlying principles of what they talk about are solid, but I wish they were more inclusive and open about some of the real challenges of marriage.
  • Sarahtravels624
    They Care
    Focus is always improving and striving to create and promote resources that help families and marriages. Any married couple regardless of their belief can benefit from the principles and stories they hear on this podcast.
  • Tina Marie Trimpert
    No better podcast
    I’m dealing with some marital issues myself and stumbled upon this wonderful podcast. Please keep up the wonderful work. Tina Marie The Psyche-Delic Podcast
  • Juste Causerie
    Love this ministry
    It's hard not to be in this field and not know about you all! Lol Love your ministry. I authored a book called A Christian Marriage Guide: Preventing Arguments and Promoting Unity in the Christian Marriage. Maybe your audience would be interested in a Speaker Poet/ Marriage Coach that helps spouses argue less and talk more. Check my video teachings on ig-married_as_one I'll be listening. God bless
  • CcamThomp
    What About The Husbands?
    Good stuff. But disappointed by the lack of resources on spousal abuse towards men (wives can hit too), seeming to ignore the elephant in the room in many American homes. I personally know many men who feel alone and unsupported because the church is largely silent on this issue.
  • Ashtyn<<33
    Corrective criticism
    I truly love the words of wisdom that are expressed through Focus on The Family. It truly has been a blessing for me and my family!!
  • Funnybonez93
    Love the podcast
    I love this podcast, love their advice and the hope that they bring. I am often reminded that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that God has plans for my husband and I even if everything is not going right. God bless you all
  • stbush
    Solid advice
    It's nice to get a steady drip of good marriage advice. They balance between people trying to keep their marriages strong and people trying to repair their broken marriage. We probably all fall into one category or the other based on the issue. You're going to learn something worth knowing!
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