Hagmann Report

Politics #117

The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources and contacts and qualified guests open source material. The Hagmann Report will never be encumbered by political correctness or held hostage to an agenda of revisionist history. The Hagmann Report broadcasts weekdays at 4pm et. Visit www.hagmannpi.com for show notes and information.

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Recent Reviews
  • FarmerBrown12345
    Jonathan Chan
    Way to coked up to make a coherent point. Take your adderall as directed
  • 34grayce
    Likes and dislikes
    We’re up against the witches and the warlocks. For real
  • Yes, sir 1776
    😷➕💉🟰☠️. 1984 🟰1776
    Doug and Eric the tech are true American.. old school… the type that built this nation. Thanks for a great show and all the powerful insight and not holding back!
  • jeepercreeper8888
    Great Show
    Always enjoy the great guests everyday!🇺🇸
  • 🍏iPhone
  • Joe92580
    It’s Okay
    *Update* Had to unfollow. Just way too many commercials both in the show and the app. I understand trying to make money, but the over abundance of commercials has gotten in the way of the show and the message. Maybe I’ll try back in a few months. Good podcast with, sometimes, useful and informative information. Can be a bit preachy sometimes, especially when Steve Quayle comes on. Steve is usually all over the place…like listening to a schizophrenic reading three books at once. Fun Game: every time Steve Quayle spells a word, take a drink.
  • MG7Listens
    New Listener
    I’m a a Christian and heard of Steve Quayle through Infowars which led me to this show. Appreciate Doug Hagmann! Love this podcast and the guests and topics!
  • Shelly Clare
    Okay 👍
    You are the best ❗️🫡 God bless
  • jeff n alaska
    Truth! So hard to find now days.
    Keep it up!
  • Whgurlfrmdahood
    One of the few honest shows left. Been listening for many many years. Since 2011 I believe. Still kills me not to hear Joe on air, he was my age. What an anointed bunch of people. Thank you for your hard work & what you deal with to give us truth.
  • P Hestet
    Ditch the Bird
    I once enjoyed Quayle. Not too much anymore. The wordplay has become nauseating to say the least. I also noticed wherever he goes infomercials suddenly appear. I will continue to try to listen on days other than Thursday.
  • Rdrtom
    God Bless
    Just wanna thank Doug and and Steve for the work they do. It’s hard for me to find others that see the world the way I am seeing To me it is so obvious what is happening , but others seem to be oblivious to everything I am 100% a sinner and pray for forgiveness but it seems most are clueless Again thanks to both of you gentlemen , you are doing the Lords work , 100% Jesus Christ is our savior , Joe Biden and the left serve another leader
  • background noise is gross
    Nashville / Kate Dalley
    Doug, I would love to know your thoughts on what Kate Dalley laid out re the recent Nashville shooting. She asks some good, valid questions.
  • Jeremiah ben Jonah
  • woodheader
    Great show Doug
    Give you 5 stars. Thanks for always telling the truth on your show.
  • Sandy Sucks228844667790
    Love the information download from Doug
    Hey guys, love the show, but not the commercials! Yes, I do use the FF button.
  • ksmeonx
    Hagmann Report
    I listen to this podcast on a loop. Been a Hagmann fan for over a decade! Never have I seen a finer group of men come together to share the news and attempt to piece the puzzle together. Thank you for all your content and your time put into your investigation, God bless you and Eric the tech and all your guests that make an appearance. Highly recommend if you want the Real Scoop. 💯💯
  • legacy owens
    Steve and Doug
    I enjoy both of you and the information you give. The only trouble I have is you are trying to sell stuff that won’t be ready till December and yet you suggest that the world will be over by then so which is it. Thanks. Perry
  • SixPoints13
    He’s done all this stuff and has all this experience..
    but if he spoke of it in any identifiable detail he’d have to kill you. I’ve been listening for years and that’s how he comes across. He says he’s been a PI with over 30 experience, was a contract employee for the FBI, and goes on clandestine rescue missions recovering trafficked children. But.. never says who, what, where, when, or how. We’ve just got to trust that he’s telling us the truth. OpSec reasons - of course. OpSec after many years and closed cases much of which would be a matter of public record? Why? His associate, Randy Taylor, same stOry. His Monday regular guest, John “The Liberty Man” Moore, former green beret and homicide investigator, has all the answers. He reeks of smug self righteous certainty. But are their credentials and experience true? I don’t know. They won’t provide any verifiable proof that I’ve heard after years of listening in. A lot of people make things up. Many people falsify their resumes. Are these people for real or just well intentioned, but misguided blowhards? Sure, I listen to the broadcast. I take it for what it’s worth without proof about their backgrounds. That’s the problem with this podcast.
