The Community Cats Podcast


Our mission is to provide education, information and dialogue that will create a supportive environment empowering people to help cats in their community. *For transcripts of most shows, visit

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Recent Reviews
  • Podcast for Professionals
    Top Notch Inspiration
    As a TNR professional, the value this podcast brings to the table it unmatched! I love the exposure to other professionals, professional development, and ideas on how to move forward and grow. The Pawsitively Feral team and I are so grateful to have found this!
  • jogreenler
    Cat lovers delight!
    Such a valuable resource for all those interested in helping solve the over population of cats. I am a foster in a local shelter and listening to the podcast makes me only want to take a bigger role in helping out as many cats as possible. There’s an expression, “we can’t save them all, but at least we can try.”
  • linzall
    A must for cat lovers!
    One of favorite podcasts! I always learn so much and am inspired and moved by each conversation.
  • NLB Cat Rescue
    I found this podcast on the drive home from a TNR neuter appointment, it was very fitting. I’m so happy to find a great resource on this topic. A few episodes in, I had to leave a positive review. This podcast is informative and helpful. Great work! And, thank you for helping me feel less alone in the TNR space.
  • MehAndBl3h
    Amazing Resource!
    CCP does a great job of providing a thoughtful education to viewers while making it entertaining. 20/10, would recommend to feline lovers everywhere!
  • Thisiswhyidon'twritereviews
    Knowledgeable hosts and accurate information!
    As a person who is somewhat experienced in cat rescue and TNR, I sometimes get frustrated with podcasts that spread misinformation about cat related topics. This one is full of expert, accurate advice. Well worth a listen and follow.
  • KimLep
    Great cat information!
    This podcast is fabulous for feline lovers! Helpful information in an entertaining format for the cat lovers in your life.
  • Bookgirlac
    Much needed
    I listened to a recent episode with a favorite author who does TNR and have listened to other episodes to learn more. So much great info here. Highly recommend to anyone who cares about cats or rescuing animals.
  • Yotabunny
    Found you recently and am very stoked that it’s such a pawsitive pawdcast! The first one I listed to was #sameteam and I’m inspired and learning. Excellent podcast, good vibes and thank you! Meow!
  • Hypnotisim
    OI uau oquo
    Uoarylarulario w ( sis took over sorry 😣 she like doing thatI love this podcast only because I mean I I’m a cat lover so yeah you can see how that instantly clicks I have a feral cat well I mean she was feral and now she’s domesticated so yeah kind of weird how they can turn into a domestic cat 🐈 🐈‍⬛🐱😹😻🙀😿😽😸😺😾😼
  • ChPo1122
    So helpful!
    I have been doing TNR for over a decade and we are just now working on getting our nonprofit status. I listen to this podcast every morning to learn so many great things that I can use and do for my community cats. I love how everyone who comes on the show has their own experiences and expertise to learn from.
  • garyjamesevans
    Great podcast!
    Stacy LeBaron’s Community Cat Podcast is outstanding. Not only does it provide great content, it brings together a huge network of talented and fascinating people who are working to help community cats. Their trainings are excellent also!
  • Susie Snowflake16
  • Lynx911
    I like the topics and speakers as they are very informative on cat rescue.
  • Hornpipe
    I love this podcast!
    Everyone who loves cats should listen to the wonderful interview with Nikki Martinez! Real, down-to-earth practical info from a caring, funny woman doing great work in the community. Makes me happy to know this podcast exists.
  • stick it girl
    Love it
    I love it because I have two cats
  • feral momma number 9
    Top Notch, Classy, A Lifeline
    So grateful for Stacy and this insightful podcast. I think the host has poured her heart and soul into caring for, learning about, protecting, and just loving cats. All that passion, skill, and knowledge has been downloaded into the podcast and the result is fantastic. I have a feral cat colony of 9 cats, and so I thank Stacy for recognizing the unique issues that community cats face in our country. I’m learning so much, the information is sound and well researched, the guests are amazing. Thank you. My kitties thank you too. 🐾❤️. Gina H.
  • ButterflyWarfare
    Versatile and Educational
    The podcast covers many topics in an engaging manner. Topics are timely and educational without being dry.
  • NeoNebula52
    Succinct kitty podcast
    Just the right length. Great info from so many interesting people. Good job!
