If Books Could Kill


The airport bestsellers that captured our hearts and ruined our minds

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  • Elyse_KL
    So Good
    THANK YOU for not paywalling the Art of The Deal episode, you gave a perfect breakdown of how people fail to understand systemic problems, this really helps me try to explain things to my friends/family. EDIT: holy, also thank you for not paying a portion of the organized retail crime episode. That episode was uploaded October 2023, I tried to do more research about it and I found an article from Fortune magazine dated December 6, 2023 saying “national retail Federation retracts claim that organized retail crime accounted for half of inventory losses in 2021.” HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YOU GUYS
  • SRHamm9
    Smugness to the extreme
    Could be good but the amount of sarcasm is off putting. I have to take breaks.
  • Iceblaster98
    Enjoyable, but one critique
    The show’s fun, it looks at various pop psych and other books in that vibe in a way that while not the deepest look, is fe enough to decide if you want to read said book yourself However, a problem I’ve had is that the large drought of unpaid content makes it hard to come back. I realize people need to eat, so it’s not enough to ruin it for me, but still worth noting.
  • Sgdhsh
    Off the mark
    I’ve enjoyed your podcast in the past. You’re funny and I’ve been able to overlook the totally one sided approach you take. You belittle whatever you take on, destroy rather than create and sometimes that’s funny. With regards to the protests on Columbia campus you overlooked the students who were unable to get to class, the professors who could not teach, and the ever so occasional antisemitic shout out. Nice for you, two clueless men who have likely never seen what violent hate looks like. The fact that you can’t see the early seeds of that is not shocking, but it is disappointing. I have seen the product of those protests. It is scared Jewish kids, it is non-Jewish kids who can’t attend class, it’s an entire Jewish world who understands all too well what “from the river to the sea” means. I won’t be listening anymore, you have nothing to say.
  • a_pearce4
    Only complaint I have is that there isn’t a new episode every day.
  • Sep631
    An absolute gem.
    So well-prepared. Great analysis. Very funny.
  • MayaWillMakeIt
    An absolute fav!
    I know it takes time to review a book and go through all the sources but the wait is really unreal (long)! Love this show so much -hilarious and informative!
  • The Podfiend
    Downplaying antisemitism to justify a position invalidates you. What other facts are you willing to gloss over?
  • Melissadoesmath
    This is honestly a perfect podcast. I learn and am entertained while also being outraged every episode.
  • Tiny Prof
    If sarcasm could kill…
    I loved this show when they focused on airport books. The silly sarcasm was fun and made sense for the genre, including the sometimes uncharitable comments and exaggerations. Once they get into politics and serious current events, they do the thing that they accuse the worst books of doing - make huge leaps and use throwaway funny comments to hide that they’re simply following their biases. Cute when you’re attaching “the five love languages,” very problematic when you’re discussing the Middle East. If these episodes were a book, they wouldn’t pass their own critique.
  • midsommar trash
    A lot can change
    I used to love every show Michael worked on, but he’s fully mask of with his antisemitism now.
  • CBCPod
    Outstanding podcast
    After seeing it recommended by a couple of YouTubers I follow, I’ve been binge listening. Can’t recommend it enough…
  • CNMZ
    Smart, funny, necessary antidote
    Way too much inaccurate, lazy, propagandistic trash is masquerading as popular wisdom or common knowledge. Michael and Peter have the chops and take the time to dismantle it. There are lots of 1-star reviews lately for Michael and Peter’s stance opposing the well-documented genocide of Palestinians. The UN report of the special rapporteur (“Anatomy of a Genocide,” March-April 2024) happens to agree with this stance, but perhaps this report too is baseless and antisemitic. In any case, this podcast’s beat is picking apart the nonsense that “everyone knows,” and the NYT et al.’s virtually evidence-free panic about American college students (who are much more upsetting than the actual war crimes, somehow) falls well within that domain. Keep up the good work.