  • peaceloveandrockets
    Just like x22 the ads explode in mid sentence and completely disrupt the flow. Nothing Doug nor his guests have to say is worth the blast of commercials without warning. Doug, at least have the decency to respect your listeners by segueing into the ad breaks.
  • Carpați
    Too many ads
    Some good info, but unfortunately the podcast is constantly interrupted by completely unrelated long ads. If you’re all about the $$$, then I don’t need to listen to you ! I lost my job due to the mandates imposed by the tyrant in Ottawa and I ended up living in my truck on a Texas truck stop parking lot and the truck can’t even be driven because the commercial apportionate registration belonged to the carrier I was leased with and your podcast is in large all about selling stuff like satellite phones, EMP shields and all sorts of extremely expensive crap? Folks, get your heads out of your rear ends and realize that you’re talking to allot of totally broke “donkey” folks out here that don’t know exactly when they’ll have their next meal ! Quit being such money hungry goobers ! Talk about our blessed hope in the soon coming of our Lord and Redeemer Yeashua haMashiach and QUIT with the fear mongering in order to sell buckets on grab and sat phones and shield and a bunch other useless crap that won’t save anyone ! “What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul? What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
  • theyre all take
    Mr. Hagmann, I love your fire and passion. Id crawl in a fox hole with you any day sir! God Bless You!
  • Macintojv
    Righteous! and humble host.
    Sincere man with informed analysis. Fantastic guests also (I love all of the regulars). Thank you DH for your investigation into - and dangerous work - rescuing kids. Thanks too for the incredible info and for keeping the show free for listeners.
  • Joe the pool guy
    Podcast is constantly interrupted with ads!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a long time… pretty decent sometimes; but for the last year or so, it is constantly interrupted by unrelated ads. Some of them really get on my nerves, especially when they’re stacked up one after the other for several minutes. GET RID OF THE ADS!!!
  • Vjdxkgaxj
    Good content
    Used to be great though. I miss the deep discussions into the deeper side of science and spirituality. Ted Broer used to go into amazing topics on here years ago of that nature which was one of my favorites. They still tell it like it this tho, so 4 solid stars.
  • aStephen
    Too many commercials!
    This used to be a good podcast but not any more. WAY too many commercials in podcast! About 2 - 3 every 20 minutes.
  • Consoiracy Jim
    This show is too long.
    This show is too long. They discuss important subjects, but it’s like going to a friend’s house to talk about stuff, but who has the time to listen to others talk and talk. There’s a new show every other day almost, and almost every show is two hours long. Who can spend 10 hours per week listening to all of the stuff they talk about? And they don’t even bother to tell you what they’re talking about by writing an episode description. The shows are just too long. They could cut out more than half of every episode, and they’d probably get a lot more listeners of they’d make the episodes short and easily digestible, or at least put time-stamp topic lists in a description. In fact, if they’d break up the longer shows into short episodes dealing with individual issues, that would be great.
  • Renie S
    September 30, 2021
    The show tonight is excellent but I’m having great difficulties listening due to constant the knocking sound ( as if someone is tapping a pen on a desk)and Gary Heaven’s microphone hisses . I’m only 30 minutes in and very irritated. I have moved from Roku to your website then to Spreaker and now on the Apple podcast. No difference . I thought perhaps it’s on my end. Hopefully someone during the broadcast emailed when it could be corrected. I plan to keep listening but maybe just 5-10 minutes at a time. Thanks for your work !! Love your show !!
  • Anna Jean Michael
    Intrusive commercials
    I listen much less because of these. It chops up the program, because there are No introductions to commercials.
  • DPS5150
    Poor Editing
    Commercials mid-sentence is not a good look. Someone please put some thought into appropriately editing commercials into the show.
  • 123timwalker
    Michigan VAX Ad Spots?
    This seems a little hypocritical to be running The State of Michigan’s CVD VAX ad spots (propaganda).
  • Tensleepbigbull
    To much sniffing
    I love your show but the one tonight 8/9 there was to much weird sniffing 😳 it was John he needs to silence his mic when not talking .
  • donekirk
    Bradley Surratt decided just as ancient Israel was d
    I have been a fan for 8 years. God bless you and keep you in the shadow of his wings. Feeder I am your brother and friend. Friend the andhighest office in the Old Testament. You and Steve are mighty me of God We, my family, love you The kingdom is being decided like ancient Israel. There will be blood. One part remembers and has reverence for the old ways. Soon all will be forced to choose. I look forward to standing next to men like you
  • Arpavvy
    Truth is truth! Awesome job Doug
    Great informative show. For people who haven’t listened for years like I have Doug has been through a lot including the loss of his son joe. He has a great heart for America and God, best public speaker? No, but are you? Are most of us? Atleast he is out there in the front lines speaking truth and taking the risks. I contribute to the show and love the coffee products. Love when Steve Quayle is on 👍🏻 thanks Doug!