  • CCLinSD
    Love it!
    I've been listening on my drives to and from work every day for the past few weeks and can't believe it's taken me this long to start listening! I work in animal welfare and am actively developing a comprehensive community cat program for my shelter. This podcast has been motivating and inspiratoinal and I'm so grateful that so many guests take the time to share their knowledge, experience and information. THANK YOU!
  • SteveLBrooklyn
    These podcasts are inspiring, informative and enjoyable! Stacy LeBaron is the ideal host. She knows the rescue world inside out, is an engaging interviewer (think Terry Gross) and finds great subjects. I learn something new every week. Bravo Community Cats podcast! Keep it up!
  • Jerelupon
    This podcast is AMAZING!
    Wow, I wish I knew about this podcast sooner, it's amazing! There is so much valuable and helpful information in each podcast (I've listened to about 8 so far) that I'm overwhelmed with ideas. I can't wait to listen to more of them. If you're helping cats, THIS is the podcast for you!!
  • Snow Biscuit
    Helping cats
    A lot of good information & inspiration to keep going for people in the cat welfare world. Also should be interesting for people who simply like animals - maybe some of them will be inspired to get involved through hands-on helping, donating to organizations working for cat welfare, or just sticking up for cats in conversations at work or with friends.
  • Calmsw99
    Great Podcast!
    Entertaining and a lot of good information to be heard here.
  • Lexi 2014
    Informative & Fun Podcast
    This podcast series is so educational & interesting. I’ve learned so much practical info about cats & the podcast has provided me with many great resources for my own pets & for shelter work, too!
  • gina_m_y
    Interesting and varied topics covered
    I thoroughly enjoy this podcast. It always teaches me something and gives me hope for the future of cat welfare
  • Laurie Mason Schroeder
    I’ve learned so much from Community Cats Podcast
    I’m a journalist in Pennsylvania and animal welfare is one of my sub-beats. I’ve often used this podcast to find story ideas and sources. As a cat parent myself I’ve learned so much from the interviews. Unlike some cat-centric podcasts, Community Cats is easy to listen to and the host doesn’t try to be overly cute or hip. I look forward to listening each Saturday while I run errands.
  • EricksonsNorth
    Inspiration in every episode
    I love listening to this podcast because every episode has a new person doing wonderful things for cats. There are so many new ideas that inspire me to help cats in more efficient and effective ways!
  • Paula Denman
    Great podcast!
    I just listened to the interview with Dana Andresen of Feline Rescue in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. I really liked the in depth conversation between Stacey and Dana. They covered a lot of very interesting information about cat rescue and welfare. Thanks for this program!
  • lvicki11
    So informative!
    I just listened to two episodes and learned soooo much! I’ve been rescuing cats for several years and consider myself pretty informed but in one hour I learned even more. Thank you.
  • DawnPartlow
    Great podcast full of everything you ever wanted to know about community cats!
    I’ve spent the last few months binge-listening to this podcast from the beginning on my hour commute to my job with my local community cats program. The information in these episodes runs the gamut from interesting to funny, from sad to exciting, from meaningful to silly and everything in between. I laughed, I cried, I scowled and I clapped. There was no emotion that didn’t happen at some point during these 200+ episodes. I learned more from this podcast than I ever could have hoped to research myself. Now that I’ve finished I can’t wait to go back through all the show notes and delve deeper into some of the information the guests shared. I could stay busy for a looooong time doing that. Thank you so much Stacy for bringing such an amazing podcast to the masses and I’m positive everyone I know is entirely sick of hearing me talk about it 😂❤️
  • catqueenmarie
    A must for animal welfare employees and volunteers
    I love this podcast. It opens a great dialogue between likeminded individuals who have turned their passion for cats into action.
  • Farley Waddlesworth
    Fabulous Show
    Stacy is a wonderful host and every show is packed full of information about the successes and challenges of community cats. I look forward to each episode!
  • dpoppitt
    My favorite pet podcast
    Love Stacy and all her guests! Really keeps me motivated when the going gets tough. Thanks for all you do!