  • JBeachwood
    Took a turn for the worst
    I loved this podcast. The takes on books and trends were spot on and more often then not, hilarious. Unfortunately it doesn’t work to glibbly discuss the Israel/Hamas war with such gleeful mockery. Also some comments felt quite inaccurate for those of us more intimately involved and just to service a particular take. This show usually decries binary thinking but this really lacked the nuance required on the subject. That episode was a real mistake and now I can’t listen again without thinking about how disappointing it was.
  • Hipsterdofus
    Insightful and entertaining
    Love the pod. Love learning what books got it wrong. Would it be possible for you to look into the Dawn of Everything a New History of Humanity?
  • CapeCodder4
    What happened?
    Two stars only for the beginning episodes and their deconstruction of pop-psy books, it’s a great listen. Then they decide to talk about Columbia and the Israel/Hamas war, which is first, not a book, and second, the episode is riddled with inaccuracies. If the hosts visited an encampment on a uni campus then perhaps they would of heard for calls of intifada revolution, which is far from a benign chant. I went and saw for myself—besides intifada I was called a Zionist genocidal baby killer. Those aren’t meaningless words contrary to what people are led to believe. I’ve listened to Michael on two other podcasts (I absolutely loved Maintenance Phase!) and followed him to this one. Sadly, y’all lost a listener. Unfollowed.
  • Sjeckers
    Too Predictable
    Enjoyed your podcast in the beginning. But gets old hearing you guys line up on Every trendy far left take. I’d like to hear what you really think especially if it departs from woke left ideology. Pro Palestine & trans everything will not age well. Bill Maher approach
  • Vanessaaz
    AntiIsrael and Antisemitic virtue signaling
    Vile. Atrocious. Slanted, smarmy and uninformed. This podcast is a bro and a virtue signaling ultra confused former journalist. Don’t bother.
  • sanasana
    Turns out these guys— especially Michael— are rabid antisemites.
  • takes one to know one(?)
    Steal this critique
    Never get nabbed by misleading statistics or false pretense. Peter and Hobbes make easy the undoing of everything from pop psychology’s moral panics to academic identity politics. Skip NYT Games, IBCK is a better buck for your brain.
  • Mr. N T
    So they decided to make an episode on the protests at Columbia. Not the secret , the 4 hour workweek, or the game… but instead focus on the israel / Gaza War. Quite frankly I was skeptical but excited to listen to a thoughtful and measured discussion on an extremely complex topic. How wrong I was. Unfortunately they used the same level of tact (not a lot) to cover a situation that requires the opposite of the seriousness or integrity this discussion should have. I understand if they have their own opinions, but there was no attempt at exploring the complexity of this horrific situation, and instead they used the opportunity as a soapbox to celebrate how righteous they are despite the “attempts to discredit the left and the indefensible murder of Palestinian civilians”. The irony is impossible to ignore. I get it…it’s their podcast and they can decide what they want to talk about. But I expected more from them. Keep the puns and giggles to talking about pickup artists or online influencers.
  • jonnycrocket
    Should have stuck to the books
    I loved this podcast and thought the first few episodes were amazing. Just great energy, and great takedown of all the airport pop-psy books. The hosts are funny and have great chemistry. The latest episode regarding the the Columbia protests has made me unsubscribe. The same glib, sarcastic banter that works for Malcolm Gladwell misses the mark when it comes to the Israel-Hamas war. They all too easily brush off antisemitism as “protesters will be protesters,” and on a podcast decrying the bad reporting of the protests of Columbia, don’t seem to do a lot of their own fact-checking beyond reading NYTimes headlines. A real shame.
  • Elaine’s iTunes
    Could’ve been a five
    If there wasn’t so much cussing and giggling, it definitely would’ve been a five. The sarcasm didn’t help either. Other than that, it was a really good podcast.
    Update 5/12/24 Update 5/4/24: Broken--episodes won't play I can no longer play any of the episodes I haven't already played, and can only listen to some of those that I have already listened to. This does not happen with any of my other podcasts so it is specific to If Books Could Kill. I have reported it to Apple 2x, but it only gets worse. Maybe it's how Peter and Michael upload the episodes? I'm very unhappy that I have paid for it but can't listen to anything. i'm about to give up on the podcast and contact Apple and hope for a refund. If it gets fixed in the next few days, I will revise my rating back up. -----previous review----- Book reviews on steroids Was a 5 star One of 2 podcasts that makes me laugh out loud. But that's not why I subscribed. After having listened to San Fransicko, when Prop 1 hit the Calif ballot for the March 2024 ballot, I had real info on the nuances & complexity of the issues surrounding homelessness & how we deal with mental health in our homeless population. These guys do their homework--I knew I needed to support them.