  • HulkRocky
    Nothing but the truth
    Outstanding podcast. Doug and all his guests tell it like it is. Not a show for the weak brainwashed sheep. Keep up the awesome work.
  • Every20seconds.org
    Very well done Podcast
    Doug is true Patriot that puts forth the truth. My favorite shows are from Monday’s and Wednesdays. Enjoy listening to John Moore and especially Dr. Richard Proctor. I bought Dr. Proctor’s “Saving the Constitution” series and I am currently reading it now. Give it a listen.
  • bottom lne
    You are the op
    Worst podcast I’ve heard when it comes to actual facts look up any of the claims this dungas has about trump they are all false trump has pushed gun regulations he has let millions of illegals in an he has sent trillions of tax dollars over seas these are the actual facts if u just take the time to educate yourself your pod cast is staraight trash you are an opp
  • n cangiolosi
    Great show
    Great show.
  • Phuc Yu Apple
    Whiny Boomer
    I like The Hagmann report but listening to Richard Proctor drone on about how stupid and useless people are in this country was a little too much to take. No one is going to respond to someone who scolds them. Seems like all this man wants to do is piss and moan about the Constitution and sell books. Okay boomer.
  • Ione70
    Going in the wrong direction
    I wish Peter Barry Chowka did his own show. He’s the only one worth listening to any more. Used to like this show but it’s gone downhill. Doug, a supposed Christian talks about bashing in people’s head with baseball bats and knifing them in the gut and firing the first shot. Pathetic. Real men pray for their enemies and for God’s protection. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord and apparently sayeth Doug also. Steve Quayle only talks about how people chastise him. Stan Deyo believes all the NASA lies and doesn’t know how to shut the ringer off on his phone. Austin Broer is a huge waste of time listening to, constantly pushes his products.
  • Jmarie214
    Worth a Listen!
    Good, informative content on the conservative side of things.
  • 777JesusLovesYou777
    God Bless
    Great place to grow as a Christian, Jesus loves you. God bless
  • cariboujaguar
    Every green herb bearing seed
    Agree with 99.9% of what you say and seriously love the show but every time you insult “pot heads” I feel you’re trashing one of the greatest gifts our Father has ever given us. I have personally seed suffering children healed and cancer victims live just from utilizing this plant! I would absolutely love to hear a show where you give your take on the history of Kaneh Bosem in the Bible and it’s biblical use in worship, because this is literally the ONLY place in which what God is telling me differs from what God is telling you, and I highly value your opinion! So... do a show on weed, dude! Haha much love brother, and keep up the good work!
  • Obamasucks_usa4ever
    A real show about real and important news.
    First off I love the fact Doug has on guests that don’t all say and agree with the same things. I love John Moore, Ted Broer, Peter Berry Chowka and Steve Quale. He’s not afraid to Criticize Trump. Keeps you informed and thinking critically, does not push his own spin or opinions. Love the show.
  • Catholic Combat
    Deep State Originals
    Doug Hagmann and his guests were using the term Deep State long before the MSM started using it. They are on top of what’s going on. Topics are well researched and presented with humility and a Christian world view. Good group of people here. Tune in!
  • Paintedjersey11
    Dynamite info
    Doug is eloquent and informative, and delivers his info in a very no-nonsense fashion; great guests all the time.
  • Computarman
    They cover anything
    Doug and Joe work hard to bring you the news and breakdown what the real meaning of political strategies and the actions of the different parties like the left democrats. They also cover anything from UFO’s to paranormal and exorcisms. I like the guest especially frequent guest like Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges. It’s hard to get the real story as it relates to the war on Christianity and Right censorship but these guys do their best to bring you the real story.
    Keeping us informed
    Like any podcast, there are segments you are already versed on and the information may seem repetitive. But, often the listener will learn things that are unavailable elsewhere. Doug, thanks for your hard work and dedication. It is greatly appreciated by many!
  • ? last try
    Great show
    However there’s a lot of repetitive rambling. Please stick to the topic and give us info. We already know your opinion. We are here because we are on the same page. I’m looking for someone with suggestions on how to fix our country, not just rant on how it has been hijacked. Thanks.
  • FactsBased
    Evidence Based Podcast
    Doug Hagmann has honor in a society that no longer places emphasis on doing the right thing for love of country. His guests often discuss evidence to show how far this country has fallen and what can be peacefully done to bring it back on track. Doug, you are prayed for & Joe will be healed by Jesus Christ!
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