Tom & Lorenzo’s Pop Style Opinionfest

Arts #163Fashion & Beauty #21

Authors and bloggers Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez render judgment on all the latest goings-on in the worlds of celebrity, pop culture, television and fashion. Strap yourselves in for some hilarious opinionating on all the most pressing issues of our time, darlings.

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  • iolantherosa
    Enjoyable podcast, with reservations
    I have been listening this podcast for years now. It is very personality-driven; if you like the personalities, you will like the podcast. If you are new, give it a few weeks and see if you can relax into the vibe. Over time it has improved: not only does Tom not interrupt Lorenzo as much as he used to, Lorenzo has gotten much better at holding his own. The new segment where Lorenzo talks about things he’s learned on TikTok is very fun. Tom has an encyclopedic knowledge of “nerd” culture such as Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Star Wars, etc. and is always worth hearing on those topics. In general they have interesting takes on a wide variety of popular culture and all forms of media, as well as the UK royals. I enjoy their “day in the life” ramblings about cats, decorating, and travel. The two men obviously enjoy each other’s company, and it makes for a fun and comforting listen. Tom does have a couple of tics I wish he would address: when he expresses an opinion about realms he is not a part of, he will preface his remarks with something like, “I, as a person who is not *fill in the blank* (Black, straight, a women, Native, etc.) perhaps shouldn’t weigh in on this but...” and he then proceeds to weigh in on it. Dude, we’re here to listen to your opinion, just give it; your listeners know what you are and what you are not and will calibrate appropriately. He also repeats himself quite a bit, often literally saying “As I said before…” or “To repeat…” If you already said it, don’t say it again! Finally, I think the guys need to accept that they can’t produce the podcast on a regular schedule. It drops *roughly* weekly, usually a bit longer, and they take frequent breaks for holidays or other commitments. Some podcasts hew to an extremely reliable schedule, some don’t. This one doesn’t. It’s fine. No need to apologize every week.
  • Ihatepodcasts
    Good analysis but
    but the interrupting/talking over each other drives me BATTY also the cat chat has been too much lately
  • Co elk do
    If you are into cats and royal gossip, then this is the podcast for you. Entertaining and very funny. The verbal gymnastics these two perform with regard to political correctness make Cirque du Soleil look like a troop of amateurs.
  • Plutopiccolino
    Royals are parasites
    Fact . Any charity is done with the money of the population , supporting causes for propaganda purposes mainly and money laundering . It’s a well oiled machine and they shouldn’t exist .
  • RebJam
    Enjoy but a bit long
    Enjoy hearing TLows take on many things. But an editor to trim some of the fat here would help immensely.
  • RozWarren
    A joy to listen to.
    If you want to walk around listening to a podcast with a big fat smile on your face check T&L out. I don’t watch most of the shows and movies they talk about with so much knowledge and humor and heart — and snark! — but listening to these two fabulous men take apart a topic is so much fun that I got hooked on the show the first time I listened. Now I wouldn’t miss it. Whether they’re talking about the Oscar’s or Princess Kate or a new show on Netflix or whether their new cat gets along with their other cats? I am in and I am LOVING it.
  • Jesuiskate
    TLO are so entertaining and enjoyable!
    I’ve been following TLO for about 10 years now, and I love listening to their podcast. I adore their reviews of tv shows and movies, they are super knowledgeable. I also love when they share about their travels or visits to museum exhibits. They invite you in to their world with humor and you always leave learning something.
  • JPUphl
    Love you boys! Keep up the terrific work.
  • IMHO18
    More Lorenzo please!
    I’ve been following these guys for years. With all due respect, I really like both these guys but Tom needs to step back more and Lorenzo should talk more in these podcasts. It feels a little unequal. Tom also needs to stop cutting off or undercutting his comments. Lorenzo is an interesting guy and his comments are thoughtful. More Lorenzo please!
  • ellyn.s.