  • K Thrills
    Indulgent, Interesting and Entertaining
    I will listen to every Michael Hobbes podcast now until the end of time!
  • OliSmalls
    Soulslike Podcast?
    Five stars for Elden Ring mention
  • Shanon Delaney
    I’m writing this solely to let Mr Hobbes know that I heard his Shirley Manson joke even if that straight man did not. Also, a Bartleby the Scrivener reference!? 💕 Never pressed send, so I can say Michael pronounced Tamagotchi correctly, not like a white kid.
  • Suisanvdv
    Mean-spirited and petty.
    It felt like I was eavesdropping on a pair of high school boys. Don’t waste your time.
  • Josh in Westchester
    Fish in a Barrel
    Most of the books tackled are easy targets. Some (eg The Secret) are so obviously stupid that no one in the audience for this podcast would even consider taking them seriously; others, (eg Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Hillbilly Elegy) are already old hat for takedowns; and the conservative policy books chosen are pretty much the weakest that can be found. The hosts have a gratingly smug and anxious tone.
  • Vigilance100
    Airport podcast about airport books
    I’m sure the irony would be completely lost in these two: their podcast belongs in the same genre as the books they like to make fun of. The books they criticize had their moment but have since kind of fallen out of favor and have been widely panned. Currently in favor: reaction content. And, I’d argue, reactions are popular much for the same reason that these books were popular: it makes people feel smart.
  • stoutbr
    Funny and fun
    These guys are hilarious and so enjoyable to listen to. The dry humor and attacks on these not-exactly-sacred-but-buzzworthy books make me laugh out loud and provide a painless way to engage with wrong-headed and sometimes dangerous “thinkers.”
  • minibarryred
    Fun and interesting
    Love the pod. I had a Mandela effect moment thinking you did an episode about “how to make friends and influence people”, but I don’t see that so now I suggest it…. Good luck, sounds terrible, but that’s why I want you to read it for me
  • Varlis
    Not Self-Aware
    The hosts make a lot of jokes about the idea that as two men maybe they aren’t the best ones to discuss women’s issues and feminist theory, but the awkward truth is that they’re right. Their episode on The Game was ultimately a discussion of a book about predatory behavior where the hosts sympathized with the predators and not their targets or victims, while managing to dramatically underestimate the damage of the PUA movement and downplaying it as a niche philosophy rather than identifying it as a radicalization pipeline. Now their newest episode involves Peter confidently explaining that unlike himself feminist scholars simply don’t understand the true causes of gendered violence, and that had to be the limit for me. The staggering lack of self awareness and absence of any humility gives me too much secondhand embarrassment, I have to get off the train here. I admire their confidence but it’s not a replacement for education and ultimately fumbling a classic like The Game that badly shows they’re not able to contribute any novel or insightful perspectives on issues they lack firsthand experience with.
  • pkcrawford
    This podcast is perfect. Intelligent and well-researched, but also hilarious. Love Peter and Michael, they balance each other out nicely and have great chemistry.
  • 1JAB88
    Great show, maybe a TW
    Love the show, listen to every new episode. However, would definitely have included a TW in the new “better angels” ep for rape content. Thanks fellas.
  • winterspringsummerautumn
    Love 💕 Love ❤️ Love 💗 you two!!!
    I adore you two men so much!!!! I can hardly wait for each episode. You are both so incredibly intelligent and rational in how you present each of your opinions; and you are both hilarious 😂! Thank you 😊 for this show!!!
  • Tivoli420
    Lose the bro
    Michael - I LOVE (and I mean love) you and everything about this show, equally as much as I dislike other-dude host. Please: do this show on your own with guests as topics warrant/are enhanced by. “You’re wrong about style” #allhailsarahmarshall
  • Emilie Jacobson
    Hilarious, on point, top notch! Love these guys.
