History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps


Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King's College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, "without any gaps". www.historyofphilosophy.net

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Recent Reviews
  • pancesco
    Longtime fan
    Yet something seems to have changed in the last few episodes, and not exactly for the better.
  • Poetry Person
    Philosophy for Fun
    Really enjoy and have learned so much from this podcast. I’ve laughed out loud, I’ve reexamined my beliefs. Hooked ever since lockdown. Thank you, Peter and associated giraffes.
  • Jesse9859
    Thank you!
    I just want to say that I really appreciate everybody involved in making this podcast. What a huge undertaking! Thank you for sticking with it.
  • tmlarso
    Absolutely great
    One of the best and most informative podcasts I’ve listened to. Perfect length and a wonder introduction to great thinkers
  • Johm taylor
    The best!
  • Jdjjejdjdjxkfoe
    Serious quality!
    The ability of an educational podcaster, or any writer, is to be concise is very under appreciated. I think a good indicator of the quality of the podcast is that the episodes are not so long that you get lost in the intricacies, while still coming away with a solid, basic understanding of the material. Many my criticize it, but I think his narrative style calming, and suits the material if you are giving it the attention you would a scholarly lecture. people commonly use podcasts as background noise for multitasking or for winding down right before sleep, and I think that’s unfair to what is happening here.
  • Robert Parish
    I’m impressed!
    I originally wanted to listen to the episodes about the Ancient Roman Stoics. But I was impressed by the quality of the show, and started at the first episode. I intend to listen to them all!
  • Dan # 8
    Superbly Realized
    A great joy to listen closely to Adamson’s podcasts—and to be invited and inspired to think more deeply!
  • jdbakermd
    The best
    The podcast I have listened to the longest. I truly hope it doesn’t end!
  • Franceswe
    History of Philosophy without any gaps
    Very worthwhile;succinct but informative
  • cheerstoeternity
    He’s my hero.
    He makes life so much more bearable.
  • ❤️❤️🤍🖤🤍💔💚🤍💕💓🤎🖤
    Helps me fall asleep
    Helps me fall asleep :))
  • Doc Sumo
    Let it
    One of my top favorite podcasts
  • Andrew from New Hampshire
    Accessible and thorough with a healthy dose of dry humor
    Despite having a philosophy degree already, I never knew how critical giraffes were to philosophical inquiry. Nor did I realize how many philosophical problems could be illustrated with silent film criticism. Thank you for all that you do!
  • MusicCityEngineer
    In-depth but accessible and interesting
    Peter does a great job of bringing together many different strands of philosophy and making it into an interesting story.
  • MikieO77
    Great great great!
    Hey. Well if numbers are infinite and we measure size by numbers, how is the universe not infinite? Checking out Buster Keaton movies presently. Awesome and insanely in depth podcast! In my top 5.
  • queenallie03
    Really without any gaps
    Philosophy is a topic I can't just dive into the source material and experience and understand like some other topics, and this podcast has been a long favorite of mine. Peter Adamson covers well known and less well known philosophers and philosophies with humor and grace, talking to topic experts and covering them in an easy to understand way. Don't go into it expecting just to look at the big names, but if you're interested in the topic this is a great place to start where you can find more places to dig in deeper if you find interesting people/ideas.
  • bilybillybayou
    No political agenda!!
    No wokism or right-wing digs, just plain history and philosophy. His tone is a little didactic, but he does an excellent job of explaining philosophy and digging in to the details.
  • bjohns383
  • another-iphone
    Starting from the beginning
    I have restarted this series several times and like someone else said. It is hard to find the beginning! This must also discourage new listeners picking up a new podcast through their iPhone who want something easy to grab. Otherwise, I love it. Bought the book on Amazon <3
  • rtkaratekid
    Absolutely fantastic! I love that there are “no gaps.” If you want to find podcasts prior to episode 73 try searching “HoP 001” or 002, all the way to 073. It’s annoying but I really wanted to start from the beginning.
  • canorebi
    A fragmented holism
    I love this podcast. That is all I have to say
  • 🅱️a🅱️a🅱️ooey
    I’m interested in this podcast BUT
    I can only see the episodes from 73. I’d really like to start from 1 But can’t find it. I’m on mobile so i am not sure if that’s the issue, but, yeah, I can’t see any episodes before episode 73. If you can, please fix this but if its a misunderstanding by me, my apologies.
  • thankyou7295
    a favorite
    my wife thinks its boring but I listen to it constantly
  • Desirejadeh
    I can’t even imagine the amount of work that went into this. I’m only seeing from episode 73 onwards currently though. Very strange because I want to go back and relisten to the first 20.
  • Ali the traveler
    Informative, intriguing, and entertaining history of philosophy.
    One of the podcasts I really look forward to every week.
  • Mamie Ellercal
    Almost excellent
    The host’s lip-smacking noises make a fine podcast unlistenable.
  • brooklynmuse79
    Fantastic. So well organized—the text and topic choices are yes chronological, but could nevertheless still be more confusing than they are here. And so *clear* — in thinking and speaking. A voice one can listen to, for those who care about such things.
  • axioun
    Wonderful podcast.
  • BJazz710
    Very well done
    This is an extremely well done podcast. I majored in philosophy (and religion) in college; I occasionally get the itch to revisit the subject matter. I always enjoyed reading the actual philosophy and commentary about different philosophies/philosophers. I always found the philosophy reading itself difficult, albeit interesting, to understand, but I’d get a much better understanding during class when my professors lectured or we discussed whatever we read. With this podcast, I don’t have to stress out about the difficult reading or assignments, I can just listen to a scholar talk about the subject matter, and I’m enjoying it as much as I remember enjoying it in college! I also like that occasionally other scholars are brought on discuss different topics/philosophers. I would highly recommend this to anyone interested in philosophy as a whole.