    I love all of the hosting and holiday talk! Teaching the children 🙌🏻
  • belfebe
    My favorites of all time!!!
    Fashion, pop culture, fun! I can’t get enough of these wonderful bloggers!
  • K Dweck
    Congress - dress code
    You don’t support a dress code for our government? What’s the benefit ? It’s called maga - imagine what the uneducated dangerous clowns of maga would start wearing
  • krystalcovert
    Love TLO
    I’ve been hooked on TLO since I found their Mad Men write ups! I wouldn’t have a clue about fashion without them. Kind and insightful!
  • Megariah505
    I absolutely love this podcast
    I’ve been following Tom and Lorenzo since 2009. They’ve been a constant in my life since then. I didn’t think anything would beat their website, but their podcast does. Every Friday I look forward to listening to them discuss topics I’m very interested in. They don’t hold back and always provide a rounded opinion on everything. I can’t recommend this podcast enough
  • cmdm
    we’re not gonna defend/justify karl…
    then they do…exactly as expected…blind loyalty is dangerous…
  • Justynet
    Look forward to this every week!
    I love T&L, have been following their coverage for years. They’re smart and hilarious. Their takes on coverage of distressing queer news always honestly make me feel better and it’s comforting to hear their intelligence, compassion, and as needed, outrage. They cover fashion and pop culture wonderfully and always punch up. Come for their excellent takes and charming delivery and stay for the cat updates (or occasional cat “guests”- more Miu Miu please! And sending my best wishes to Mister Tab Hunter). Love you guys, mean it!
  • whitedf1
    Fantastic, sharp, incisive commentary
    I really enjoy Tom and Lorenzo’s podcast due to their clear framing of topics in context of todays zeitgeist and the critical lens they apply to their observations. their on microphone chemistry is great and you can sense their connection (obviously) but they play off their verbal styles well. It also reminds me of being at a really great dinner party and sitting next to a couple you actually want to converse with. Cheers! PS - I’m (absurdly) late to the mad men party and am thoroughly enjoying the recaps and the style analysis!
  • Kittyvan
    Lorenzo’s accent?
    It’s always been a point of interest to me, but listening to his critique of how the lead actress of the Mayfair Witches speaks her lines is hilarious given his accent. “WoMein”. Two tousand”, “veedio”, etc. Not to mention his predictable reviews of movies being “gorgeous”. Just let Tom and his ego handle the podcast - at least I know he has a legit point of view.
  • jesa!!!
    Best new find this year!
    I stumbled upon this podcast looking for movie reviews and SO glad I did! Love how they play off each other, they do great reviews-wish they would have some more in depth *spoiler movie reviews, but great none the less, great - keep it up and happy to have found them!
  • ejhy74
    I love TLO
    My favorite podcast. I’ve been following TLO since their Project Rungay days. No other podcast or duo compares.
  • LRohre
    The BEST walking buddies
    TLO give great recaps of pop culture fashion moments. I love taking long walks and listening to their fun, informed commentary. 10/10 would recommend.
  • one of the fools
    Happy Together
    I’ve been listening to T&L so long I feel like we’ve grown up together. I deeply appreciate their willingness to express an actual opinion without being crude or unkind. Still on my weekly must hear list.
  • EJ_Rice
    Always delightful
    I would die for Tom & Lorenzo.
  • pinkpopmash
    Po Culture
    Have been listening for years! Tom and Lorenzo’s insight into movies, television and fashion is phenomenal! Have watched several shows/movies based o. Their recommendations alone and I have yet to be disappointed by what I watched. Love you guys!
  • TeacherladyWV983
    The best podcasts always feel like a natural conversation!
    This is such a fantastic choice for a podcast. Tom and Lorenzo have a certain magic where they can provide both escape from the mundane and also bring up timely cultural conversations. I have been listening faithfully for about seven years now, and they are a mainstay of my late week when I most need it! My husband also enjoys them as well and he even calls them “our BFFs”. Thank you so much for producing such a great show.