  • Truth_is_hope
    Critical and compassionate
    You guys are fun! Plus, I don’t have anyone in my real life who tears things to shreds without any ill will - and I love that balance.
  • Dj artwork
    Love it and don’t change a thing
    I recently came across this podcast and have been listening to back episodes. They often mention feedback about toning down the language, to which I say, please don’t! It’s part of the show’s character and it’s refreshing. This is a snarky podcast about adult books and the show is labeled clearly as explicit. It just fits.
  • leonuria
    Love the content but they speak way too fast.
    Any educator knows that a slower delivery aids comprehension. Except, apparently, for the younger generation. What they think is cool style or a demonstration of intelligence leaves the listeners wanting. Come on, now. Level up & slow down. It is not cute or trendy. It’s evident that you are smart so better to ensure you’re connecting with your audience than to show off your brilliance. Hey kids, wise up!
  • Im 60, 60, 60 years old!!
    Got a subscriber
    Listened to your David Brooks episode on a rec, then a few more, and always found them somehow both insightful and fun. The Identity Trap discussion was one of the best podcasts I’ve ever heard!
  • 50in2023!
    Atomic Habits feedback
    Really love your podcast. I am enjoying it and learning and being educated. Smart and accessible. I do want to give feedback on the Atomic Habits book. I never read it but I did do a boot camp on behavior design with BJ Fogg. I recall they mentioned this book with some disdain. I recommend you search BJ Fogg and his research on tiny habits. Sounds like Mr. Clear may have leveraged some of BJ’s conclusions without citing his data or giving him credit. You’ll find BJ is full of integrity and openness. He’s now published a book I believe maybe even called Tiny Habits. What caused me to write this is when you poked fun at some of the suggestions which were baseless in Mr. Clear’s book but while seemingly silly do have research behind them. I would love for you to share BJ’s life’s work bc as you said people do need some simple help with mundane things in life. Thank you!!
  • JFC I don't want a nickname
    DANGIT. Too good.
    I have many left-leaning podcasts I listen to but never subscribe. These guys are so entertaining and smart I couldn’t help it. Dangit
  • sevenbends
    Best podcast of all time
    These two! Hilarious, irreverent, and yet also deeply important to understanding the way that “knowledge” is packaged and sold in our culture. Whenever a new episode comes out I drop everything else to listen. This is my third Michael Hobbes podcast and it is my favorite yet.
  • NYtimes home
    Love the show - horse sidebar was unexpected
    Love the show but the Argentinian horse sidebar that you actually left in was great, not for the story itself, but because of Michael’s reaction. Keep up the good work.
  • Buckley0006
    Great listen
    Either one star or five stars, depending on what you feel about groan-inducing liberal snarkiness.
  • sbfaninwy
    I found the “Coddling of the American Mind” episode unfinished in my podcast app. I decided to give it another go, and now I remember why I left it unfinished. :/ I like snark as much as the next guy, but the way these two twist everything to give it ultra-libera flavor is just gross. I was hoping to learn about the actual book, not just listen to a vomit of left wing propagandists.
  • megcre19
    Endless joy
    You two make me want to be as good of a reader and as good of a researcher as you are. Your critical thought and analysis (on top of fire jokes) brings me joy with every episode. This is my 3rd Michael podcast but I am also now a devoted Peter fan. Please continue!
  • Dldlse
    Engaging and also kinda condescending
    Do I listen to every episode pretty soon after it drops? Yes Do I think they can be condescending and sound sorta like jerks? Yes It sorta felt like there was an air of “hey, we know this podcast is new, but both hosts feel like they are famous so before really any credibility in the show was built we’re putting up a pay wall for some episodes”. At the same time it feels good to listen to people calling out things our culture as a whole seem to buy into. I appreciate hearing said out loud things like how much The 4 Hour Work Week is full of privilege. I feel like they actually don’t go far enough in identifying and naming the way privilege shows up and how people are shamed as a result. But I’d say acknowledging half of the harm is better than none, so between that and the humor I like listening.
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