  • Moonlit_Ocean
    Excellent Information Every Episode
    This podcast continues to be both informative and inspiring. Stacy interviews interesting individuals, covering a spectrum of topics. I find this podcast enriches my life and enhances my commute. I specifically enjoy the myriad of professionals and those who put their passion for cats into action. Keep up the good work, I’m grateful for all you do Stacy! I wholeheartedly encourage others to listen!! Play Right Meow >^••^<
  • Ardean
    Love this podcast... meow!
    I just started listening to this podcast because they were a speaker on Pawprint. I enjoy all the information that is shared about TNR and the resources all the guests give. I would love to start some sort of animal rescue at some point so I love the ideas and resources that are shared on this podcast!!
  • Ldynicole1
    Outstanding REAL information in compact doses
    With a run time barely over 20 minutes you get real time, up to date information and ideas from real pros across the spectrum of pet management. Real questions, real stories, real challenges, real successes. The show still runs three times a week after nearly three years! This show gives unbiased interviews of people from all levels of pet management groups. The interviews offer the real life experiences from individuals who have worked at large or small groups and in all phases: corporate, governmental and volunteer. The show definitely promotes TNR yet has interviewed people that have worked in high kill localities and neighborhoods. Some episodes have showed that not everyone believes in TNR but if he or she is serious about changing the landscape for community cats, straight up kill shelters are not getting the job done of managing pet populations in the wild. The process is not always easy, requires patience but the satisfaction of saving lives is always worth the effort. What you don’t get is an infomercial from somebody’s heavy-handed sponsor, preaching from a specific viewpoint, or an our way is the right way and only way to manage pets. I suffered through seven other popular pet podcasts and quickly realized them to be little more than subtle shills of sponsors or extreme viewpoints that served only to alienate or invalidate the information being given.
  • EMTread
    Great Resource. Keep up the good work!!
    I just found this podcast through the animal shelter management course taught by the UOP. It was extremely informative. I can't wait to share this resourse with our Catery Manager.
  • Betty1234567810
    This is such an inspiring podcast. I'm slowly returning to helping animals other than just my own and hope to get into volunteering for community cats programs some day. I think TNR is a necessary part of reducing cat overpopulation in the US. Thank you for such wonderful content!
  • robysweet
    Great information on caring for cats
    The Community Cats podcast is a joy to listen to, and I learn something from every episode. Love it!
  • Salamandy24
    This is my feel good podcast of the week. I'm in veterinary medicine, and I get really down sometimes that I can't save them all. I love hearing stories of those fighting the good fight with me, and making a difference for cats all over the country.
  • @haroldrhee
    Community Cats is awesome!
    Stacy is so knowledgeable about many aspects of cat rescue. And her guests are amazing, some of them are cat-loving and other animal celebrities. So worth the listen.
  • ️TNR supporter
    Helping people help cats
    If you are involved with TNR or any kind of cat rescue, you've got to listen to this super information podcast. Highly recommend!!
  • BlakeyBK
    Great show!
    With decades of experience helping stray and feral cats, Stacy is a consummate expert in speaking of all things feline both with her guests and to her auidence. Truly a wonderful service and well produced show. Keep up the great work!
  • A.J.-S.
    "It's great" sums it up, but I was especially pleased to listen to Merritt Clifton talk. I am a long time admirer of his' and his work, as well as his wife and partners' Beth Clifton.
  • ShirlCDuffer
    Community Cat lovers unite! These podcasts are very informative, inspiring, and just the right amount of length of time so you don't get overwhelmed with information. I live in Los Angeles so kitten season is pretty much all year . I listen to the podcasts on my way to work and I enjoy hearing about the guests' background and how they got started. I look forward to listening to more podcasts!
  • wingchair
    A visit to a whole new world
    Although I thought I knew something about community cats, TNR, and other forms of outreach to help homeless cats and kittens, every single podcast I've listened to has taught me vast amounts of new material and provided many terrific ideas. It's a wonderful thing you're doing here, so please keep it going.
  • micpa2
    great topics
    Thought this podcast was great! Informative, smart and some laugh out loud moments. Highly recommend.
  • renateo84
    A fabulous resource
    I've never found a resource before that I felt was so perfectly aimed at people doing TNR and working in cat welfare. Every episode gives me something new to think about and gets me excited to do this work.
  • Lolcat Lisa
    Pawesome podcast!
    Really great resource to learn about all of the different aspects of the feline "eco-system."
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