  • Meribethcakes
    Smart and funny
    I’ve been following Tom and Lorenzo for years. This podcast is like listening to your 2 very smart and funny friends talking about popular culture.
  • evacon
    Tom and Lorenzo are the very best!
    Tom and Lorenzo are the funny and insightful uncles I wish I had! I can always count on their thoughtful breakdowns of the latest in culture and fashion. I learn something from the Pop Style Opinionfest every week, and I follow A LOT of the cultural discourse. Last but not least, Tom and Lorenzo are two genuinely good humans. Listening to them makes me want to be a better person!
  • Subi Star
    favorite pop culture and fashion commentary
    The best!!! You won’t regret listening. Topical, smart, funny.
  • rwpsb
    Loved your Camilla comment!
  • Ffttyyi
    Don’t waste your time
    Let me summarize an episode for you so you don’t waste your time. Tom: We’re so tired and busy and we wrote a book Tom: We are so fabulous and tasteful and people are so mean to us did I mention we wrote a book? Tom: Our book is so fabulous and I wrote almost all of it - Lorenzo tell them how fabulous we are. Lorenzo: I’m not… Tom: Someone disagreed with us on Twitter that puce is a fabulous color, they’re so mean to us I immediately blocked them. You can see how fabulous our taste is by buying our book Tom: People say I don’t let Lorenzo speak, that’s not true right Lorenzo? Lorenzo: Well… Tom: See I let him speak Tom: it’s so hard being us and being so fabulous and we have to go because we’re so tired and busy and if you get a chance buy our book.
  • DonutMiser
    My Friday evening must have
    T&L have gotten me through many tough times. They are entertaining in regards to popular culture, but much more as well. I have learned about gender issues, fashion history, and comic book nerd-dom from them and will can’t imagine navigating the world without hearing their cartoon voices!
  • shaglow
    My Saturday morning ritual
    I start every Saturday with you two, perfect way to start the weekend. Love your TV & movie reviews as well as fashion and your differing opinions.
  • Anais Bea
    My favorite podcast out there!
    Tom and Lorenzo are incredibly thoughtful, perceptive, and hilarious on their podcast, on everything from film, TV, fashion, and other aspects of pop culture. I pick up insights from their podcast and writing that I don’t almost anywhere else. Not podcast-specific, but TLo is one of the only outlets I know of who includes Michelle Yeoh’s Chinese name in their posts about her, for instance. It’s a reflection of the fantastic care and thoughtfulness they put into their work, and a gesture I very much appreciate being Asian. This podcast is my must-listen every week - it’s brought me so much joy and laughter, through the pandemic and I’m sure beyond!
  • grimmer59
    Wrong info wrong opinions
    Don’t know what they are talking about. And have very weird opinions. Not a great podcast if you want real information.
  • Rab Schneider
    The Che Hate, “Chate”
    Completely warranted and the show in general is forcing the “woke”-ness a little too much. It could have been handled a lot better and it’s obviously too late to go back now but I have not liked Che since her introduction on the show. No offense to the the actor but they are not my cup of tea and are so obnoxious. Yellowjackets rules!
  • Miss Im All Ears
    Why must Tom talk over Lorenzo. It’s like a sickness. He has to hear himself talk at all costs. Egos have truly gotten out of control. They continue to be out of touch with social issues, pontificating with privilege.
  • fat-fir
    Such fun!
    A great listen!!
  • maximus264
    I like the fact I don’t always agree
    I love a show that keeps you on your toes, at one point I feel like we’re on the same wavelength and then the next we’re on different shores… but that’s what life is all about. I’m a British expat living in DC (I was at your book signing) and would LOVE to have that conversation regarding the Royal Family because that is definitely where we don’t agree!