  • zzzasedx
    The Best Podcast In The World
    This podcast is one of the best to fall asleep to; I listen to it every night because I get nightmares every so often. When you fall asleep to the podcast your brain remembers the podcast but when I wake up my brain can never remember the episodes that I heard the night before. I love this podcast and I recommend it to anyone who is a philosophy nerd/geek.
  • Hollyoke
    The best podcast to fall asleep to. Enough thoughtful information to be not boring, yet not riveting enough to keep one awake. The voice is calm and measured, and some of the interviewees - especially older British scholars - sound downright soporific.
  • Sxnshxnx
    The depth that is explored is incredible. I’m a total novice and this is just an unbelievable amount of thought provoking information. Highly recommend.
  • Wyatt Rowan
  • Tommy.G3
    Thoroughly hooked
    I came to this podcast on a recommendation and only downloaded a couple of episodes to “test it out”. What a lovely podcast! I’ve been pleasantly surprised that I’ve become hooked on a topic that I previously avoided due to my nervousness of not being able to engage with the material in a meaningful way. Your style and flow make this podcast a wonderful addition to my weekly routine. Thank you!!
  • dchan578
    Great info
    And thorough
  • ThingsFromCarlos
    This is the only podcast you need...
    History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps, is the best podcast available period. You can listen during the day or when you are about to go to sleep. This podcast has made me a better thinker and better at understanding my own feelings. There are so many ideas and truths we take for granted in the modern day. It has been amazing to see that there were a multitude of ideas that were good ideas that were discarded in service of our modern capitalist society. This podcast has shown me many great thinker that I had never heard of such as Pelagius who advocated for free will in Christianity over divine revelation. I have also gotten to know Aristotle on a deeper and more engaging way. If I could give this podcast 6 stars I would!
  • jjv1607
    Fantastic Podcast!
    This is a wonderful podcast! I greatly appreciate the information AND it is delivered in a way that respects Christianity (despite the author not being a Christian himself) something that unfortunately cannot be said of other philosophy podcasts. I love the puns and humor too.
  • Philisides
    What a service
    I’m a student of English literature, so of course philosophy is relevant to my study, but it can’t be my priority. This podcast is such an invaluable tool for me. I have been working my way through some ancient and medieval philosophy for a project I’m working on, and my reading was so much sharper and ... just better overall because I was guided by this podcast. So thank you, Peter. By sharing your expertise with us, you have done a staggering service for others, like me, who are invested in intellectual history.
  • elio tiresias
    Superb Overview
    This podcast is exceptionally good - quite broad coverage, without being too technical. The suggestions for further reading on the website are a fantastic resource - this podcast has definitely widened my awareness of philosophical traditions outside the standard curriculum and expanded my understanding of the historical context of the figures I was already familiar with. Great series - happily recommend it to anyone with even a passing interest in philosophy!
  • 31 year old nerd
    Long time fan
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for over four years—definitely my favorite out there. Took me at least half of those years to catch up, but was absolutely worth it. Now I can casually drop names like ibn-tufail and Porphyry and quickly become the most popular person at the party, thanks Peter!
  • Kate List
    So thorough
    I love the scope and depth of this podcast. Impressive that it also manages to be so engaging while covering often dense material.
  • Ace000000
    He’s amazing.
    He’s amazing, no doubt about that. I can see not liking the topic, but I don’t think it could be done better.
  • s.abr
    Best philosophy podcast!
    One of the greatest podcasts ever. The extent of the topics covered is unbelievable. Absolutely the best philosophy podcast.
  • Holden King
    I absolutely love this podcast. It’s an invaluable resource for those of us who are fascinated by philosophy but don’t have a lot of time. I would recommend it to anyone of petty much any age! Free public access to knowledge is probably the greatest achievement of the 21st century, and this podcast proves it! Thanks, Peter and team!
  • ocpmm
    Awesome podcast
    Thank you for such a great learning experience. A journey through philosophy.
  • Zanerock
    This is one impressive show. Like all the great narrative, "mass market" podcasts, it's accessible, but the the breadth and depth of detail is simple astounding. I listen to a lot of similar shows on all different histories, and this is my favorite. While the subject matter may seem less interesting to many, but I would bet that most people that like a good narrative history of England or Rome or whaatever would enjoy this just as much, if not more. The show is just so approachable and gives you so much information that's so easy to digest, it really is a treat. Instead of rich white men fighting to see who is the biggest jerk, you get to hear about (mostly) rich white men arguing about who's the smartest.
  • Puppeteer107
    A good listen even without a background philosophy
    I admit it’s a little hard for me to follow without any background in philosophy or the classics. But Peter has my favorite podcasting voice and usually brings a couple of good one liners to each show. He sounds like the kind of guy you’d want to spend time with.
  • doepenrose
    What other podcasts can I listen to from the Dr. ? He’s excellent and I continue to learn. Thank you!
  • FateTriarrii
    Precisely What I expected
    This is a very detailed overview of philosophy in close to a chronological order. This podcast goes through just about all of the ancient philosophers. There are some philosophers he doesn't dicuss in as much detail, but he typically spends multiple episodes on all of the major philosophical movements through each time period. If you've ever wondered what happened between aristotle and descartes, this is the podcast for you. Just don't actually expect a discussion of Descartes. At the rate this podcast is progressing, it will probably reach him some time in 2030.
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