  • Prairie_Grl
    Occasionally Fun. Way Too Many Ads. SO MUCH Humble Bragging
    Way too many ads, kittens. I don’t buy for a minute you use any of these products. Also enough about your book. We get it. You wrote it. Save the shameless promotion & ENDLESS humble bragging for a different channel. And what happened to posting each week on Wednesday? Promises completely unfulfilled. You’ll continue to lose followers because you “need a break.” This is your JOB. Post every week. Also, Tom, stop talking over Lorenzo. It’s not a good look. Also, get a lozenge or some water before recording & stop coughing in the mics. It’s gross.
  • gspeak777
    Thank God
    Found this podcast thru a guest spot on Even the Rich. These men are super duper knowledgeable about pop culture but also cultural history in general. Love them, their voices, their brains. I feel seen!
  • covfefelady
    Highlight of my pod week
    I love you, booboos. Long time bitter kitten here—since the Project Rungay era! What’s better than a TLo website or book(s)? Having TLo bantering and discussing hot topics with extreme sophistication and your pocket, in your kitchen, in your car! 💕 love this format for you, thank you for giving me a lil’ something special to regularly look forward to during the pandemic 💗 hope you feel the love!
  • JenniferPerie
    Thoughtful, Erudite & Nuanced
    Tom + Lorenzo (& Miu Miu!) have made me smile this past year, for which I am deeply grateful. This is a podcast which feels authentic, open, & honest. They have empathy coupled with intelligence. Bits of “snark” are quite amusing & spot-on, but never ever cruel. In a world increasingly filled with difficult days & losses for so many, TLo care. That is no small thing - & it’s wonderful. Also, I’ve learned so much - from the fabulous days of Mad Style, which changed forevermore how I discern visual cues - to now, as they keep on keeping us company. The quality of this podcast never wanes, & I look forward to hearing their insights each week.
  • SEG409
    Quite enjoyable
    So happy to (finally) start listening to this podcast. A great blend of objective critique and opinion. Cat appearances on mic are a plus.
  • Anabana1234
    UNSUBBING - Can you let Lorenzo speak please?
    Updated: I posted a 3 star truthful review a few days ago and noticed that it was never posted. Then I noticed that no reviews seem to have been posted since September. Instead of blocking reviews, learn and grow from your listeners instead of losing subs. I am now changing my review to 1 star and unsubbing. It’s a shame because I liked you guys initially until Tom took over. I am getting close to unsubbing from this once delightful podcast because I am getting tired of Tom’s non stop domination of all conversations and constantly cutting Lorenzo off when he tries to talk. On a recent episode, Tom was yammering on about The Crown. Lorenzo brought up something about learning about a bracelet that Charles gave to Camilla before he wed Diana. Before he could finish his thought (which was relevant to the conversation), Tom cut him off by telling him that they didn’t need to get into all “the Princess Diana stuff” only to share his own thoughts about incidents involving Princess Diana. He is very disrespectful to Lorenzo.
  • mhershey66
    Tom & Lorenzo are treasures
    I’ve followed TLo since the beginning, and Project Rungay. Thank you for going beyond! For your commitment to entertaining us, critiquing celebrity fashion choices, writing essays demonstrating your film analysis expertise and generally sharing bits of your lives together.
  • rbcarc
    Love them but...
    I wish it was more Tom and Lorenzo; less Tom with Lorenzo
  • golightly101
    Tom is nasty. Lorenzo seeet.
  • helmut2005
    A wee bit holier than thou
    I appreciate a pair of barbed tongues any day but over the past six months they’ve really stepped out of their zone of fanboys in the cheap seats to a pair of know it alls who don’t have THAT much of a taste level or that much of a journalism background or ethic. What they’re providing commentary on these days is a bit over their heads.
  • jessecgreer
    I love these two
    I've followd Tom and Lorenzo for years, they feel like old friends at this point. Love their take on all things Fashion and pop culture. This podcast is like a convo with your pals each week.
  • mtnkalmia
    Great podcast!
    It is a real relief to listen to this during stressful times! Tom and Lorenzo are funny, thoughtful, and give great recommendations for TV and movies.
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